What is wrong with my latest hub?

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  1. misslong123 profile image85
    misslong123posted 5 years ago

    I carefully completed my latest hub, and I went all out with the variety of capsules. I was pretty proud of this one that took me all week to put together, yet I was scored a 64. I've noticed my scores have been different over the past few years, tho I'm not sure why. This is a prime example of how I don't understand why my score was so low.

    Please help me understand the score I got and you may be on to helping me with my other hubs. If there is something I'm doing wrong, I would love to see what it is. I welcome constructive criticism.

    Thank you in advance.
    Michele Kelsey

    Here is the link:

    1. chef-de-jour profile image97
      chef-de-jourposted 5 years agoin reply to this


      Shortening the title.
      Writing capsule titles with keywords in them. ie Introduction to the Road Games.
      Selecting fewer images.
      Rearranging the capsules so you have meaty information right at the start ie.
      Close read through and closer edit if needs be.
      If you have other high traffic/high scoring articles check them out and see what you can do with this low scoring one.

      Bon voyage!!

      1. misslong123 profile image85
        misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Awesome feedback!

        I'm not sure about shortening the title, because that will require me to leave out some important keywords in the title, but agree that it will be shorter.

        I look forward to checking how these changes will improve my hyperlinks. as well as the rest of these suggestions.

        I will check on doing these revisions now! Thank you so much! I will keep you updated on how it goes.

        Michele Kelsey

    2. jackclee lm profile image83
      jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I read your article and it is very good. I would not worry about the hub score. It means very little. It is arbitrary and rated by a primitive AI system.
      I do agree the title is a bit long. You can change it to something more SEO friendly. As you get more viewers to your article, your hub score will automatically rise.

      1. misslong123 profile image85
        misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this


        Thank you for your encouraging words. I found your words to be motivating and very helpful! I am going to look into changing the title. I agree that is it too long, but any changes I make will cut off some great keywords. However, this is the second time of this suggestion change, so I will do it; just got to figure out which keywords will be in and which will be out for the title.
        Michele Kelsey

    3. Cheryl E Preston profile image84
      Cheryl E Prestonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I have articles that scored in the 60's but all were featured and several were chosen for other sites. So don't worry too much.

      1. misslong123 profile image85
        misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you Cheryl!
        Thank is very encouraging to hear!
        I've been facing the same frustrations that you have! Many of mine are in their 60's and have no clue why.
        Thanks for words of wisdome!
        Michele Kelsey

  2. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 5 years ago

    It's clear you put some work into this post. The title is probably too long and the introduction should probably have a title that tempts a reader into it.

    1. misslong123 profile image85
      misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you! I am so glad you can tell that I put the time and effort that I put into the hub. I will make the adjustments in to the title. I will also add in titles for the Introduction and Conclusion to make it clearer for the reader. Thank you fro the suggestion!

  3. Kenna McHugh profile image93
    Kenna McHughposted 5 years ago

    The article is filled with great information, but it needs to be organized in a way that is pleasant for the reader. I'd get rid of some of the photos, too, so the article is easier to read. The title, for example, is way too long. "Easy Road Trip Games for Kids and Adults" might work. I'd check the SEO for the best wording.

    1. misslong123 profile image85
      misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Very useful and detailed information that should help me navigate thru this hub and correct any errors I might need to and/or make sure that the readers can flow freely through the article and for them to understand it easily.
      Michele Kelsey

  4. Doneta Wrate profile image79
    Doneta Wrateposted 5 years ago

    I have read that a title should never be longer than 58 spaces.  Google never considers long than 58 spaces.

    1. misslong123 profile image85
      misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome information Doneta!
      Thank you for telling me this information for this hub and for any future hubs I write. This is a very helpful thing stat!
      Michele Kelsey

  5. Doneta Wrate profile image79
    Doneta Wrateposted 5 years ago

    I read on another article just last night by a different SEO nerd that Googles cut off was at 64-64 characters.  so take you pick.  That would give you room for one more keyword.

    1. misslong123 profile image85
      misslong123posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the update Doneta!

      I was in the middle of changing it... lol.



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