new domain

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  1. all_time_guy profile image61
    all_time_guyposted 15 years ago

    I want to purchase a new domain, can anybody tell which website is best to purchase new domain and also do i need to learn HTML before purchasing new domain.

    1. NYMiskovic profile image60
      NYMiskovicposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I've heard is a good site to purchase domains from  : )

    2. darkside profile image61
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I recommend

      But before you embark on building a website, you're going to need to read a lot of quality information. And also have a firm idea of the purpose of your site.

  2. all_time_guy profile image61
    all_time_guyposted 15 years ago

    Nobody knows about that.

    1. fayans profile image63
      fayansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know about others but I use for all my domains. It gives me added privacy with no extra cost.

      And if you take the time to familiarize yourself with WordPress, you'll soon realize that you can have your own website without even knowing what HTML is all about.

      If you need any help, I'm just an email away.

  3. profile image0
    Sidney Rayneposted 15 years ago

    There are some hubs here on it actually....I don't know of any in particular to steer you towards but I can tell you that there is some great information in many of them that will assist you.

    I was about to purchase a domain from clue about html clue about hosting...and what ended up being a 10.00 investment was about I immediately stopped and looked through here where I received a ton of info.

    Somebody else might comment with a few links or more information...but look's here.

  4. all_time_guy profile image61
    all_time_guyposted 15 years ago

    thanks both of you, i am doing lots of reading for the domain purchase. I also learn a tip or two about HTML but thats not enough.

    I want a domain seller which has some good web developer software. i will not make it a really big website but just want to fulfill the basic requirements.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      DON'T DON'T DON'T buy a domain from someone, then use their "free" website software to create a site. It locks you into them and if you need to transfer your site later, you're stuffed.

      Don't buy from GoDaddy either.  Learn how to use Wordpress (I'm talking, not and use that to create your site.

      Most people seem to recommend Hostgator.

      I'm sure you're beginning to see that setting up your own website isn't as easy as it sounds!  It took me about a year to learn everything I needed to know, and I did most of my learning on HubPages.  So you're in the right place!

      1. Eric Graudins profile image59
        Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly right Marisa. there are LOTS of dangers with doing this.
        And using to register your domain, and to host your site are what I recommend.

        There are lots of reasons for avoiding go-daddy. Have a look at for some of them

        All Time Guy - I've just finished writing a book which is written for technically terrified people who want to set up a business website. It's intended exactly for people in your situation.

        If you'd like to read it and provide me with some feedback, email me and I'll send you a review copy as a PDF file. Please mention your hubpages name, alltime guy, in the message.
        cheers, Eric G.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image84
          Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          All Time Guy, this is a fantastic opportunity - you should grab it with both hands.  Eric knows his stuff.

          1. all_time_guy profile image61
            all_time_guyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            thanks marisa and eric and all of you to understand a newbie's problems.

            Marisa i have e-mailed eric and i am lucky i found all of you.

            i will seriously consider your advise in future.

        2. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
          Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I use GoDaddy for domains but host them elsewhere... I haven't encountered a problem yet... I saw that site nodaddy and it seems like anti-godaddy thing... Can you please tell me some real problems with it as I will now like to change the registrar.

      2. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
        Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Why not GoDaddy? I have bought domains from them and will like to know the problems so that I can transfer them elsewhere.

  5. sunforged profile image79
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    here skim to the bottom of this:

    before you buy a domain (which is easy) put tons of time into researching the perfect name

    some people complain about GoDaddy as they are known to kill sites for copyright claims. But they have the cheapest cost at 7.49 (with coupon code) which is why i gave you that link.

    idk...ask speciifc questions and ill be happy to help...personally i still buy all my domains through godaddy.

    hostgator and namecheap are other reputable options.

    Will you need hosting also?

    1. all_time_guy profile image61
      all_time_guyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      i am not aware what do you mean by hosting but i need a reputable domain, i can pay more that 10$ for a good service, i don't want a service with so less band width or similar stuff.

      1. MontyApollo profile image60
        MontyApolloposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Buying a domain name means you buy rights to the name - - for one or more years. "Hosting" means you pay somebody to publish your website on the web. This is usually a monthly charge. So to have your own website, you need both a domain name and a hosting service.

        It sounds like you should be looking at hosting first, especially if you are new. Most hosting services will also sell you a domain name, and if you are new to this it is easier to buy domain and hosting at the same place. They all charge around $8-$10 per year for the domain name, but the cost of hosting can vary wildly.

        I pay about $5 per month at webhostgiant for hosting an unlimited number of domains (though the total bandwidth is limited on this particular plan, and each domain name still costs about $8 per year), but it might not be the best place if you have never setup a website before.

        Some hosting services are much more friendly to newbies, but they charge more. The more you learn about setting up websites, the more you can take advantage of the cheaper hosting.

        1. all_time_guy profile image61
          all_time_guyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          thanks for clearing the meaning, can you or anybody name some newbie friendly hosting websites

  6. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 15 years ago

    My poetic-humor site is hosted by SiteSell, and I like 'em well  enough I'm planning to hang in there as long as I can manage to pay the fee.  It's not cheap--$300 a year unless you catch one of their $100 specials that they run now and then--but IS very very newbie-friendly.  Great tutorials and a super SEO Analysis function that lets you KNOW if you're set up right with the search engines BEFORE you publish.

    I was still pretty green when I found those guys and was able to make it work.  They were my third try--two others had been disasters for one reason or another.  Solid Forums, too, where you can find answers to most any question that pops up to stump you. 

    One way to check  'em out would be:

    1.  Take a look at my site to see if the "feel" of the pages fits what you're seeking.

    2.  Click on my "Pie In The Sky" page.

    3.  When that comes up, click on the tortoise clip art at the bottom of the page.  That'll take you to a page of videos made by people who've used the site--it was that page that sold both my wife and me on SiteSell in late 2007.

    Of course, if the price is too prohibitive, "Fugheddaboudit!"

    Final but important thought:  Whichever host you choose, take a bit of time to check 'em out.  My first was essentially a scam and cost me thousands of dollars before I was done.  My second was through Yahoo and only cost $10 if memory serves...but I found out Yahoo and Vista (which I was and am using) were not compatible...AFTER spending weeks of site-building.

    1. White Teeth profile image60
      White Teethposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      And maybe this is just me, but the home-page is a sales letter that goes on and on and on. I guess this works, but I always see this for "internet advertising gurus" whose only real business is recruiting other "guru" wannabes. To me it becomes blah, blah, blah,...

  7. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    Ghost, $300 a year is incredibly expensive.  I thought I was paying a lot at Hightek Hosting, but I'm paying nowhere near that.

    I stick with Hightek because they're based here in Australia (in Wagga) and they're a small company - small enough that I can ring them up and ask blonde questions, and get patient, helpful answers.

    When I first started my belly dance website, they even helped me with the whole set-up because I got myself in such a horrible tangle.  They went far beyond just hosting!

  8. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 15 years ago

    I agree, Marisa.  From my current "wise" perspective, $300 definitely is high priced.  I may need to change hosts anyway (because of that), since my renewal comes up in November and a spare $300 may not.  In which case I'll probably be soliciting assistance in figuring out the move-every-piece-of-content challenge, which oughta be a dandy.  At least I've only got 120 pages or so.

    Hightek, you say?  I've not encountered a viable host before that was small enough for a human to actually pick up the phone.  That's a REALLY cool thought.

  9. Janet21 profile image80
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    I purchase my domains ($10 each) as well as host my blogs ($107/year includes one domain registration and unlimited sites) with  I use Wordpress which came free with my bluehost hosting.  So far the customer service has been great (I called them a lot in the beginning since I had know idea what I was doing) and I have experienced very minimal downtime.  No complaints here.

    With WP, you can get by with very little html knowledge.  There are buttons to bold, underline, add italics, link, add bullets, etc.  All the basics. 

    As darkside said, do your research before you jump in.  Good luck to you.

  10. Eric Graudins profile image59
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    @ all time guy:
    - Email has been sent to you.

    @Ultimate Hubber:
    You may never have any problems with GoDaddy.
    But it's their policies and the way they do business that ring alarm bells. You'll probably never have a problem if you stay there - but at least I've made you aware of the problems.

    You'll need to check out Lissie's blog about SiteBuild it, where she created somewhat of a firestorm by daring to criticise it.

    Basically they provide a service that may have been fantastic several years ago, but is very dated now. If you believe you are getting good value for money, and they provide the support and facilities you need - that's great.
    However, I believe that self hosted Wordpress is a far better solution. Especially if you want to add additional websites, which you can do for an additional cost of zero dollars each, compared to $300 for each extra sitebuild it site. 

    And yes, moving your site away from sitebuild it will take some time. That's the problem with all these proprietary sites.

    (And my business hosting clients have my personal mobile number, and have had so for many, many years - smile )

    @Marisa - Thanks for your kind comments. If you'd like a review copy, shot me an email.

    Eric G.

  11. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 15 years ago

    Thanks, Eric.  I hopped over and read Lissie's critique.  Sounds pretty on-target, actually.  I defintely needed that hand-holding 18 months ago but should be able to shift gears now without tearing out any more hair than I've already lost.

    The one ongoing problem I have with SBI (other than the price) is that when it comes time to link out from one of my pages, the process is a little slow and clunky.  When we're trying to make a buck or two online (as we all know) time is beyond gold. 

    As of right now (in my head) it's about a fifty-fifty guess as to whether I'll move my stuff in November or not.


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