SOPA and PIPA...will this legislation affect HubPages? If so, in what way?

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  1. mhope324 profile image60
    mhope324posted 13 years ago

    SOPA and PIPA...will this legislation affect HubPages? If so, in what way?

    I'm concerned about those who post reviews, like movie, t.v. and book reviews. Also, celebrity reviews like best and worst dressed, gossip topics, and the like? Will those completely shut down at Hub Pages? I just began here, and want to make sure I'm following the rules...from the sounds of the legislation, this could be bad for everyone.

  2. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    What it means is that everything is vague and can be shut down for any reason imagined by someone with power and money and an evil oppressive agenda.
    It's no different than the word "terrorist" - it's a word with only one meaning, and what it means is that the US government doesn't like you for any of one million or more reasons that it's chosen.

    Supposedly, Obama has killed SOPA....but he also said he'd not sign the NDAA, and then did.

    So clearly Obama is a habitual liar or otherwise just "wishy washy."

    Anyway, here's the latest news on the thing that I've seen.

  3. CloudExplorer profile image76
    CloudExplorerposted 13 years ago

    I just answered this question, from another curious and concerned hubber, I actually created an entire hub on it, here's the hub below. … ges-beyond

    Hopefully the people of the web world, with their uniting powers can put a stop to the Protect IP Act & agenda. 
    Many of us on the web are truly harmless, and why is it now that they're all of a sudden deciding to do this, what about back when we were all getting ripped off from major cooperation's, and falsely advertised antivirus companies, scam campaigns lead by so-called official businesses many people intrusted in, all the adware mess, keyloggers for false advertisers, trojans, worms,and the likes. Also because it benefited big businesses like Microsoft, & all the AntiVirus companies like Semantec.   
    We were never protected by the US Government in that respect, but I guess it was OK for us all to lose way back before Mozilla firefox, came to the rescue. 
    This doesn't make any sense, its all backwards and I sense the government only cares to protect big business, not that of the people, when it comes to issues of technology, and the web as a whole.

  4. marriedwithdebt profile image71
    marriedwithdebtposted 13 years ago

    From what I know, it doesn't matter if you are following the rules. It would seem that one rogue Hubber could shut the whole site down.

    Every day I see people illegally using images on Hubpages. At worst, they aren't crediting them. I am guilty of sometimes forgetting to source them, but I can say, I have NEVER used an image that wasn't proper or permissible (including Fair Use Doctrine).

    If this were to be enacted, HP would probably have to turn off all images, video and linking features. After typing that, I don't see how HP could even exist as a company under SOPA guidelines, because they would have to control what we type, and certify that it isn't a copyright infringement.

    The only person left Hubbing would be Simone, since she's an employee.

  5. profile image0
    Norah Caseyposted 13 years ago

    The law is so broad in scope that we aren't sure exactly what we would have to do to be in compliance. Personally, I don't think it is possible for any User Generated Content site to not run afoul of this law, as it is currently presented. Any copyright violation could result in HubPages being shut down. If someone posts a comment to an innocent film-review Hub with information how to access that film illegally, that would be the entire website at risk, without due process.

    Here is our blog post on this law that explains how SOPA and PIPA would affect us in more detail.

    I do highly encourage everyone to write to your senators and representatives about this bill. Every website you can post content to is at risk, not just article publishing sites like HubPages.


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