100 Hubs, but only 80 fans

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  1. rmshdc profile image58
    rmshdcposted 15 years ago

    I have seen that some hubbers have put on a very few hubs - not even niche hub topics.  But they have several fans.

    I just added my 100th HubPage today!  But I have got only 80 fans. 

    (1) Are there any tips for getting more FANS for your hubpages?

    (2) Also I would like to know if it helps to increase traffic by having MORE fans?

    1. countrywomen profile image59
      countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      First of all Congratulations on publishing 100 hubs. Now coming to this topic and not that I am an expert at getting fans but anyway here are few of my observations:
      1) Read lots of good hubs of fellow hubbers and leave comments (We all love to receive some feedback for our writings)
      2) It helps to put some analysis in our comments i.e., Instead of saying just nice hub or good hub add something to it like what you feel based on your personal experiences and if at all we have to disagree then do it agreeably. Also follow up on comments already left which helps to make further inroads into the other persons recall ability about us.
      3) If you really like their hubs then join promptly their fan club (do unto others...)
      4) Finally when some one does leave a comment on our hub then respond to it promptly and thoughtfully instead of standard response like Thanks for stopping by or Glad for commenting.

      When we show respect for others(by putting thought behind our words) then it goes a long way in building good relationships. big_smile

      1. Dottie1 profile image66
        Dottie1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Words of  Wisdom from countrywomen, that's why I'm her fan! wink

        1. countrywomen profile image59
          countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          To address the second part of your question: When more people take notice of what we publish then that results in increased traffic from Hub pages at least.

          Dottie- Thank you so much for those kind words. Receiving appreciation from wonderful people like you makes many of us happy to be part of this Hub family big_smile

      2. rmshdc profile image58
        rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You have indeed added some 'nice' points.  Most of them agree that good comments on hubs are the most welcome thing.  some of you have already pointed that it is the QUALITY not QUANTITY that matters mosts.  I am happy that I have good advise and good suggestions.

    2. ngureco profile image79
      ngurecoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The secret is in commenting in all forums like you have done now. Three days ago you had 80 fans. Now you have 89, an increase of 9 fans in 3 days. In a month you’ll have 90 fans. In 5 months you’ll have 450 fans.

      Having many fans MAY increase your traffic from Hubpages.

      1. rmshdc profile image58
        rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        NGURECO! You have noticed a good point.

    3. Triplet Mom profile image69
      Triplet Momposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Looks like coming here and posting a message has helped a lot because now you have more than 100 fans!! I think the point is to get involved, the more involved with responses and becoming fans the more fans you will have!!

  2. bhoge profile image59
    bhogeposted 15 years ago

    Read fellow hubbers hubs comment on hubs and join the fan club if you like big_smile
    By this way you may increase your fans big_smile
    Congrats on your 100 hubs, way to go...

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Bhoge!  thanks for ur comments and idea to read fellow hubbers comments.  Of course I am joining your fan club!

  3. mdvaldosta profile image61
    mdvaldostaposted 15 years ago

    I'm with you, I do see alot of folks with huge numbers of fans but they've been around for a while. I wish I had more fans too, but I just think it takes time. I think commenting (good comments) on other's hubs is the best way to gain fans.

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      mdvaldosta! you idea of commenting taken.

      I agree with you on that.

    2. profile image0
      Ananta65posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      In my experience it's not a matter of quantity, but a matter of quality and - indeed - time. I've 'only' published 79 hubs and I am so fortunate to have 173 fans. I think fans don't become your fan just because you publish a lot. It's what you publish that attracts people.

  4. tommen profile image77
    tommenposted 15 years ago

    I have been a member for 1 year and have only 2 hubs.If i would have been more active and participated more I would have more friends by now.When it comes to hubs, I think that you will do nicely with only a few good, information rich hubs instead of dozens of half-baked ones.

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      with just 3 hubs, you have 30 fans.  that is indeed good one.  As pointed out, if you have been more active, your fans might have more.

      information rich hubs indeed will attract more fans.  Points taken.  thanks

  5. LegendaryN8 profile image60
    LegendaryN8posted 15 years ago

    Hey, do you go on Indian Pad at all?  If you are big into anything "Desi", you should rack up some fans there.

  6. ngureco profile image79
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    I have not seen it before - this writing in red text has it always been there or its a new text formating that has been introduced?

    1. countrywomen profile image59
      countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I just started using it for the past few weeks. I thought it always existed. big_smile

  7. KCC Big Country profile image79
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    Everyone wants loads of fans and fans do lead to good exposure......but, just because you don't have many fans doesn't mean you don't have good exposure.  Ultimately, we're not writing to impress our fellow hubbers, although we do feed off the input from each other.  And, of course we want their approval and admiration.  But, isn't the object of our writing the hubs in the first place to reach non-hubbers?  Non-hubbers who need or want our information and/or are hungry to buy products from our pages?  Non-hubbers won't show up in your fan base, non-hubbers don't leave you comments.

    At least that's how I try to console myself for not having many fans.  LOL

  8. Dottie1 profile image66
    Dottie1posted 15 years ago

    I did not have many fans my first few months.  Then I didn't come to hubpages at all for 4-5 months last winter.  So all my fans started to come in the summer and I think because I became more active on the forums and I started participating in the hubmobs.

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You already have 298 fans by now... err.. 299 (after my addition)!


  9. countrywomen profile image59
    countrywomenposted 15 years ago

    I have been reading a few posts and I just would like to add further to this discussion.

    If one joins a place or a community then what is the primary objective of joining it:
    1) I can't speak for others but for me I would say that: I love to write on whatever I feel like and also improve my writing.
    2) I love to read (maybe books become too heavy to read and prefer short cuts like hubs) tongue
    3) I love to participate, share and exchange our knowledge/ideas with others.

    Now I intentionally eliminated things like traffic or money earnings. Why I did that is due to the fact that I enjoy doing these 3 activities and in the process eventually if I do make some money than I would be more than happy getting paid to enjoy. But if my primary purpose was other way around then neither I may be happy nor even end up making the money I expected to make. Then I would be the loser on both fronts at least now I have no regrets as far as not making money since I am enjoying hub pages so much. big_smile

  10. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    Congrats on the 100 articles !!! You are doing fine however here is my suggestion write articles also about other things to spice it up as many of us ladies do not want to see pics of other women. Write about Love, experiences etc., that will also attract more fans. Great Job and keep up the good work.smile

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      AEvans... thanks for nice and very valid advice.  I have already started thinging about articles to write about.  Untill now, I was giving tips to a friend's wife to write articles that might interest ladies.  Now I will do some writing with some advise from my friend's wife.

      thanks again AEvans

  11. weblog profile image59
    weblogposted 15 years ago

    Congrats on your achievements big_smile

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      thanks weblog

  12. foxility profile image59
    foxilityposted 15 years ago

    I think hubpages is not just about writting articles, but you also have to participate in the forum, comments, and become fans of others. I like going through random people and reading their articles because there is some interesting things here.

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      foxility... you are right.  It is not only writing articles, but your participation in forums, comments.  I feel very happy when somebody leaves a good comment.  Besides, if some one points out some errors, it helps!

      I am happy that I have started this thread.  I got lot of good points from various readers!  They are all helpful.

  13. rmshdc profile image58
    rmshdcposted 15 years ago

    Here is sum up of all the advise my hub friends have given in this forum:

    [bhoge]:  Read comments on hubs and join fan club if you like

    [mdvaldosta]: Agress with above, good comments on other hubs to gain fans

    [tommen]: a few good and information rich hubs instead of dozens of half backed one will win more fans

    [Ananta65]:  It is a matter of quality rather than QUANTITY.  What you publish matters and not how much you have publish.

    1) Read Hubs and leave comments (We all love to receive some feedback for our writings)
    2) Instead of say NICE HUB or GOOD hub, comment what you feel about the hubs and idea put in by writer.
    3) Join fan club if you like a hub
    4) Respond to comments you received on your own hubs.  thank then for stopping by you hubpage.
    5) Show respect to others and build a good relationship with everyone around here.
    6) When more people take notice of what we publish then that results in increased traffic from Hub pages at least.

    [Dottie1]: Agress with above: Dottie1 said: "Words of  Wisdom from [countrywomen], that's why I'm her fan"

    ngureco: Comment on forums.  Comments brings fans @ 3 per day, 90 in a month, 450 in 5 months.  Having more fans increases traffic.

    LegendaryN8: Go to Indian Pad to rack up fans if your subject has DESI (Indian).

    Triplet Mom:  Looks like coming here (FORUMS) and posting a message has helped a lot
    The point is to get involved, the more involved with responses and becoming fans the more fans you will have!!

    KCC Big Country: Everyone wants loads of fans to good exposure......but, this doesn't mean you don't have good exposure.  We're not writing to impress our fellow hubbers, although we do feed off the input from each other.  And, of course we want their approval and admiration.  But, isn't the object of our writing the hubs in the first place to reach non-hubbers?  Non-hubbers who need or want our information and/or are hungry to buy products from our pages?  Non-hubbers won't show up in your fan base, non-hubbers don't leave you comments. At least that's how I try to console myself for not having many fans.  LOL

    dottie1: My fans started to come in the summer because I became more active on the forums and I started participating in the hubmobs.

    participate in the forum, comments, and become fans of others.

    this one I implementing
    You are doing fine however here is my suggestion write articles also about other things to spice it up as many of us ladies do not want to see pics of other women. Write about Love, experiences etc., that will also attract more fans. Great Job and keep up the good work.smile

    I have been reading a few posts and I just would like to add further to this discussion.

    If one joins a place or a community then what is the primary objective of joining it:
    1) I can't speak for others but for me I would say that: I love to write on whatever I feel like and also improve my writing.
    2) I love to read (maybe books become too heavy to read and prefer short cuts like hubs)
    3) I love to participate, share and exchange our knowledge/ideas with others.

    I enjoy doing these 3 activities and in the process eventually if I do make some money than I would be more than happy getting paid to enjoy. But if my primary purpose was other way around then neither I may be happy nor even end up making the money I expected to make. Then I would be the loser on both fronts at least now I have no regrets as far as not making money since I am enjoying hub pages so much.

    1. countrywomen profile image59
      countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the summation of all the advices and especially for the mention of "Gem of the advice" big_smile

      1. rmshdc profile image58
        rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You are welcome COUNTRYWOMEN.  Your writting (hubs or comments on the forums) are indeed excellent and useful.  No wonder you have about 450 fans with 45 hubs!

  14. LondonGirl profile image80
    LondonGirlposted 15 years ago

    Personally, I think quality is more important than quantity. 100 hubs with not much info, but loads of links, don't do it for me. 10 well-written and detailed hubs is a much better proposition.

    (This isn't aimed at your hubs, it's a general comment)

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      thanks LONDONGIRL.  as you can see, most of the hubbers have suggested to write QUALITY hubs and NOT QUANTITY.  Moreover, we also need to be active in forums and comments on hubpages we read.  Importantly, we need to read HUBS and genuinly give valid feedback.

      Please read SUMMING UP of the comments I received to queries I posted on this forum.

  15. countrywomen profile image59
    countrywomenposted 15 years ago

    Quality is good to begin with and over a period of time quantity should increase too. The ideal combination would be a blend of both quantity and quality i.,e for those who like the lime juice if the best quality is made but then only offered a table spoon to drink won't be sufficient enough tongue

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Your are right (as always lol ).  A right mix of both quality and quantity should increase visitors and thereby the fan club.

      I have seen some people with lots of hubpages - close to about 2000, and they also have similar number of fans.  But I am not sure, if they generate good taraffic?

      After reading all the comments on this thread, specially the one you have give in your replies, I have changed my strategy.  I will work first on quality, then will increase the quantity.  For example, my just published hub on Women in Saree!

  16. dishyum profile image59
    dishyumposted 15 years ago

    Great advices here smile

    1. rmshdc profile image58
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      thanks [dishyum].  I have benefited a lot thru' this thread.  one of write in this thread suggested to write on subjects that would interest women as well!  I am now exploring.  Actually one need to write on various subject.

      1. charanjeet kaur profile image60
        charanjeet kaurposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        LOL!!! this thread should surely help me as i have no fan yet while i have had so many profile visits.. im just waiting to get lucky.. i love it here so im gonna stick around for a while.. and ya gud tips for a newbie like me..thankee.

        1. AEvans profile image74
          AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          charanjeet, I became a fan and am happy to do such , welcome to HubPages you will find a wonderful community filled with amazing people and everyone is always ready to jump in and help.smile

        2. rmshdc profile image58
          rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I am really happy that I have raised this question in this forum and in the process I am really very successfull in getting more fans from just 80 fans when I start this thread to now about 117 fans.  That is really good indeed.

          Some of the tips posted here are really helpful which I have sum up recently in the same thread.

          Welcome to my fanclub!  And lots of hubs and hugs!

  17. rmshdc profile image58
    rmshdcposted 15 years ago

    Now I have cross 100+fans @ 144 hubpages.

  18. charanjeet kaur profile image60
    charanjeet kaurposted 15 years ago

    Aww you guys are really awesome.. i already have three fans, is this like instant recognition..*grins and love it*

    1. weblog profile image59
      weblogposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Now you have one more fan, see your profile page smile


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