Commission Junction (CJ) Money Makers

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  1. dawei888 profile image61
    dawei888posted 15 years ago

    Question to fellow Hubbers: Who on this site has successfully make money on Commission Junction and would you be willing to share your story of success with us?


    1. viryabo profile image85
      viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I was going to ask this question myself a few days ago. I've been on CJ and havent made a dime yet. Keep thinking i'm doing something wrong. Same applies to my experience with CBank.
      No. No success story yet.
      BTW i see you changed your photo. Mmmmmmm nice! smile

      1. dawei888 profile image61
        dawei888posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Viryabo - I have been on CJ for about 6 months and have not made any $ there yet either. it's my fault though b/c i have not been spending time on it. i have, however, done fine w/EPN. I finally made a few sales on CB and they've cut their 1st check for me. So, it seems it's not a scam after all!

  2. alexd181 profile image60
    alexd181posted 15 years ago

    I have before on CJ. From personal experience ClickBank and CJ are the best affiliate marketplaces. CJ has a much larger range of products to promote and also offers per-lead commissions, however this makes it harder to select worthwhile programs, and most of them require manual approval.

    1. dawei888 profile image61
      dawei888posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey alex - right that's the hard part about CJ - the manual approval bit. any other advice for CJ newbies? thanks.

  3. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 15 years ago

    I have made money from CJs..They have such a wide range of products to suit all, and am useing them much more as my earning are slowly increasing with them!wink

    This hub will give you some ideas on how much people are making you may find useful!
    Internet Marketing Programs: Earning Statistics

    Good luck!smile

    1. dawei888 profile image61
      dawei888posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Compu-Smart - GREAT - Just skimmed through your hub and will BOOKMARK it. I'm glad I made this post as I see you're a great guy to know when it comes to affiliate marketing. Thanks so much, david

    2. viryabo profile image85
      viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks compu-smart. Off to check.

  4. bigmikeh profile image69
    bigmikehposted 15 years ago

    I made money through CJ affiliate programs years ago, but not recently as the market I was in became too competitive. Would you believe I handcoded a 20 page site in HTML (learnt from a book!) put the site up and let it mature for about two months. When the traffic was up to about 250-300 a day I applied to CJ and was accepted because the site had credibility. It made me about $100 a month for about a year before the niche got overcrowded.

    The same principles apply today really. If you develop a site or blog based on a niche, fill it with 20 pages or so of original content and build the traffic, then you'll probably get accepted for almost any affiliate program (through CJ, or others).

    But most of us (me included sometimes) want to get on with it and don't develop the site before monetizing it.

    1. dawei888 profile image61
      dawei888posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi BigMikeh - Thanks for that! Here's my big problem with CJ: They want you to build your site first - right? But what if the niche sucks...then you've wasted a ton of time building up the site!

  5. bigmikeh profile image69
    bigmikehposted 15 years ago

    dawei888 - Correct. But that takes us back to the perpetual subject of keyword research. If it is thorough, and the site has enough pages for keywords that are thought to be worthwhile, a few pages may be a waste of time but most should be OK. So it's unlikely to be a complete waste of time. And you can continue and add new pages based on ongoing keyword research to develop the site and replace those that fail. But it all takes time!

    1. dawei888 profile image61
      dawei888posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      what can i say? i guess CJ's tight-ass'd ness is their way of keeping good quality affiliates working for them and not spammers.

  6. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    I tried to apply to Commission Junction but I could never get past the section on tax - I tried following the instructions for international applicants but it simply kept rejecting me, so I gave up.

    Any other non-US Hubbers with CJ and how on earth did you get your application in?

  7. quicksand profile image82
    quicksandposted 15 years ago

    I think ClickBank is the goodest of the lot!

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If you like to promote scam - yes. It's very hard to find a product there that is not scam and at the same time worth promoting. But possible though smile

      1. quicksand profile image82
        quicksandposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well, perhaps in the "work at home" section there may be programs which come very close to being definable as "scam" ... I guess. In fact I myself have purchased nearly 30 such e-books and would not declare any one of them as total scam. It is true that sometimes the introductory phrases in the splash pages do not justify the end result. However the disclaimer in every product does the needful as it clearly states that results could vary from individual to individual. And to top it all ... there is a money back guarantee on every ClickBank product! smile

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I joined Clickbank at one time, but I didn't stay long.  There is no way I'm going to promote a product unless I know it's good value.  I can't tell whether an ebook is good unless I buy it.  I know I could get my money back but it's still a hassle and I can't see the point. I think most people are suspicious of ebooks these days anyway.


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