How to get my Hub Score to 100

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  1. Dannytaylor02 profile image71
    Dannytaylor02posted 11 years ago

    How to get my Hub Score to 100

    At the moment it's on 94 but how do I push that to 100?

  2. Dr. Haddox profile image59
    Dr. Haddoxposted 11 years ago

    You have asked a great question. You are now at 94, which is higher than I have ever been. I suggest that you continue to do what you are doing, first of all. Then I suggest that you look at, or follow, a few hubbers that have reached the level of 100. Many believe that there is something "political" going on behind the scene in the greater hubpages community that gives some hubbers the advantage over others. I do not want to believe that this is true.  I would like to think that our leaders in the ranks above us are basically ethical thinking people. Anyway, I have no other advice for you.
    Dr. Haddox

  3. Claudia Tello profile image67
    Claudia Telloposted 11 years ago

    I would say you have to have a considerable amount of published Hubs as a base, and then participate and publish regularly.

  4. rfmoran profile image72
    rfmoranposted 11 years ago

    I find that when I participate in the community by answering questions, weighing on forums and commenting on hubs, my score shoots up. I wouldn't go crazy with it. I just follow my interest. Sometimes I participate a lot, sometimes not. 94 looks like a great score to me.

    1. Dannytaylor02 profile image71
      Dannytaylor02posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      thanks rfmoran, guess i'll just spend a little more time within the hub community

  5. chef-de-jour profile image96
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    Your hubberscore is already quite high but, as you ask for a little push, I can offer this humble advice.

    *   Try to spend some time on HubPages each day (no I'm not on their staff list!)
    *   Answer 2/3 questions if you can, 1 in depth.
    *   Comment on 2/3 hubs, with 1 decent paragraph of useful comment.
    *   Create a long hub every so often - 1300-1800 words? - with lots of attributed images, or your own.
    *   Follow those whose hubs you admire.
    *   Try to finish a hub in a week/10 days?
    *   Be consistent.

    I have not been a regular on the forums but chip in every so often.
    I share hubs infrequently.
    I try to get out a hub a week but don't succeed every time. There is a bit of guess work in the assumption that you have to get out a hub a week to up your hubberscore. I don't know to be honest.

    Finally, having a 100 score feels good but I'm not so sure it means anything in the long run! As long as you're above 75 your hubs are safe.
    Best of luck!!

  6. Dannytaylor02 profile image71
    Dannytaylor02posted 11 years ago

    cheers guys i guess it doesn't matter really but i want to apply for the apprenticeship scheme and getting a hubscore of 100 would be a great start i'm assuming, guess i'll just keep on fine tuning my hubs

  7. story-maker profile image60
    story-makerposted 11 years ago

    My score was 0 and some one suggested me to be active on this community, by answering or asking question, posing hubs regularly and so on.

    But I'm still not so clear about it.

    So, let's see the answers of other experienced people..

    1. Thomas Swan profile image95
      Thomas Swanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's because you'd clearly followed about 40 people without reading anything they'd written (can tell from your timeline). Like someone else answered, when they unfollowed some people, their score went up. Try cutting back on the mass following.

  8. profile image0
    Lizam1posted 11 years ago

    Clearly you are a committed hubber and your score reflects that.  Good with luck with the apprenticeship - I have tried twice and am fingers crossed for this time.  One thing though it looks like publishing 8 hubs a month helps with this.  I went to 97 one day ..... made me smile.  You will too:-)

    1. Dannytaylor02 profile image71
      Dannytaylor02posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      thanks lizam1 hopefully i'll see you on the other side!

  9. peachpurple profile image81
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    at least your score is better than mine. My hubscore is at 91, the highest was 96 but fell back the next day. I think it has something to do with my viewers. When my views shoot up at 1000 per day, the hubscore went up. When the viewers drop to 100, it  went back to 89.

  10. MarleneB profile image93
    MarleneBposted 11 years ago

    I was walking around happy for a while when my score went to 100. It only lasted for a few hours. I took a screen shot to preserve the memory. I know some people say it doesn't matter what the score is, but there is something about that 100 score that is exciting. I remember I didn't do a lot to get the 100, but I did participate in a couple of forums that week, I asked and answered a few questions (at least one a day), I hopped about three hubs each day, I read at least five hubs each day (of people who read my hubs + others), and what I feel is especially important is going into my account to manage the list of people, hubs, and questions I follow. I reduced my following down to a manageable level. I'm not sure, but I believe that following people whose hubs you don't read pulls the score down a little. I just know that day my score shot up to 100 I went from 96 to 100 in one day. I hovered around 99 for a few hours and then the score went to 100. All of the advice that people are sharing here is excellent. And, you are probably doing everything you need. I think, adding maintenance is very critical. Good luck. It will be fun to see your 100 score. And, for the record (at least for me), I liked it and I hope it happens again.

    1. Dannytaylor02 profile image71
      Dannytaylor02posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      hmm interesting, i guess there is a lot more to this hubscore than i thought

  11. dksuttle profile image74
    dksuttleposted 11 years ago

    Follow the rules, don't be too creative or inventive, find the cookie cutter they use and squeeze yourself into it.

    1. Dannytaylor02 profile image71
      Dannytaylor02posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "Cookie Cutter" huh?

  12. nikhilchandra profile image77
    nikhilchandraposted 11 years ago

    1. Write share worthy hubs and make it engaging from user point of view
    2. optimize your hub for search engine
    3. engage with other relevant hubbers
    4. comment on their nice hubs and reply to comments on your own hub
    5. Write regularly, be consistent
    6. write on diverse topic
    7. write on topics people are looking for over internet
    8. offer tips and how to do Hubs
    9. Use your Hub title effectively to attract users
    10. Follow Hubpage Guidelines to have more of your Hubs featured in appropriate categories to attract more readers


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