Do YOU think that selfish people are happier, mentally and psychologically healt

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    Do YOU think that selfish people are happier, mentally and psychologically healthier, and more

    successful than those who ARE NOT?

  2. profile image0
    Mountain_Roseposted 10 years ago

    "Do YOU think that selfish people are happier, mentally and psychologically healthier, and more successful than those who ARE NOT?"

    I think that people who are honest with themselves and others are happier mentally and yes, psychologically healthier but not necessarily more successful. For example, I always thought that I was too selfish to have children. I liked doing what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it; spending my money frivolously rather than on items of necessity or managing a budget; even sleeping in until noon if I wanted to. I knew this about myself, but I was also honest to myself which, I believe, has made me a better mother. Granted, I think that anyone with a brain finds moments of self doubt, mental or psychological distress and those that take it to the extreme can find themselves alienating everyone around them, losing their job, etc. but I don't believe that any type of self being such as selfishness or the power of positive thinking can affect anyone's financial success.

    I do think that selfless people tend to be mislead and manipulated easier than those that are selfish, thus allowing self absorbed people to claw their way to the top without a care for those they stepped on along the way. In short, I think that it's a matter of how far a person is willing to go in order to get what they want determines their 'success' and this in turn leads to them believing they are happy due to the income they can bring in.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent statement you have presented regarding the question at hand!

    2. profile image0
      Mountain_Roseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you gmwilliams. smile

  3. Say Yes To Life profile image80
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years ago

    Absolutely not!  People are often selfish because they feel poor or threatened; obviously that is not a happy, mentally healthy state to be in!  Also, they tend to have a hard time making friends, so they're lonely.
    People who are happiest and best adjusted are those who have learned to give and take without being taken advantage of.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image79
    dashingscorpioposted 10 years ago

    I've yet to meet anyone who considered themselves to be "selfish".
    This is a description often used by others based on their perception of an individual. It's impossible to succeed in life without directly or indirectly benefiting others in some way! For example if you started a business that grew to 10,000 employees and you became a billionaire but was not known to make charitable donations, some people would call you selfish. However your idea which you (shared) with the world has provided 10,000 household salaries as well as products and services to enhance the lives of your fellow citizens! The amount of taxes your company pays helps to curtail some of the property taxes for residents who reside in the town you are based in.
    Every time you make a purchase you are stimulating the economy! Generally speaking if someone describes another person as being selfish it is usually because of "personal reasons". The person did not "share" with (them) or help others they knew. In other words if you aren't doing what (I) would do then you are selfish. I believe anyone who lives life on their own terms is generally a happier person.

  5. Borsia profile image40
    Borsiaposted 10 years ago

    Selfish in what?
    There are times when it is better to selfish and there are times when it is at least nice and rewarding to be giving.
    As a general life style I think that selfish people hurt themselves far more than others. They tend to become hating and strung just a little too tight. it can become an obsession.
    Whatever you do you should be in your own comfort zone and not worry about what anyone else wants.
    Success means something different to everyone. Are stingy people more apt to accumulate more, probably. But that doesn't make them the winners in life.
    There should be a point of balance but only you can find your own.

  6. profile image0
    Kathleen Kerswigposted 10 years ago

    I actually believe that people who are selfless are happiest. There is a certain kind of joy that can only come from helping others. Unless you try it, you will never know the rewards that come from reaching out to assist people. The trick is to let go of any expectations for a thank you in return. If it is truly a selfless act, preferably where the other person does not even know who helped them, then the helping act itself is enough.

    Good question!

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you!  Also your response is lovely and heartfelt!

  7. Gabriel Wilson profile image90
    Gabriel Wilsonposted 10 years ago

    I think being a selfish person is already a sign of not being completely happy, otherwise why would you have to think so much of yourself and not others. Admittedly we can all be selfish at times (not sharing our favorite sweets), but being a selfish person is a different thing altogether. It's a way of life and I would imagine it can be difficult to be content, always wanting more, to be better etc etc

    Mentally and psychologically healthier! Selfish people tend to concentrate on themselves quite a bit. I would imagine this means they miss out on other things that they would probably enjoy and people for that matter. I would also think being a selfish person you have to be around other selfish people; I doubt that's healthy for any mental capacity.
    Overall I think it depends on the person and their life style.

    More successful! Most driven people will be called selfish at some point in their lives. Accused of not spending time with family or expecting others to do more than their fair share. However there's a difference between being driven to succeed and selfishly driven.
    Hard work, persistence and the odd lucky break helps you succeed, regardless of whether your selfish or not.

  8. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 10 years ago

    yeah, my brother in law is selfish, he earns more more, live in bigger house, always get lucky, never see he fails in anything, has the property given by my mother in law, calla the shot, healthy, seems that everything goes well for him. All of us are envy of him although he  is being branded as the black sheep in the family

  9. suzettenaples profile image87
    suzettenaplesposted 10 years ago

    N o, just the opposite.  I think they are unhappy, spoiled, and narcissistic .


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