Jump to Last Post 1-47 of 47 discussions (92 posts)
  1. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    Okay - so last night I got my first 1000 hits and today I have my first 100 fans - thank you to you all! I love you big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile Got to go to work now... see you all later big_smile

    1. profile image49
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well done, we loves ya 2 !

  2. profile image50
    Frymonposted 15 years ago

    Nice Job! big_smile

  3. ScarletRyan1970 profile image59
    ScarletRyan1970posted 15 years ago

    Well done.
    Have a great day at work.

  4. Pr0metheus profile image58
    Pr0metheusposted 15 years ago

    How'd you get so many fans!?  I'm about 200 away from 1,000... but my fans are lacking :-(.

  5. profile image0
    Louidam1posted 15 years ago

    Great job!  Your doing really well!

  6. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 15 years ago


  7. dohn121 profile image81
    dohn121posted 15 years ago

    Great job, Lucinedasky!  That's great news.

  8. Cheri Schultz profile image57
    Cheri Schultzposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations!!! That is quite an accomplishment.. I have a lot of work to do.

  9. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    Thanks guys, and Prometheus, I am sorry, I have no idea. I guess I am just lucky big_smile

  10. Envoy profile image66
    Envoyposted 15 years ago

    Congrats that is fantastic! smile
    Have a great night at work.

  11. Write at Home profile image60
    Write at Homeposted 15 years ago

    Very nice, and I'm upping your fan base by one more right now!

  12. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    YAY - thanks guys big_smile I am blushing

  13. profile image0
    Aquaposted 15 years ago

    Way to go! It will just keep getting better! smile

  14. thranax profile image73
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Gratz on your quick Success!


  15. profile image49
    PirateGirlposted 15 years ago

    Only 2 ahead with an extra Hub, not good Captain smile

    1. starme77 profile image75
      starme77posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      its fine go write a poem

      1. profile image49
        BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Lol you tell her babe, her poems are all doom and gloom anyway the miserable cow smile

      2. profile image49
        PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I will when I am ready !

  16. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    Thanks guys big_smile

  17. heller profile image60
    hellerposted 15 years ago

    Nice one - congratulations.
    Enjoyed your article on writers block.
    I also like photography check out some of my hubs most have pictures on them.

    Sláinte as we say in my neighborhood.

  18. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    I read one and it was great - I can't wait until I get my camera back and can put your tips into practice!

    1. hubtivist profile image56
      hubtivistposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Luciendasky, lol I love that you are happy. smile Congrats on everything.

      1. profile image49
        PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Hubs hows you !

        1. hubtivist profile image56
          hubtivistposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Fine, thanks. Congrats on what your captain did. He got that 90 after all. smile

          1. profile image49
            PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            No he didnt he only hit 86 at the best !

            1. hubtivist profile image56
              hubtivistposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              lol the hub is 84 now, but I saw it at 92 a day ago. I swear. If you don't believe me, ask around. wink

              1. profile image49
                PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Sure you know it means nowt anyway, btw he said hes sorry for any crap the other night. I told him that Hubtivist guy is just what Hubpages needs to liven the site up. You have a really cheeky smile smile

                1. hubtivist profile image56
                  hubtivistposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  tnx, I feel the same way about him cool

                  1. profile image49
                    BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    Respect back man, no hard feelings !

  19. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    I love being happy too... it is hard work sometimes, but it definitely pays off in the end big_smile

    1. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well done babes x

  20. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    thx pirategirl big_smile

  21. profile image49
    PirateGirlposted 15 years ago

    So you writing a Hub soon Hubtivist I so wanna read it !

  22. profile image49
    PirateGirlposted 15 years ago

    Thats good and its actually good to see people like you on Hubs, its been missing that since some of the quality writers left. By quality I don't mean the spend all day keyword writers I mean the shoot from the hip writers. I gotta a feeling you got a loaded pistol ready for yer first hub.

    I await it with baited breath, you take my breath away anyway smile

  23. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    Wow, since posting this hubs about 3 hours ago, my fan base has increased by 10 percent! Thank you for all the support all!

  24. profile image49
    BadCoposted 15 years ago

    You go girl !

  25. profile image49
    PirateGirlposted 15 years ago

    I write when I decide ok and when I do it's quality not BS and I will beat you to 90 BadCo smile

  26. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    I hear you PG, you tell him! wink

    1. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, he is so up himself !

      1. profile image49
        BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        At least I am not up you, you are crap at writing Poems you should just leave Hubs !

        1. profile image49
          PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah and the only thing on yer ship rhymes with Anchor !!!!

  27. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    lol big_smile

  28. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    uh oh, I better stay out of this one! big_smile

  29. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago


  30. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    by the way, PG, I am glad that you are allowed to post on forums again... I saw you got banned and frankly I loved the way you accomplished it.

    1. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I kick ass on here babe and they Hubs know it, I have fans and I also attract readers, you think they wanna lose that. I am the Cabin Girl and I awaken this coffin they call a Forum smile

      1. profile image49
        BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        To be blunt CG, yer full of shit !

        1. profile image49
          PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Ok lets raise the stakes BC, whoever hits 90 last stays off the Forums for a week because I know I am gonna kick yer ass !

          1. profile image49
            BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Ok you got a bet, you are thinking the same thoughts about Luciendasky as me, how strange smile

  31. profile image0
    Aquaposted 15 years ago

    BadCo and Pirate Girl are on a roll tonight! smile

  32. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    I know, it is quite fun big_smile

  33. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    lol, that is why I love the "two" of you!

    1. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I love you, oh my I have bad thoughts about you smile

  34. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    lol, oh you guys!

    1. profile image49
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Ooops ok I might have had the odd thought but was nothing bad, lol smile

    2. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      In mine I let you keep the cap on smile

  35. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    lol, suuuuuuuuuure....

  36. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    smile lol

  37. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    well that is good to know! big_smile

    1. profile image49
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I gotta admit I took yer cap off as I wanted to see that flowing hair smile

  38. shamelabboush profile image57
    shamelabboushposted 15 years ago

    PG and BC, why don't kiss and make up!!! You're making a scene...

    1. profile image49
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Cause I gotta beat the depressing wench to 90, her poems are so damn depressing, I hear instead of Valium the Doctors are now giving out PirateGirl Poems lol !

      1. shamelabboush profile image57
        shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        This is superb BC... Original lol smile

        1. profile image49
          PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Shamel I thought you loved me, support the Cabin Girl !

          1. shamelabboush profile image57
            shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I just adore you smile After a second thought, I think I'll have two PG's lol..........

            1. profile image49
              BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Jezzzzzzzzzzzz flash of boobs and you jump ship you deserter lol !

              1. shamelabboush profile image57
                shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry BC, but I'm not gonna take you home with me tonight... smile

          2. shamelabboush profile image57
            shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            PG, let's start a mutiny and elope with the booty?

            1. profile image49
              PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              I think I am a Lesbian !

      2. profile image49
        PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Was that when he said you had a split personality, you were talking to yerself not him you daft fool. When I hit 90 first you better bugger off for a week !

  39. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    They should kiss and make up - though that may be a scene in and of itself! BC, how do you know I don't have a giant bald spot under this cap?

    1. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I wud deff kiss you xxx

  40. shamelabboush profile image57
    shamelabboushposted 15 years ago

    Well, they should take their laundry inside... Let me buy you a drink BC and talk it over?

  41. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    Oh this is so much fun to read!

  42. profile image49
    BadCoposted 15 years ago

    Oh shut up, you have hijacked this lovely ladies thread and you know I likes her, you just ruined everything !!

  43. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    LOL big_smile I love you all!

    1. shamelabboush profile image57
      shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      We all love ya sweety smile

      1. Luciendasky profile image59
        Luciendaskyposted 15 years agoin reply to this


        1. profile image49
          PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I think I am in love with her as well xx

          1. shamelabboush profile image57
            shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            But you promised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    awwww, you guys! I feel like I am being fought over!

    1. profile image49
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You are, my sword is drawn because you will be mine smile

      1. shamelabboush profile image57
        shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        BC, I will retire now to my den. They are all yours specially the jilt PG....

        1. profile image49
          BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Goodnight my friend, I dont want that slapper PG I want the classy Luciendasky smile

    2. shamelabboush profile image57
      shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Nay....... Stay out of it! Because of you, now she's jilting me... My rival....

    3. profile image49
      PirateGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think we know who you want, you may be straight but hey don't knock it until you have tried it, my bunk awaits you smile

      1. profile image49
        BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Will you go to bed, without Luciendasky, she is with the Captain tonight and if she is bald under that cap I am kissing her head............PG gooooooooooooooooooooo!

        Shes mine !

  45. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    LOL big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile

  46. Luciendasky profile image59
    Luciendaskyposted 15 years ago

    well this has been amazingly fun - but currently I must go to dinner, but hopefully I will be on hub pages later on this evening big_smile Have a good night all... and BC, you know I can't decide between the two of you... I love you both big_smile

    1. profile image49
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Enjoy yer dinner and going back to the orginal thread before we hijacked you, well done and have a cracking weekend, we love you loads !

  47. emievil profile image63
    emievilposted 15 years ago

    *sigh* I'm late again for the party. Congrats luciendasky smile


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