New hubber seeking some advice...

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  1. ambieca profile image60
    ambiecaposted 15 years ago

    Do you get more traffic per day, the more hubs you have?  Or do I need better quality hubs?

  2. profile image0
    ryankettposted 15 years ago

    This is a big topic. You need to read about SEO, Keywords, and Backlinking..... it is more about the search terms you use. The more people searching for those terms, and the less competition on the net for those terms, the more traffic you will get. I recommend that you check out the 'Google Keyword Tool'. There are some great hubs about on the topics that I mentioned, I dont have them bookmarked on this laptop, but they are out there on search to be found. Good luck.

    1. ambieca profile image60
      ambiecaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I will check out that google keyword tool, thank you!

    2. thisisoli profile image79
      thisisoliposted 15 years ago

      The traffic you get is dependant on the quality and search engine optimized content on your Hubpage.

      The traffic you gain can be influenced by the number of Hubs you have.  But if your hubs have 0 quality, they will have 0 visitors, no matter how many you have.

    3. yoshi97 profile image59
      yoshi97posted 15 years ago

      To become noticed ... one must not hide in the shadows.

      First off, you need to know that hubs take time to mature. Think of then as fine wine ... You bottle them up and then somewhere around two months later they mysteriously start to mature and take on a life of their own.

      Only thing is ... you never know which bottles will taste the best, which is why you hedge your bets by writing quite a few of them.

      I wrote some great articles (you'll find them in my profile) on keyword research and adsense revenue ... these should help a bunch, but the number one thing I tell everyone is to consider *how will this hub profit someone else*.

      'How will this hub profit someone else'? Sounds contrary to what you want it to do, right? Well, trust me, it's not.

      For example, if you write a hub about toasters then someone could profit by selling toasters. Therefore, toasters might be something you write about.

      Some of the best areas to work in are: product reviews, medical info, and how-to articles. Everybody knows something - share what you know!

      The keywords come into play when it's time to develop traffic outside of Hubpages. By doing your research through the Google Keyword Tool you can find some keyword phrases that should pay off. Long tail keywords are the best. For those unfamiliar with the term, a long tail keyword is a phrase of three or more words.

      What many don't know is why they work ...

      If you write an article on Aruba then you are competing against everyone else who has the word Aruba in the title of their web page. Now, some wrote about 'Aruba vacations', some wrote about 'Christmas in Aruba', and some wrote about 'flying to Aruba' - but these are all sites about Aruba as Google sees it.

      Each word you add to your title whittles the competition down a bit. So, if you write about the keyphrase 'Aruba vacation packages' you can expect less competition, which can mean more page hits.

      Also, if a page isn't getting many hits after two months - change the title! This small change can put your page in with other pages where it has more of a fighting chance.

      Most of all, never surrender a page. The age of a page determines a lot about its ranking, so leaving a page online can eventually lead to a winner. Also, sometimes a page will fall into favor over a major event. Imaging how many profited over Michael Jackson fan pages a few months back.

      Hang in there and keep asking questions - it's how we learn more and improve. smile

      1. ambieca profile image60
        ambiecaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, that was a great help, I understand a bit more now and will definetly follow the great advice!

      2. videl05 profile image41
        videl05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I usually put it this way, imagine you are planting a tree, hubs need time to grow!

    4. connelly73 profile image59
      connelly73posted 15 years ago

      Thanks yoshi97 great reply. Has helped me with a similar problem. I'm hubbing about guitar stuff and didn't know about the google keywords thing will have a look.

      Will need to go and look at some of your hubs now to see if I can sponge of your fountain of knowledge! lol

      1. yoshi97 profile image59
        yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I placed them in a group called Yoshi's Hubbing 101 for easy access. If you read all of those and still have questions, return to the forums and we will do our best to help out. smile

    5. connelly73 profile image59
      connelly73posted 15 years ago

      Checked out keyword tool and still lost. Help what does it actually do, does it just give you keywords to put in your content? How does this help?

      1. Susana S profile image91
        Susana Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Choosing the right keywords and keyphrases is really critical, so do take some time out learn about it. The way to think about it is, what does someone type into a search engine to get information on a certain topic? Think about what you type in too.

        For instance the other day i was looking to buy a tv for my daughter for christmas, so i typed into google "19 in lcd tv". Google's job is to find the most relevant pages for my search, so on the first page of results it returned pages that had "19 in lcd tv" in the title and the page description, as well as on the page. So the key to making sure your hub gets on the first page of google results is to optimize your page for what people are searching for in relation to what you're writing about.

        The keyword tool will tell you how many people are searching for that exact term plus related terms. it will also tell you how much competition there is for that keyphrase (so how many other webpages are trying to get to the top of the search results for that phrase), and also what you can expect when someone clicks on an ad for that search term.

        I've got a hub that will help you - it explains how to choose keywords and where to put them to maximize the chances of google turning up on your page for your chosen keyphrases. It's called "Resources for SEO - Increase PageRank and Serps".

        I hope that helps smile

    6. bojanglesk8 profile image60
      bojanglesk8posted 15 years ago

      Most of my traffic comes from posting on forums.

    7. Carilaya profile image62
      Carilayaposted 15 years ago

      Yoshi, I appreciate the way you compared hubs to wine. I guess it is important for all us new hubbers to learn some patience. In the beginning it's a little discouraging not to get traffic, but I remain hopeful! The best way is, as you said, to learn about SEO and hedge your bets by writing a lot of hubs. I'm still exploring various topics right now, so who knows what'll be popular later on?


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