"Weekly Topic Inspiration: Disaster Preparedness"

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  1. Dave Powell profile image60
    Dave Powellposted 13 years ago

    "Weekly Topic Inspiration: Disaster Preparedness"

    For our next weekly topic, I'd like to suggest "Creating a Personal or Family Disaster Plan." What should such a plan address? What physical materials and facilities would you assemble and set up... and what external services would you depend on?  Goodness knows... with all the disasters we've been seeing lately, it would be timely!

  2. Deborah-Diane profile image85
    Deborah-Dianeposted 13 years ago

    Great subject.  We live in Southern California where we are constantly being told "The Big One" (in other words: a major earthquake) could hit any day ... or at least within our lifetimes.  They aren't too specific in their dire warnings. At any rate, we have put aside some water and a few other things to prepare, but I know that we should do a lot more.  It's hard to take it as an urgent need ... although I realize that everyone feels that way when an emergency happens!

  3. K9keystrokes profile image82
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    What you learned in grade school about earthquake survival may not be the best safety advice for modern times. Read how to find the "Triangle of Life" in a big earthquake! Discover the most modern life saving earthquake survival technique advised by Doug Cobb, world renowned Disaster Expert. read more

  4. McCordRM profile image60
    McCordRMposted 13 years ago
  5. prektjr.dc profile image73
    prektjr.dcposted 13 years ago

    Teach your child how to be prepared and what to do in the event of an emergency. They need to know what to do in case an adult is not able to help them in an emergency. Teaching them what to do to prepare and practicing how to be safe, may save their life and yours one fateful day read more

  6. Azure11 profile image76
    Azure11posted 13 years ago

    One of the most important things that we would want to save in a fire (apart from family obviously) are important documents and files. There are some very cost effective ways of doing this without breaking the bank. read more

  7. DzyMsLizzy profile image92
    DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years ago

    Disaster preparedness for the unprepared. Tips on supplies, preparation, pets and more. Easy step by step guide. read more

  8. dredcuan profile image95
    dredcuanposted 13 years ago

    Life is truly worth living but no matter how hard we do our share in keeping our lives and our environment peaceful, there are some incidences that are truly beyond our control. Say for instance, there are some disasters that can happen in our lives that we might necessarily be able to take control of that is why before it actually plagues us, it would be good to know what some disaster preparedness tips you can follow are. read more

  9. ian contacts profile image38
    ian contactsposted 13 years ago

    The February earthquake in Christchurch was lethal and disasterous. It followed the previous September quake which also caused significant damage. There have been about 7000 aftershocks, still continuing to this day.
    Search and Rescue teams from NZ, Australia, USA, UK, Japan, Taiwan, China and Singapore responded. We depended on these teams (along with sniffer dogs) to dig people out of the rubble.
    Humanitarian support and welfare were stretched to the limit. Many people went days without official contact.
    Many people who ran out of buildings in sheer panic were killed by falling canopies, while it was much safer inside, yet many heritage buildings and even reasonably modern buildings collapsed.
    The one lesson I learned from this disaster...keep plenty of bottled water, cans of baked beans, cooking equipment that does NOT rely on electricity and a transistor radio & torch with plenty of batteries.


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