I was wondering if there are many writers earning more than $100 a week? Consistently.
Some people just write for their own pleasure, but others write in order to earn money. There are different ways to get your work out there, some pay whilst others do not.
What are your experiences with being paid to write niche content?
200 hubs and $100 a week, which is $0.50 a hub, quick impressive.
I answered the question asked by the user who started the thread. That person didn't actually ask people to specify how much they are making.
You can read HuibPages success stories to get an idea of how I was doing a year ago. Even with all the Panda excitement over this last year, I've had my average earnings continue to increase.
relache is someone worth following and some others seen in the success stories. And I noticed it's not easy to find or link to the success stories page from Hubpage itself when you're logged in.
Here's the page - http://hubpages.com/success/
I read it. It's really good. I had to laugh though because I don't know that I could write about 'anything'. But I'll sure try.
Yeah I agree with you vexez, relache has a collection of great hubs, I mean monster hubs that is... they are built to obtain traffic and earnings too... if there is a hubber's hubs worth looking I would say relache is one of 'em.
She's so impressive and her hubs are fantastic and truly loaded...
I have been writing hub pages forr 8 months and have earned about 40 cents, not even enough for a postage stamp, maybe a mouthful of coffee. So I am really missing something.
This is strange, I earn more than this from one Hub. How many Hubs to you have? Are you writing about popular topics?
Hoping you have better luck in the future.
its a best kept secret. no one on here will give out their true secrets to success
Hi Jokylu,
Write articles about topics that are highly searched. Do keyword research by going to Adwords. You can google "google keyword tool" and you will be given a link to adwords. if you sign up with Adwords you would given more information, like average cost per click on a keyword.
You can also try writing for this site --> http://expertscolumn.com/referral/65788058
I have earned 40 cents in just 20 day with just 10 short articles.
Yes you are missing the concept. It's all about keywords and writing content, build links!
Yes I do. But I also write for other sites for money.
Check out the success stories part of the website, and you'll see that there are many writers who are making a lot of money here! If you are willing to follow their advice, you can easily make similar results to them!
Yes. Last month I had my best month so far. About $550 from all the programs I am affiliated with through HubPages. I'm very pleased.
Yes, I have been with hub pages for 5 months and the last two months I have made a 100 dollars a week. A lot of work and determination with great quality hubs.
Lavender, you have just reached 10,000 views which with the best CPM I have had would work out at only about $20 total if you take into account 60% of that. So do you earn a lot of money from Amazon or eBay or is this from writing on other sites as well?
Not me yet but the coins are picking up quickly this month. I am starting to write more and keep the good quality on it.
My experience is that since February, I have hit payout ( which is £60 in the UK) twice, and half way there at the moment. I just keep going and pray that I will either learn something I am missing right now, or get indexed and the fact I am not earning is hopefully due to immature hubs that just need to age.
Apparently 'time' is an issue, but you've done well to have had two payouts in your 1st six months.
Keep going, you're doing well. Good luck.
It is possible to make $400 a month, and there are writers who make that consistently. But it takes a lot of initial hard-work and some time, depending on each individual writer.
Writing niche content has been great for me because of the income that comes with it, and not having to invest a dime for it.
Welcome to HubPages Billabongbob, and best of luck
I will defiantly be studying your writing formula, I'll look at 'how' your hubs are written and then apply that to the topics that I write about.
A vast amount can be learnt from Hubbers that have been doing it for a while. A lot of wasted time can be saved simply by looking at what successful Hubbers do all the time. I know that this is more than just writing, all the other activities are just as important. Where would we be without forum posting hey??
Thank you for taking the time to post, you're very community spirited. I look forward to reading more of your work.
People who are new need to be careful about trying to do the same kind of thing that someone else does. Everyone has to know his own strengths and build on those. Someone else's approach isn't usually tailor-made for one's own, individual, set of strengths and interests. (Too few people have enough confidence in their own judgment and skills, and then they reinforce their own lack of confidence in themselves by discovering that trying to emulate someone else often doesn't work out all that well.)
Same here, I earn a full time wage from writing online. Sadly it doesn't all come from hubpages, but as for making a living out of it it is definitely possible. Vary your income streams though: use hubpages, websites, competitions, odesk and alike. If one tanks, your entire income stream doesn't tank with it!
Hi All, I am very new to all of this and have only been here for a little over a week. I am astonished in reading through this particular forum in learning how many are making a good generated income through this site. I admit that I am blown away and would like to figure out how some writers are so successful in making the income they do per week or even per month. I seriously must be missing something or just plain ignorant on how to make this work. In a week's time I remain at generating an intire .01 cents and that's about as far as it goes. LOL. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Time. Time is your friend. If you look at how long the higher earning hubbers have been here it is always years. Most people find it takes around a year to earn their first $100.
If you're interested, I wrote a hub on my first few months experience at HP as a reference for new hubbers in what they can expect or hope to see.
Expect to wait a year or more to see any income from HP, this is just the way it goes as it takes time for articles/hubs to rise up in Google's SERPS. If you wait it out and keep writing quality articles, the income will come. It is very possible to earn a good income from writing online, you just need patience and not to expect overnight success. I know lots of people here earning a lot more than $100 a week. I know some people who have earned over $2000 a month here regularly!
You could read my latest Hub on this subject if you want of course, but no pressure
It seems that from this thread and from other threads I've found on the topic of earnings, that there are many people that earn well in excess of $1000 a month. There are far more people that earn very little or nothing though, it's all down to style and formula.
Some people expect to have high earnings from week one, when they fail miserably, they lose interest and soon give up. Others simply shouldn't attempt to write, they have no idea what they are doing and are not prepared to learn how. This results in poor quality Hubs and no traffic.
It takes time to hone your writing and marketing skills, it's just like trying to master any job.
Thanks for taking the time to post, i look forward to reading more of your work.
That is a great comment. i'm early days and not kidding myself it's going to be easy. But I never expect anything for nothing. It's all in the work, in looking for improvements, making them, and just getting good at something. It doesn't matter what that is, you just gotta work at it.
Yes, I do. You can both earn and enjoy it, but you'll be working as much, if not more so (at least initially) than a regular 9/5. Once you've hit a decent earning range you can relax and enjoy the ride (or keep pushing).
You're an old veteran thoogun, your success is admired. You have been with HP for 3 years and have written many eclectic, well formulated hubs. You're doing very well for yourself.
I know that this is not a 9-5 job, if it where I wouldn't really want to do it. Writing fits in with my busy life and I enjoy it immensely. If a writer doesn't thoroughly enjoy what they do, it shows in the work that they produce.
I look forward to reading more of your work, you inspire me
Thanks for the compliments Bill! I understand completely, my first few hubs were purely for pleasure, but as the first few clicks came in it became very addictive indeed. In reality Hubpages is a small part of what I do online, I also freelance, ghost write and generally make a nuisance of myself.
My current goal is to greatly accelerate my production without losing quality and reach around $1000 / month on Hubpages. I'm something of a pitbull when I give myself objectives, in that I'm unlikely to give in before I've reached it But I can absolutely see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Earnings seem to grow exponentially and surprisingly steadily. Due to the long, empty silences waiting for hubs to mature and flourish, I find it takes persistence and patience to make these kind of ventures worthwhile. Anybody with both, and a sprinkling of talent can make a living this way IMO.
P.S; The reason why my hubs are eclectic is because I use Hubpages to test my keyword research. I will then move particularly successful ones over to dedicated projects. To me, Hubpages is something of a testing ground for personal ventures.
I've only been doing this for two years... when I become more experienced, I will be making lots of money...
perhaps when I am 90-ish
I do by diversifying who I write for. I write for my "mad money."
If your hubs are good and your traffic reflects the quality of your work, you will earn money. I went into it in a big way through other writing and like others I have several sources of income, and I'm now doing freelance, and so far so good.
One helpful tip - if you have a good professional website or blog - it will be noticed and you will get offers. But join Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Don't charge too much for your work if you go freelance, and you'll be fine. I make good money through affiliates, writing, content creation and hubs. Hubs are down on previous earnings but improving. It will come back. But DIVERSIFY! Don't put all your apples in one basket!
I have not made 400 dollars in a month month yet, but may come close this month. So far, I have made a total of 140 dollars this month.
My goal is to make several hundred a month - and hopefully 800-1500 dollars a month some day.
This month, I have been averaging 10 dollars a day.
And you must be summarily shot.
Nothing personal.
What? sorry, I was just posted that for Dave because we usually make around the same amount
Then you must both be shot. Again, nothing personal.
Then you must be both shot. Again, nothing personal.
Which is right?
You can make A LOT more than $100 a week! You can make $100 a day if you write well, work hard, and have a little luck.
hmm .. in a week?
http://hubsacademy.com/28/featured/make … n-hubpages
A Bunch of hubbers discussed how close they were to that goal daily ^
This was Pre-Panda, but still, $100 is a pretty easy weekly goal if your committed to making a business out of writing/site building/ marketing online
I've been on hubpages for almost two weeks now and judging from my earnings so far I think It will
take me about a year to earn $100 Hope it's sooner
sweetzara, you can't judge by looking at the rate at which things are going (earnings/traffic-wise) and assuming things will stay at that rate permanently. Things can have more of a snowball type of effect, rather than, say, starting at two dollars and month and staying at that for a year or two. That's not how earnings tend to work (if/when they start picking up).
Why not? Just because you aren't doen't mean others aren't.
I'm not making that much now, but I was averaging that before Panda. Then I got back to where I was, then tanked, and now my stats are improving again.
I'm pretty new to this forum, but I have no doubt there are people here making several hundreds of dollars weekly on HubPages. I'm also sure that there are several others like me that weren't posting on the forums, but were making much more than me.
That's the nature of the beast - some make it big, some make it medium, some don't make it at all (purely from a financial point).
I do very well on another site and if I can make great money there, I'm sure a site like this where people have been contributing for years has many, many stories of $1,000 plus per month.
David 470 88 minutes ago:
Are you referring to HubPages only or writing as a whole?
I wonder if anyone has made 3000 dollars in a month with hubpages?
HP or writing in general really....but I was originally targeting HP. Many people write for numerous sites, so I guess the question should cover all writing online in general.
I'm aiming for a target of at least $1000 a WEEK. Big goal, yes, but I never do things by half and am fairly determined to do whatever it takes to succeed and reach that goal.
Here's to writing online
I personally know a couple of hubbers that make 2 to 3 grand a month on HP, there are bound to be more. It's definitely doable.
I'm definably a doable kinda person . 2 or 3K a month sounds gd to me, I think I'll give it a go.
If you aim high, you'll possibly score high. If you aim low.............................
thisisoli is a 3k a month earner sometimes, let's have a look at what /how they do it and go from there.
Financial freedom here I come
I would like to make a few thousand a month, but do not want to set my goals too high, so 1500 dollars a month would be great (on HP only).
10/daily = 300/month
20/daily = 600 month
30/daily = 900/month
And so on..
ummm is that people who click on adsense ads??? lol there is no way in the world you can make 300.00 on just 10 ads.. and the average internet computer user knows not to click adsense ads.. so this sounds kinda strange
I easily make more than $100 a week on Hubpages, even after Panda and the reduced earnings that followed it.
I also have had months (And expect another this year) where I beat the $3000 mark by quite a bit thanks to the Christmas period.
It has however become much harder to make money here after Panda.
Hope is a positive aspect surely ??
Keep going, you seem to be aiming in the right direction. There's HOPE yet .
Thanks for taking the time to post.
Hope? It's having the opposite effect on me. I got booted from Amazon because of where I live, I now have more SE traffic from Bing and Yahoo than Panda (I'm going to call it Panda from now on) and I make less than $1 a day total from ads, page views, and commissions from other aff programs.
I'm building up my own sites now, and it feels like I'm starting all over again. Only this time, I have much less enthusiasm.
You have a lot of hubs summertime8 and a fair amount of followers. Why do you think you're not earning well from them? I'm sure that we'd all be interested to find out........
Thanks for taking the time to post
You have a lot of hubs summertime8 and a fair amount of followers. Why do you think you're not earning well from them? I'm sure that we'd all be interested to find out........
Thanks for taking the time to post
I think some of the writers really earn $100/week.. for me $100/month is ok.. I'm happy if I earn that per month on hubpages only
Oo! I've only been thinking of monthly income, not weekly income. I like this question. It makes me feel less discouraged.
Alas, we aren't even at minimum wage until we reach $290 a week.
Ah well. Keep plugging, keep learning, keep applying what we've learned. *wry grin*
$100 a week seems almost impossible. I am new here but judging from my earnings so far, I don't expect to make more than a few pennies a month.
Well I am new and I don't think I am trying to imitate or emulate anyone here. I’m just trying to write about things I know and things that inspire me to write. The question is whether or not it is possible to make upwards of $100 a week and my answer to that, from my limited experience here, is that it is extremely difficult if not almost impossible to make that kinda money week after week.
Anishpat, You cannot honestly make that from this site alone. keyword in that statement was honestly... As for anyone that does or claim they do.. they will not share their secret with you.. Unfortunately that is the way it is.
I can drive a lot of traffic to my hubs and only get paid 10 cents. The average user knows not to click google adsense links. (so there goes that)
I have close to 160 hits on my hubs with a pay out of 10 cents lol... so there you go
Based on your mention of different ways of getting writing out there, it sounds like you mean money for writing in general, not only HP.
If so, yes, and sometimes more than $100 in a day. That's writing articles for clients, not rev share. I've been writing full-time online for almost two years and make my entire income through self-employment.
Now I'm popping back into HP to see if I can generate more passive income. I monetized my old hubs and added some more a few weeks ago. When I wrote the first ones three years ago, it was for fun and I didn't do any ads or promotion. Last night I found out the nine of them started making about 45 cents a month during the summer, according to the Google Adsense estimates. Yesterday I signed up for the HP ad program and made my first 1 cent overnight.
I published 1 new hub last night -- on some of my favorite ways to make money online and the tools I use for production. Today I posted another new one on the red tide in San Diego -- I'm doing an experiment on picking topics from Google Trends. I've been fascinated by red tides since I was a kid.
The tough thing is that this feels like gambling. I know exactly how much money I would have made writing for clients last night and this morning. Instead, I invested the time in HP and I have no idea what will come of it. It's possible I just lost more than that $100 you asked about.
Nonetheless, I'm considering pushing myself to write 1 new hub a day to see what happens with a wider variety of topics and a larger volume of hubs. I Tweeted and pinged the old nine and the two new ones.
Good luck with your adventure -- lots of helpful people here, so it's a learning experience.
I wonder the same about the gambling feeling. My husband is very skeptical about the whole online writing. What others may make does not necessarily mean that I will be as successful or lucky. And someone who makes $400 per month online may just make that and no more($4800 gross) . It's very difficult making money online, and I am sure that there is less "freedom" than they truly state. By fluke, our family had 3 focus groups amounting in $385 this week (total time dedicated about 7 hours, including commute) but not one word typed on the computer.
I bet you'll show your husband. For me, the best strategy has been to diversify. That's part of why I'm giving this another shot, despite the sense that I'm gambling.
Having multiple clients means I have a steady stream of titles available on a wide range of topics and a continuous cash flow. Selling online here and there provides some bonus funds. Now I want to see if I can get some rev share going for some steady income that will build over time -- it just seems iffy, because everything else I do has a clear and high success rate.
Interesting info you posted about the focus groups. I participated in a mock jury once for a law firm and it was a stimulating experience and a day's pay for half a day's work. I wish you well on all your endeavors -- you sound motivated, creative, practical and hard-working -- good qualities for success!
I have been writing on Hubpages for 16 months now and in that time between my blog and here on HP I have finally reached my first $100.00 threshold payment.
I guess I am either writing things people don't want to hear about or using the wrong keywords.
"The Clean Life," thanks for informing us about your results. My husband thinks that people are just making things up about the $/mo. I honestly think that most of us will not be writing about things that will have a lot of traffic. At Squidoo, I just wrote (but this weekend the site for nearly published articles is down and thus unpublished) about the kids' favorite topic, iphone/ipad/ipod game apps. We shall see how that does, but the fluffier the topic, eg cute Halloween cupcakes, the better it does. I noticed that one has to write to the audience, and the most popular ones that others have written are about preparing for children's birthday parties with free graphics, etc. I have decided to write about smarter topics at Hubpage, unless there are too many articles on the same subject here already. It's just an experiment like all of the experiments I have in life.
formosangirl Welcome to Hubpages . You will really enjoy writing here and meeting so many wonderful people. I do have a friend that has shown me his screen shots of his Adsense account checks and they are $2,000.00 + per month, so it is very very possible. The problem is how to figure what works.
formosangirl, your husband is incorrect if he thinks that nobody on here earns what they say they do. Yes, the Internet is full of "baloney artists", but if you look at many of the people who say what they earn you'll see that they've often been here awhile. They usually have a lot of Hubs. The Hubs have had time to age. The Hubber has learned how to do things that help him/her earn more. A lot of the people who share what they earn are people with "roots" here, and a reputation at stake.
I don't know Squidoo very well, but HubPages has always told people that something unique (and useful and of good quality) will do better. These days Google is telling people at least that much too. I'm not sure, with something like a cupcake or birthday party article, it's the fluffy factor that helps them do better.
If you think about it, the chances of people's individual birthday party ideas, submissions of coloring pages, or decorated cupsakes being unique are better than, say, an article on "the healthiest way to lose weight" (which would generally be the same information across "zillions" of articles online).
My thinking is that what works best is not to aim for a "kind of stuff that everyone else seems to do best with" and instead to aim for something different (but something well written and that's written very much with the idea of offering the reader something).
My best earning Hubs aren't about particularly "smart" subjects. They're just unique and useful in their own way. I never write "to the audience". I always write as if the reader is a friend that I care about, and with whom I think I have something worth sharing. All Hubs don't have to be "the greatest performers". Enough "iffy" performers can add up too.
Thanks for your advice. I'm optimistic. I will prove my hubby wrong. Besides, I enjoy these communities and met a lot of wonderful and caring people, a good alternative to Facebook--a closed community.
I used to earn about $150 a month until the Google panda update! That update hit hubpages (and competitors' sites) pretty hard. I'm climbing back up though and will be earning that again soon.
Excellent I wish you all the best. I only makes cents per week
You'll do it in no time clean life, trust me! Keep producing quality content and you'll do it!
Thank you for the pick me up I have 260 hubs now but maybe those keywords are not seachable enough in Goggle. Good luck to you also!!
Across all my writing activities I would make a little over that. But that would include books, blogs and content sites
It's great so many hubbers sharing their experiences and supporting each other. Keep it up people
I made a lot more at hubpages before the Panda update... sigh... my best month, I had just reached $100 a fortnight. Now I don't come close. Most of my revenue generating hubs have been sent to /dev/null.
The original question was, can you make a $100 a week writing... and I'd say it is fairly easy for a good writer to do that. A pro sale to a speculative magazine will bring a minimum of $100. If you are willing to write non-fiction, there are plenty of markets that will pay five to fifty times that.
And of course, short stories make very little compared to novels...
( and, fiction sales can have residual income... you can sell them to reprint anthologies, on kindle / smashwords... sell them to audiobook podcasts... I know one author who made $10k on a single short story over twenty years).
Getting to $100 a month on hubpages is quite difficult now... I'm not even trying, just using hubpages as a distraction.
$160/week on Squidoo
20-30 cents/week on Hubpages, but I just started over in August
$1-4 on Zazzle /Cafepress
25-30 cents/week on my blog (Adsense)
Which all amounts to about HALF of minimum wage. Ouch.
I wish I could figure out someplace besides Squidoo so I'm not so dependent on it. Right now I'm working on building up Hubpages as an alternate income stream, but I'm shooting myself in the foot by writing a bunch of "thinky thoughts" Hubs that don't necessarily translate to great traffic. It's relaxing to write on whatever the heck I feel like writing about, but not an effective use of time.
Making money online is WORK, like almost any other income-generating activity. It's not automatic, it's not easy, and I believe you'll probably make more -- or at least get to minimum wage faster -- with a regular job. But it's possible to build up online income to the point that you're making about what you could make in a traditional job. It's just a question of (a) whether you have the skills and patience to do it and (b) whether it's really how you want to invest your time.
formosangirl: if you write what everyone else is writing, you may be disappointed. I write on geek topics like Greek art and mythology, astronomy and geology, photoshop tips and SEO, plus product reviews of things I've actually bought and like. Some work, some bomb, but over time I've built up at least a modest income stream. Find your own niche -- something which YOU love and know well, which other people on the web are searching for. And make sure you learn the basics of keyword research so you can figure out what words people use to search for the topics you write about. Otherwise they'll never find your stuff. You can only earn if you get traffic to your pages. (It doesn't have to be huge amounts of traffic, if they buy things, but usually the more visitors the better.)
Greekgirl, have you considered writing some ebooks as well?
Greekgeek, thank you for your advice. I am learning so much. Thank you for sharing your results. I like research and experimentation. I love the time I spend on the internet (although the academic year has started so I will be making jewelry to donate to 3 schools and an afterschool program). I try to give valuable information that I myself happen to gain, through luck or hard knocks. I feel that I have a lot of experience to impart because I learned about day to day things all by myself. Instead of telling people like a broken record, I can just send them to my site. I am enjoying this journey of more self-discovery.
If you are in the big city like I am, please check out my article on paid focus groups. I am not trying to drive traffic to my squidoo site, but those 4 places are reliable research and marketing places. This year alone, because I was recruited for the McNeil/Lehrer show for a CA town meeting in Torrance ($300 honorarium and some more for travel expenses), I made nearly a thousand. By fluke, this week alone, the family made $385 in 7 hours (including all commute time). Every time I go to a focus group, I asked others what else is out there. Only through word of mouth, you weed out the good versus the false hype/scam.
Solid advise there Greekgeek!
600 dollars a month from squido is great! I myself wish I could rely on other article directories besides HubPages.
I wrote a few articles on infobarrel, they never got much traffic like here on HubPages. Also tired writing for a more professional site, but it was way to strict and not expendable.
My niche as many of you know is Alcoholism and ways to surrender to your addiction. I know there are many many web sites on alcohol addiction, but I feel in my heart that I want to help others hopefully get sober and stay sober through my experiences with alcohol. This niches does not make too mucj money at all AND I can not figure out why.
Oh, that's such a good thing to be doing.
I wonder if the problem is that there are so many websites and resources on the subject that yours is not showing up in search engine results, due to other websites on the topic outranking yours.
In which case, if the search space is just too blinking competitive, you may be able to break through with social media, if you've got really good content that people would share word-of-mouth.
I do wish you the best of luck.
Thank you . I share with Stubleupon and twitter and sometime facebook. I have a article I wrote in Ezine Articles and it has been #1 on page #1 in Google for over one year, but I am not signed up from Adsense through Ezine Articles.I just link to my blog and HP
I make about $2000-$3000 for livestrong.com. i don't make much on hubpages though.
Wow! That is great. How does one write for livestrong.com?
you have to apply through demand studios (google it). you need a background in nutrition or experience writing for a health publication.
But they have other areas you can write.
The pay is only $25 per article but it's not bad, I recommend it to anyone that writes to pay bills.
Well last month I made it to $100 for the month so I'm hoping by the end of the year to make it to $200 at least but I think it is going to be tough - I have days when I think of loads to write about and others when I draw a blank!
Azure11, congratulations! I hope you make $200 per month by December at your rate. You give me hope. Thanks.
No I am not even close, I am not sure what I am doing wrong since I only write high-quality Hubs.
No, Billa, not $100/week. Last month I earned more than $100 from Adsense, HubAds and Amazon (combined earnings). I earned more than $50 on HubAds alone because of the big G surge in traffic in September.. that was pretty amazing. Now my traffic is holding at post subdomain change, which is more than double my traffic before subdomain change.. so I'm a happy puppy.
Based on this thread, quite a few hubbers are earning more than $100/week, some even thousands. For me, that is pretty awesome! Very encouraging for new hubbers. Cheers everyone!
Thanks for sharing with us Rosie, it's most encouraging for newbies to hear , If you've got an traffic tips, we'e be glad to hear it................
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
you're welcome! lol tips on traffic? I think I just got lucky. I write on different topics and use Google AdWords for SEO. I don't do much linking and hardly Tweet or use Facebook.. go figure. I have not been writing as often as I used to.. lost my motivation.. and I play too much in The Sandpit
The down side for me, is that I know know how to write is on the creative writing side; poetry, stories. not articles about products. So I don't think I can make that much but pennies.
Wolfkat93, did you see the new contest going on? You have a chance to win because I cannot remember the last time I wrote a poem...elementary school. I don't even know how short a poem can be.
I have generated a grand total of 12c so far. However, it's sort of satisfying and I want more. Is there a clever so-and-so who has a algerbra type formula along the lines of 'Number of Hubs' x 'Time' x 'Visits/hits = Incremental *Kerching* month on month?
Or am I asking too much?? ;-)
How can you tell if you are earning anything? when I go in my earnings it says 0.00
The I guess you haven't earned anything?
You "CPM" shows how much your hubs make per 1000 visits. So assuming your new hubs are are roughly equal in quality that should allow you to project earnings.
Ah, right! That makes perfect sense - I knew there must be something. Thanks, psycheskinner :-)
Your CPM can fluctuate a lot, especially if you have only a few hubs. Basically, some topics are more valuable than others to advertisers, certainly with Google Adsense - with the HubPages Ads it's a lot more complicated, I believe.
If you are determined to make money, check out the HubPages learning center. I made a hub that links to some of the best guides by experienced hubbers too (at least I found them useful anyway!).
Thanks Paul. This is helpful too. I guess nobody can predict internet usage such is the scale of use and the randomness of people!
I'll keep writing hubs, hopefully keep improving my writing style etc, then maybe who knows, those cents might turn into $$ :-)
Internet usage is actually reasonably predictable in many cases. For example, Google has a free tool called the Google Adwords Keywords Tool, which tells you numbers of people who search for specific search terms in Google. Of course there are numerous other complicating factors: competition from others, being one of them. But it maybe isn't quite as random as you think.
Try writing, but don't be afraid to study too. It takes at least a few months to get your head around the basics, in my experience, and I am still learning.
Ah, the things I don't know! I will take to my studies. Adwords is something I haven't really taken the time to look, but I will now.
Thanks for the tip.
I wish I could earn as much as that. My best hub got 50 visits...
WARNING ALL HUBBERS: My HP account was hacked yesterday. They got my password, changed my pic, took my bio and changed my payment settings. I don't think we should discuss our earnings here in the forums anymore.I am going to make a separate topic for this.
No yaar!!
Not me!! I write both for pleasure and for money!!
Never made anything beyond a few bucks!!
Got advise for me??
A very informative hub. I learned bunches. And, I learned who to learn from by their examples. I will do some exploring later of their hubs.
I'm on a five year plan. My goals is make as much as possible as soon as I can, but I'm in no hurry, yet. I make a buck a month right now, but the truth is my traffic comes from hubpages. My best articles are maybe 5 - 10 views a day. Not enough. I haven't done any research on SEO yet. My plan is just see if I can write a hub or more a week.
From what I have read and see it takes more than the time I have to get to money making side of things. And, I don't write money hubs either. I write for fun and discovery right now. I'm learning from the best. Keeping notes. Bookmarking for reading later. And listening a bunch.
My hope is to be a good hubber first. Be consistent with that. Learn SEO and hub marketing. Then write money hubs. I am just now learning how to key the ads here with the content. Its fun when experiments work. But, I need to get more views and that will have to come from outside hubpages. And, I'm just now exploring adsenses analytics. I learn slow sometimes. But, Inbound Writer has improved my articles bunches. And for how many I write a month it is free, for now.
I haven't made a single penny yet but I really appreciate all of your tips.
Ironic, given the title you've given yourself! ;-)
LOL - hadn't thought about that! I meant no pennies on HP, although I do have a few now.
by Andrew Day 9 years ago
Hi,I've signed up and am ready to start making hubs in my specialised subject, but I was wondering what the earning potential of hubbig (if that's a word) actually is. I realise it all depends on how attractive your pages are and how good they are etc, but what are people actually earning? I am not...
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I want to know the way of earning money from this site. May be it will help to the others who are wanted to earn money from this site.
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