Who's brave enough to answer - How much are you making from hubpages currently?

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  1. BizGenGirl profile image79
    BizGenGirlposted 13 years ago

    Who's brave enough to answer - How much are you making from hubpages currently?

    I know it's silly and probably insignificant, but I am curious to know - How many hubs have you written, how long have you been writing on hubpages and how much are you currently making?

    So far, I've been wit hubpages 8 months, I just finished my 200th hub, and I have been generating a steady $15 to $20 a month.... not sure if that's a good ratio or not, lol. smile

  2. BizGenGirl profile image79
    BizGenGirlposted 13 years ago

    Well sheesh. I didn't figure it was "fantastic" or anything, but pathetic isn't really the word I would use to describe my earnings. Meager, "in the low end", something like that. =/

    Either way, I suppose I still appreciate the feed back, lol, and the hub.

  3. maddot profile image66
    maddotposted 13 years ago

    Not much..certainly I'm not giving up the day job...yet!
    i asked a similar question and had feedback about my hubs saying things like my hubs were personal opinion and I presume this meant they would not earn much but when I looked at high earning hubbers many of their hubs were opinions...so go figure.

    I've tried backling, google word search, etc etc and have had a few flurries but nothing to write home about.
    I'm still trying to work out what the tricks of the trade are.. a little confusing because when i read some hubs of people who I believe are earning well I just don't find their hubs very interesting on a personal level but obvioulsy  they have a good deal of followers who do enjoy their work.
    So I guess i can't really see what is setting them part from the slow earners because i think it's all happening behind the scenes eg backlinking, other websites and perhaps something I've not discovered yet!
    I don't think your earnings are "pathetic" I prefer to call them "full of potential" "aspirational", "growing", "full of promise"..good luck!

  4. alphagirl profile image76
    alphagirlposted 13 years ago

    Unless you are a marketing genius and really great at writing quality hubs in an hour, don't expect to get rich quickly. There is a learning curve here. There is a podcast by Simone. I just heard it this week on hubbing here.She offered a lot of great tips.

  5. brittanytodd profile image88
    brittanytoddposted 13 years ago

    People may not give you an exact answer because it is against the ToS to discuss your earnings.

  6. brakel2 profile image68
    brakel2posted 13 years ago

    It takes a long time to make money when writing online for most people. You have to master Seo, write quality article  And find a  profitable niche. We need positive feedback. And encouragement from others to make HP successful. Some people write for the fun of writing. I love this site and hope to increase my  earnings. It is probably best not to compare earnings  it can create negative feelings and comments. I believe that the person who asked the question is doing fine.

  7. cheaptoys profile image60
    cheaptoysposted 13 years ago

    I am not actively building hubs now but I think I got less than 100 hubs? maybe you can check my profile lol. i am not sure how much I make from adsense but from hubpages ad program definitely less than what you are making

  8. janiek13 profile image77
    janiek13posted 13 years ago

    I don't make very much money yet, but I do love to write. I get excited when I get a check because it is icing on the cake.
    As for JGaunt, I think that it is "pathetic" that you have to insult others to make yourself feel important.
    BizGen Girl, you are doing fine, keep it up!

  9. Mr. Happy profile image79
    Mr. Happyposted 13 years ago

    I have been making a big fat zero. Haha!!

    I never turned on my add-sense acount thing ... I do not write here for the few pennies which Hub-pages would like to offer me. I write because I love to write and have been writing for many years.

    P.S. I suppose in jGaunt's humble opinion, my earnings are beyond pathetic rofl

    1. American_Choices profile image77
      American_Choicesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mr. Happy,

      Why leave money on the table? I don't get it? I write here and am probably paid a whopping 20 cents but it is my 20 cents and it does grow over time.

      I know adsense is clumsy to set up but a dollar saved is a dollar earned.

  10. profile image0
    mikeq107posted 13 years ago

    ok, its been 3 year and honestly did not come on here to make money..just write...a few make money...but not many.....Todate I have made $15.47 I think 149 hubs...500 followers....dont quit your day job ..Hubpages and google make money...especialy Google....But as a writer best way to make seroius money Is E-books...great question!!!!!
    Mike ;0)

  11. American_Choices profile image77
    American_Choicesposted 12 years ago

    I make decent money for being a technical writer rather than a creative writer. I am here for the research. I enjoy the hunt and sharing the treasures is even more fun.

    I have several Hub Pages accounts and now I will start vertical marketing with Wordpress.

    I have seen my works referenced and people grow and learn and this is the true treasure.

    As a former Finance Director, I encourage all writers to apply for adsense and not leave money on the table. Yes, the dollars are tiny are first but they do grow over time.

    I earn sometimes as much as $8 a day on one of my account as little as less than 10 cents. Volume and the commercial nature of the content is the determining factor. Google wants commercial - HubPages wants volume - both demand unique and compiling content.

  12. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 12 years ago

    According to the stats on my Hub about earnings, over 60% of the respondents say they make less than $10 per month and 18% say they make $10-$50 per month. 

    http://relache.hubpages.com/hub/Improve … b-Earnings


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