Need Critiques, Comments and Traffic

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  1. aoiffe379 profile image61
    aoiffe379posted 15 years ago

    I am a newbie having been on Hub pages for less than two months. The experience has provided a challenge. Even my friends became involved to find out my daily hub scores. As of today, I have completed fifty four hubs though  only forty eight have been published.

    Since I have been charting my hub and profile scores I have a basic idea of my rating. However, I would like to know why and what I can do to improve my hub writing skills. The traffic has been abysmal and I have received few comments. I will not even glimpse earnings because without traffic, there is no money.

    I would like some critiques and comments please especially about how I can generate comments and more traffic. I have been reading lots of hubs but my traffic does not indicate that hubbers have been reading my hubs. My hubs are at http://hubpages/profile/aoiffe379. Thanks for your visit and comments.

  2. Suspect20 profile image67
    Suspect20posted 15 years ago

    I feel where you are coming from with the lack of comments and feedback to hubs.  I only have 10 published as of writing this.  The only comment I got on one was from random google visitor that wanted to take the time and inform me I was in need of "getting a life".  Despite a fair amount of traffic there seems to be little feedback; which sucks when you are writing content that could be improved by knowing what users think or want further detail on.

    Have you tried joining a popular forum related to religion or mental well being?  There is usually a sub section at most debate forums, which may not be a place you have checked.  As most of your hubs are based on that subject you would probably have a lot to add and contribute to a forum, and could share links to your hubs there.

  3. Shadesbreath profile image74
    Shadesbreathposted 15 years ago

    For starters, I would suggest adding some images/pictures to your hubs.  I only read five or six of them, but from a glance down your list, you don't have pictures in any of them.

    Also, who are you writing to?

    It's clear you are very into your religion, which is great, but as a writer, you have to ask yourself who your audience is.  Your pieces are somewhat abstruse to someone like me who is not into religion, so when I read them, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get from it.  If you are wanting to write to convert/or introduce/explain faith to those who don't have it/want it, you have to let them know up front when you start it out what you are going to tell them and why it might matter to me to keep reading. Have to pique their interest.

    On the other hand, if your hubs are meant for existing religious people, I'm still not sure what the point is exactly.  If it's just sort of, sharing an idea, or something, perhaps consider setting up the idea first, so at least the reader, again, understands what they are intended to learn/understand/recognize from the hub.

    Your profile says you are a teacher, so I know you had to learn the real basic essay format to teach kids. I'd consider looking at your next hub from an "essay" standpoint since the things you are trying to convey are complex.  YOU understand what all this stuff means because you have a passion for it, but your readers need to be guided through it since they aren't in your head and heart.

    1. What is the point of my essay? (Then write a thesis statement)

    2. What are the three (4, 6, whatever) key scriptures or revelations etc. that I want to tie to that point. (Make body paragraphs out of each one... and include not just the scripture, but a patient breakdown of why that part of scripture speaks to your main point stated at the beginning/thesis.)

    3. Conclude (wrap it up, tell me what it all means, why it matters to me as a reader.)

    Also, regarding comments, you'll get more comments once you find an audience.  There's tons of religious people on Hubpages, so search the religion topics, hit the religion forums, and you'll start finding people who enjoy all that stuff too.  Read their hubs, leave comments, etc.  They'll recognize you as one of the flock and perhaps some will come see your hubs, and give you tips and stuff.  I think SirDent is a very popular religious writer.  Go check out his stuff and you'll see some examples of good feedback and that sort of thing.

    Good luck!

  4. Ron Montgomery profile image60
    Ron Montgomeryposted 15 years ago
  5. Susana S profile image93
    Susana Sposted 15 years ago

    As an addition to shadesbreath useful information on writing hubs: To get comments, fans and a following on hubpages get reading! Read other people's hubs and make comments on theirs, join other people's fan clubs and leave them fan mail, get active in the forums, write a hub for the weekly hubmob. smile

  6. motivatedpen profile image60
    motivatedpenposted 15 years ago

    I am new at this, so some suggestions are appreciated.



    1. Shadesbreath profile image74
      Shadesbreathposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well, Motivatedpen, I can't help but say I'm picking up a bit of irony when I check out your hubs and juxtapose them with the name your chose for yourself.  Perhaps if your pen were, uh, just a BIT more movitated, you would get more activity from your hub.  So, uh, ... yeah, consider actually writing some words with that there motivated pen of yours and you'll be in great shape!  The pictures are nice though.  smile

  7. thesleepingman profile image60
    thesleepingmanposted 15 years ago

    I wrote a hub about increasing your web traffic including great ideas for people to use even when they are not online. Take a gander. … Strategies

  8. aoiffe379 profile image61
    aoiffe379posted 15 years ago

    I wish to express my gratitude to all of you for your comments. I have been to forums but I am not sure how they work. Thus, I have simply read the comments. An example is that I would like to reply individually to each person who gave a comment. However,when I clicked quote/reply I was lost and confused. I was not sure where to type the comment.

    Based on the critiques, I will take the advice and make necessary adjustments. As for photos, I have a ton of photos. They are just too painfully slow to upload. The other day I decided to change my profile photo and that proved disastrous.I loaded up the photo and got lost. I did not find the next step! What is simple to some people may be complex to others. Thus, i will aim for simplicity in my writing. Thanks again.


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