Have you written a hub that was a LOT more successful than others?

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  1. Cloverleaf profile image89
    Cloverleafposted 13 years ago

    Have you written a hub that was a LOT more successful than others?

    What do you think was different about this hub?  For example, did you promote it more than usual or arrange your capsules differently?

  2. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    Yes. I have one, out of about 116, that accounts for one third of my total views.
    I don't promote, backlink or research SEO. I didn't do anything except be lucky in the subject I picked, which seems to be searched fairly frequently.
    It is not a controversial or steamy subject, either.
    Despite all the views, it is not my most profitable hub. If I were smarter, I'd write another on a similar theme, but I haven't yet.
    So which one is it? Nope. Not telling.

  3. ChristinS profile image35
    ChristinSposted 13 years ago

    I have two that have been that way so far.  One was one that tied in nicely to a website theme and is a popular subject.  I cross promoted it on my blog and through my mailing list and people enjoyed it very much and therefore stumbled, tweeted, and shared it via facebook etc. 

    The other was one that was featured on the HubPages blog and it was something considered very useful by many people and it received many bookmarks and great deal of shares as well. 

    If you write awesome hubs that people are compelled to share via twitter/facebook/stumble etc. they get higher rankings in search engines and more attention in general.  The quality has to be there - anyone can backlink etc. but the one's that get really noticed are the ones that are truly something unique.

  4. javaoverride profile image61
    javaoverrideposted 13 years ago

    I have two hubs that stand out from the others the first one titled "Google vs Facebook" but it only took off once I won a HubNugget for it and it was featured in the newsletter. The second one titled "Top Five USB Gadgets" has been increasing in traffic for a while now I didn’t really do anything different in terms of promoting it, I do now spend more time promoting this hub but only because it got more views than any other so I came to the conclusion more people would enjoy it and it had a better chance of making money.

  5. Jeannieinabottle profile image90
    Jeannieinabottleposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I have a few hubs that do better than the rest.  I will be honest, it is a mystery to me.  I think one just has the perfect combination of keywords.  I have tried to create others similar to it to pull in more traffic, but it always does the best. 

    I know I should try harder as far as keywords, promoting, etc.  I just like creating the hubs and not thinking about them in such a way.  It kills the creative process.  At least, that is what I keep telling myself.  Maybe I am really just lazy.  It is hard to say.

  6. DIY Backlinks profile image59
    DIY Backlinksposted 13 years ago

    Yes i have a few that are doing really well. I think the reason is the catchy headline and the fact the subjects are more popular. You always have to consider the keywords as well.

  7. Movie Master profile image60
    Movie Masterposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I had 1 hub that did really well.
    I am sure a good eye catching title makes all the difference.
    This one had 'Help' in the title, maybe hubbers got curious!
    I'm pleased and grateful they did!

  8. Rock_nj profile image84
    Rock_njposted 13 years ago

    Yes.  The three hubs that I wrote about particular stocks have done far better then others.  But then again, they are easy to promote on the message boards associated with the stocks.  It seems as if all in all any hub that is financial or money related does better than most others. 

    I also like to write hubs about topics that interest me and topics that are not discussed widely and deserve a wider audience, regardless of their popularity.

  9. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    Yes I have. It was very controvercial it got over 100 responses.

  10. stuff4you profile image59
    stuff4youposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I have one that got many more views than all others simply because I posted it inside of a good question in a Q/A forum.

  11. wytegarillaz profile image60
    wytegarillazposted 13 years ago

    One I wrote for a joke has over 23,000 views lol ! 0ver 150 a day coming to it !
    I promoted it on facebook like I do with other hubs .


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