I'm really confused about how to get more traffic to my hubs. I have been on hubpages for 5 almost 6 months and have 38 articles. I have read the tutorials and articles on SEO and backlinks and have tried this in different ways. I have tried writing articles of various types. I use pintrest and facebook. But I am not getting many hits on my hubs. In the last 7 days I've had 154 hits and in the last 30 I've had 711. I am not sure what else to do.
Can anyone give me advice?
Hi TripleAMom, that is one of those million dollar questions. Here are a few suggestions.
-WORD COUNT: Make sure your hubs have at least 500 words. 800+ is potentially better in the eyes of Google.
-TITLES: Consider the main idea of your content and make sure it is included in your title. Tools for titles: go to your account page and click 'Title Tuner' from the sidebar. This will offer searchable keywords that apply to your Hub and may improve your search-ability. Also, consider using the Google Keyword Tool for finding keywords for your title, sub-titles and text. You will want words that are low to medium competition with decent search traffic.
-CONTENT: Deliver what your title says it will deliver. (not that you don't) Perhaps include a video, quiz or poll to keep readers interested. Avoid long text boxes. Provide entertaining formats filled with pictures and videos - maybe a map capsule.
Note: there is a section of Hubs in the Learning Center under the sub-title, Getting Traffic. You may find the information to be useful.
Best wishes to you and I hope this helped.
Learning Center: http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/contents
Google Keyword Tool: https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/ … WORD_IDEAS
I would suggest that you need to develop internal and external links to your pages.
=> use groups
=> Add a text capsule on each page called "Other Related Articles" and include a list of relevant inks in it (recipes, kids etc.) or RSS
=> Use Shareaholic or similar to get links, also Pinterest, and Google+
If you enter links:(your article url) in the google search box you will see very few if any inks at present for your articles. Compare this with the links that other authors have, by entering their urls
Your titles may be a little too general. This tool is fabulous for finding available niches ITS FREE http://www.seodevgroup.com/products/Nic … inder.html
I use Pinterest and I have tried to place on other sites. I am just so new to all of this so I'm learning. I read something and try to follow through, but it doesn't seem to work the way it is supposed to for me. Not sure what I''m doing wrong.
I am really appreciating everyone's feedback.
I hear you. I do not have that many Hubs yet, but the few i have hardly get any traffic allthough i already tried lots of things.
Suppose we just do not give up and go on ....
Hi Ronwan, I know it's not just me, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I know I'm not very computer literate, but I've been following advice of others and just don't know what else to do.
I think it really depends on the topics, if it's a hot topic that is sort after such as making money without doing anything as oppose to how to wash a shirt without losing colors. It really comes down to interest of readers and what they want to see to reassure their opinions instead of what it actually is. I been doing what others have said about using the adword tool and target certain keywords that will likelly help with views and clicks. Others seem to have a lot of success but for me is a wild swing and hope to hit something.
It took me a long time to get above the #s you have now. Then, suddenly, Google decided to like me more, and my #s tripled over a couple of months. No idea why, I wasn't even posting new Hubs, though I was tweaking ones I had.
Last month I was at 300 views/day. I have 120 Hubs up, but most of those are un-promoted fiction so get very very few visits. My how to and health-related Hubs do best, ranging from a few visits a day to 60 for the best one. I try not to get excited, and I don't worry much about SEO, or Keywords. I do try to make my titles clear and topic-oriented, and the first paragraph a neat synopsis of the Hub, or of the question people come asking about.
I can never predict which Hubs will do well and which not. Some I slaved over and thought were great get no traffic, and my very best one for visits was a lark I threw together for fun. I figure if I keep plugging away, I will gradually grow my visits. I have a list of a few dozen Hubs I want to write, and every now and then I write one. My list grows faster than my Hubs.
For Google, anything under 800 words seems to be invisible, and 1000 is my sweet spot.
You have a ton more followers than me but it sounds like my traffic is a lot higher. I do have about twice the articles but the thing I noticed improved my traffic the most was making tags that were things I would type into a search box. and several of them worded differently.
These methods worked for me. I would also suggest finding forums in your niche and becoming an active member there.
http://lorddraven2000.hubpages.com/hub/ … te-Traffic
5 Ways To Increase Traffic
My clicks fell off a cliff today... If July could do as June, I'd be a happy camper. Hopefully, it's just the holiday and weekend thing...
Start doing keyword research. I took a look at your profile page and ran some of your hub titles through Google keyword tool. While the subjects get some traffic, it's like you're choosing titles that pull the least traffic. 'Vegetables kids will actually eat' - the closest match I found gets around a dozen monthly local searches. Run your titles through the GAKT and you'll get much better title and sub heading suggestions that will pull much more traffic. Plenty of hubs on how to do it. Hope this helps.
I have been using Google AdWords Keyword tool and use words that show up with low comptition and high hits/searches. Am I doing something wrong with it. I literally could be because like I said another place on here, I am fairly illiterate when it comes to this stuff but am trying to learn. I love to write and am trying to use this to gain some readership. Would love to improve and am always looking for advice. I appreciate all the help.
The 'competition' you mention is not what you think - its the number of advertisers competing for listing, not the competition for the keywords which is what you really want. You can only get this real competition from more advanced tools, which are not cheap. I use Niche Finder. but there are various others. The tool I mentioned previously is a good way to start simply find a set of keywords with average competing PR below 2, which shows reasonable traffic via GAKT.
Ok, so I think I understand that. Is GAKT the Google Adwords keyword or is it a different tool altogether? I am trying different titles now. I have changed some, but that was before I saw your last post here, so I'm not sure if I have changed titles correctly.
GAKT is the Google Adwords keyword
Try this FREE tool http://www.seodevgroup.com/products/Nic … inder.html
Its a good way to get started. You want about 1000 views a month (via GAKT) and average PR less than 3. No guarantees but on the right track. The expensive tools do this for you. Use long tails to reduce the competition.
the example below for "blueberries health benefits" shows that you should be able to compete- all green and PR values less than 3
I have never understood that whole PR thing. Is more than 3 bad?
A PR of 3 is moderate - most subs on HP have a PR of 3 and the articles are mostly PR 1 and 2. So if you write an article, the best you can hope for is a PR of 2 or 3. So if you run some tests using the software I mentioned and there are a list of sites that compete for the keywords with PR 3, 4, 5 then you probably will not have much hope of getting on the front page. Its a flawed system but it is all we have to go on. You can only compete for pages with PR of 2 - which is the best you can hope for on HP.
PR values range from 0 to 10 and is a log scale. HP home page has a PR of 6, Wizzley a PR of 4 and Zujava a PR of 2. Google has a PR of 10; the new york times has a PR of 9.
The scale roughly correlates with how 'good' Google thinks the site it in terms of the number and quality of the backlinks. It is unofficial and out of date - but provides a rough guide.
Wow, thank you. That was a fantastic explanation. It all makes sense now.
Alastar, congrats on that PR of 4!
if you us mozilla there is an addon that displays it for any page
http:// any-tech.ws/
other browsers have similar ones. (remove the extra spaces)
Hi Jan, I wanted to let you know I found some really good RSS feeds from Food.com to add to my recipe Hubpages. Also, I download the Niche Finder Software too.
Hi Jan, I wanted to let you know I found some really good RSS feeds from Food.com to add to my recipe Hubpages. Also, I download the Niche Finder Software too.
No worries!
Use several RSS feeds - nor the same one each time
Thank you so much for all your help. I am really working hard on this. I really feel dumb in this area.
OK, a couple of questions about the blueberry example you gave. First, I downloaded this web tool and can't get the program to work. I plug in keywords (blueberries, health benefits of blueberries, etc) and no pages show up. Also, would this be helpful to change the title to "Health Benefits of Blueberries" for it to be competitive or was this competitive the way it was already worded? Just trying to understand. Thanks so much.
I presume you have installed the program OK and it runs.
To run a test
=> enter a keyword phrase where it says "keyword"
=> then click the "add" button and the phrase will appear in the list
=> the go to the top and click "Find Pages"
The program should then start adding lines of results - check that there is a green arrow in the left boxes in the checklist for the search results. You can see the ones I have been testing. To show each of the results you need to click to get the green tick (only one at a time) - otherwise follow the instructions.
Ah, no check mark on the left. Working now!! Thanks again.
there is a tutorial on the download page - you can do a whole list of words in a txt file
The ONE BIG thing that the tool does not give you is traffic - expected number of monthly searches - you have to get that info from the Google keyword too. The art of this is to find a keyword phrase that gets say 500-1000 views a month that is competitive - a lovely little niche fishe.
There are heaps of competitive phrases that no one searches for !!!!
Now that I'm using this tool and GAKT I am starting to understand. I am seeing on GAKT where there are some keywords and phrases that get maybe 80 searches and others that get thousands or millions. Starting to try and put those in my titles now (and tags).
aim at about 1000 - you won't be able to compete for the more popular ones (general phrases).
Here endth the lesson.
Hi Jan, Just curious, how did you setup the New York Times newsfeed on your Hubs? How is this working out for you? I have heard that if we keep our Hubs and fresh and relevant this helps our Hubs too. I am looking forward to your answer.
Its easy to do - just use the RSS capsule and insert the external RSS feed URL.
What I do is to do a Google search for an exact topic match for a relevant RSS feed - use one with high authrority!!! ( I keep them in a spreadsheet for reuse). Keep them very specific - NYT has very specific ones even for obscure topics such as barbecuing - they must be clearly relevant.
http:// topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/subjects/b/barbecue/index.html?rss=1
Do they work? Who knows? I do them to provide freshness and also to provide references (recent) that builds authority. I have them on most of my hubs and haven't died yet.
Thank you Jan for the information. What would I use as my search term on Google to locate the feeds? Would it be something like this, NYT RSS RECIPES? Thanks again. I will be adding these feeds to my Hubs soon!
I think recipes is not a good idea.
search for 'latest news food nytimes' + add RSS
with NYT you will find the RSS button way down in the body of the article - there are several topics BBC is another good source.
I didn't start to get an appreciable number of hits (views) of my hubs until I started to build up my number of followers. After I did that, I would share my followers' hubs and many of them would share mine. Another thing that helped was linking my hubs to other hubbers who have lots of followers. I remember that back in April one of my followers linked her hub about her father to the tribute I wrote about my father. Well guess what! During the Father's Day period for about 3-5 days hits on my hub about my father skyrocketed to almost 200 per day. The problem I am having now is not with views of my traffic. It is the CPM which I am earning. This month it has dropped from over $4.00 to a little over $2.00.
janderson99- how many hubbers do you think have a PR 4? How would Google treat that in relation to a PR of 2 or 3?
not sure as its a flawed system but if you have a PR of 4 - Google really loves you and your pages have a better chance of competing (getting to PR3). I'M only PR3 Boo Hoo!
Alastar Packer, The only hubbers I've seen with a PR4 are the ones that are on the highest earners list here at Hubpages. Most hubbers get a PR of 3 or less.
I see you've got a 4. Wow!
I used to have a PR4, and I'm not definitely not one of the highest earners. It changed back to PR3 when the site started making changes to the layout. I lost a lot of links.
I had no idea I had a 4 until I checked one day. It's not something I checked often. I don't know how it got to that level, but I have a feeling it had something to do with links because that's the only thing that seems to have drastically changed. And a couple of my hubs lost a prominent place in SERPs, which perhaps had more to do with it than links. I really don't know..
Now it is a PR3 and my traffic is as high or higher than it was for a while with a PR4 (towards the end of that rank). When I say high, I don't mean thousands of hits a day. I only reached that for a very short while towards the end of last year.
Thank you Daughter, Barbara, janderson. It did help with some page ranks. But not exactly sure why the PR 4? I'm certainly not a top HP earner with 48 hubs?
lol When you figure it out, Alastar, can you share the secret with me?
Obviously me too!!! I can use all the help I can get I really appreciate this community!!!
Are using the right keywords? Just type in keyword tool in Google to find the Google keyword tool.I also use youtube videos sometimes to give me a boost from Google.
I just used one when I did my last article this week. I am trying many different things. Got frustrated so that's why I posted here. So glad I did. Thanks for your suggestion. Janderson99 has been really helpful in giving me some tutoring on keyword usage. I'm practicing now and changing some of my titles to try and accommodate. Maybe that will help some. I love writing and am doing this for fun, but as long as I'm doing it, people may as well be reading what I'm writing
After giving it some thought Daughter and TripleA, he's a couple of things for what its worth: most of my hubs are in a regional niche- Southern history and paranormal, unexplained mysteries in the south. Some of the best performing ones on Google are region related with subjects a great many people search engine for but have practicably nothing, or very little on them. They're out there but you have research a bit to find the right topics. The Google tools can help on that suppose. Whenever possible put sincere first person experiences into your stories or even write some of your stories around things in your life that have happened but still give the info folks are looking for. And last but not least- sincerely read and comment on a lot on other hubbers stories- you'll be reciprocated in kind and the G will certainly take notice of it over time. May be these things or some or none but there it is and i hope it can help or guide anyone. Oh, and update your articles when applicable, always trying to improve them for the reader in every way.
Thank you Alastar, you just confirmed that everything I've been doing is the right way to go about it. My traffic has significantly increased in the past month, and apparently I have a PR of 3. It's good to know I'm on the right track, and it's awesome to hear it from someone I respect. Thank you!!
One other point that may be the most important of all: Time. Don't get discouraged at 6 months or even a year as it can take a while for your domain to gain momentum and start reaching its full potential.
Thank you Alastar for the advice. I think the most frustrating has been that I'm getting less than 100 hits total daily and I have 38 hubs. I like writing though.
Have you always gotten less than a hundred hits per day? Or did your traffic suddenly drop around April 24th? If it dropped around april 24th, google's penguin update may have tagged you as spam and you need to fill out the penguin form that requests google remove you from the spam list.
I've always been low, but could I have been tagged from the beginning? I definately was not using the keywords correctly.
Anything is possible with google! It couldn't hurt to fill out the form anyway.
here's the link
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/vie … mp;ndplr=1
What's the worst they can do? You already don't have much traffic lol
TripleAMom, The more hubs I wrote, the more my views grew. I think maybe you just need to write more hubs and give it some time. Link the hubs together that are about the same topics.
Study the hubs you have to figure out which topics give you the most traffic. You can find a good niche to write about in this way. Keep trying different subjects that interest you until you figure it out.
Besides the SEO, content tweaking, keyword research, and stuff, you should read others' Hubs. This is especially true if the bulk of your Hubs have evergreen content throughout. I sporadically write on HubPages, but I keep my traffic steady when I promote (not too excessively), read, and make comments on others' Hubs. Oh, and replay and post in forums - it can make a great difference in traffic.
How do you promote, talfonso? Do you post on your personal profiles on things like Facebook, or are you using other methods?
consistency and patience is the key here. It took almost 6 months before i had 1000 visits to my hubs., and now i get 250+ hits daily on my 18 hubs (though one of my hub gets most of the traffic, i.e. around 150+ hits)
Keep on trying and experimenting different things (not only on hubpages, try writing on squidoo and running your own blog too) and it will payoff some day. Read more stuff about seo and try it out. The strategy that has so far worked for me is the proper keyword research and then writing the content having those keywords (but one should not overdo it). Conventional backlinking methods aren't really recommended after the Google's latest penguin update.
Thanks. I've redone some titles and I've seen a slight increase.
Umar, I know the feeling about one of your Hubs getting most of your hits. I have heard that 20% of your Hubs will give 80% of your traffic. I wonder if it is the same way for every content writer on the net?
Does anyone know why page views can fluctuate? I've seen mine actually go down and not sure how a page view stat can go down.
It depends on which stat you're looking at. The 24 hours and 7 day stats tend to fluctuate more than the 30 day. The only stat that will only go up is the amount of views you've ever had. Otherwise, technically they can all go down. My 24 hour stat when up 50 and then down 60 today, but I don't pay much attention to that. I track through google analytics which gives you the total views per day.
Just enter your profile URL for your sub-domain, or any specific hub URL.
Go to this site and type in the web addy:
I noticed that you write on a lot of family friendly topics. If you can find a high-traffic forum that doesn't prevent members from posting links, you could occasionally post one in response to people's questions or threads. You have to be careful of how often you post and be active on the forum if you don't want to offend people or find Google dropping you in ranking later.
Try to write about more popular topics and try to research good keywords, that can help your hub to make unique and stand out of the crowd.
When you are able to write about a very popular topic that barely has any competition on the internet, you will get tons of page views, I'm sure. Just take your time to do research or wait a bit longer - usually search engines need several weeks/months to realise the real potential of an article and move it to a better position in the search hits.
Additionally to all these, I've just wrote a hub about CPM and impressions, I hope I will be able to help you with this:
<link snipped>
Have a look at the keywords you are using in your Hubs. Refresh those keywords if necessary. Put meaningful tags along for your Hubs. Publish those with more than 500 words... These things could help..
Guest posting offers you the opportunity to leave your link in the author bio at the end write in a 'niche' area, may also provide traffic
just do a Google search for guest posting. Also, can't forget writing for examiner dot com to capture more traffic and leave a link
I use facebook, twitter, and I belong to lots of groups on FB for the type of articles I write and make sure that I post in them and use word of mouth.
I've noticed an uptick in my traffic when I think about how I would search for my topic as well. I also use about 20 tags per article in varying wording and such too.
by Amber 15 years ago
Do you get more traffic per day, the more hubs you have? Or do I need better quality hubs?
by sir_tallest 12 years ago
Where do you get topics or keywords you use when you write your blog or hubsI have been looking for good keywords and topics to write with but somehow I have not found keywords nor nice topics,,,,please can you share your ideas with me
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by WhatTheHub 12 years ago
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