Tips On Working On SEO

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  1. thespherical profile image78
    thesphericalposted 4 years ago

    Hi everybody ,
    Though I myself have just started writing hubs.I have been writing blogs for quite a long time now for various blog and niches.
    I am willing to share my insight which can help new hubbers to rank more easily on google.
    First, you need to write and visualize the whole idea in your head before you write it down on paper. For that you need to find the right low competition keyword preferably a long tail keyword. Do a good amount of research around it. The more you read the more you can brainstorm your head with ideas.
    1. You can use Google's auto fill to get a long tail keyword
    2. This is a must! Use the keyword in Title,Summary and the first paragraph of the article
    3. Try using the keyword 4-6 times in the article (obviously it should make sense).
    4. At least have two images in your hub
    5. Keep your paragraphs short to increase readability
    6. Try dividing the article with sub headings
    7. Google shows no mercy with grammatical mistakes
    8. An article can take up to 3 weeks to rank
    9. Share On social media

    These are the few ones I can think of right now. You can ask anything regarding the same.

    1. ziyena profile image92
      ziyenaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      How do I find this:   Google's auto fill
      and how is it done?

      Thanks for your tips!

      1. theraggededge profile image87
        theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Type your keyword/phrase into the Google search bar. Don't press Enter. A list of suggested results will appear. It's actually called 'Google Suggest'. Make a note of any that interest you.

        Press Enter. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see 'Searches related to...' There is a list of more ideas/suggestions.

        You can also use for a ton of search engine results relating to your topic. As a free member the number of searches you can do is limited.

        1. ziyena profile image92
          ziyenaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Bev!  Appreciated

          Very cool

  2. theraggededge profile image87
    theraggededgeposted 4 years ago

    @thespherical You must cite the source of your images. They should be legal to use. Adding captions will also increase seo.

    Using seo-friendly subheadings is also a good idea.

    Formatting and following the guidelines will get your articles moved to the network sites.

    1. thespherical profile image78
      thesphericalposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I am using the premium service from a stock image and illustration website.
      Also is adding captions to images is like adding alt text?

      1. theraggededge profile image87
        theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        That's fine, but you should still cite the source.

        Captions work a little bit like alt text - they are picked up by SEs.

        1. thespherical profile image78
          thesphericalposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Cool, will keep this in mind. You are such a kind helper. <3

          1. theraggededge profile image87
            theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            You are welcome smile

      2. Jonathan Wylie profile image85
        Jonathan Wylieposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        My 2c, but any seo benefits from alt text are merely a side bonus. Alt text is used to help low vision or blind users identify what is in an image. Hence, alt text should not be used primarily for seo. Make your alt text descriptions genuine and helpful for disabled users, not for seo, regardless of what Google might think on this issue.

        1. thespherical profile image78
          thesphericalposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for the input though I didn't knew about this.

        2. theraggededge profile image87
          theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          We're talking about image captions, not alt text per se. We can't add alt text to hub images. However, I read on here a long time ago that it's a good idea to name the image file something relevant to the topic.

          1. Jonathan Wylie profile image85
            Jonathan Wylieposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I have petitioned Hubpages several times about the ability to add alt text, but they have yet to implement it. Last time, they told me the caption should be used for alt text, which is really not appropriate and/or shows a lack of understanding as to what alt text is. The purpose of a caption and the purpose of alt text can be very different.

            1. eugbug profile image95
              eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I used "Inspector" in Firefox to view the HTML for an image. There is an alt field in the definition, derived from the caption (or maybe I'm looking at the wrong HTML for the image?). Here's an example:

              <img class="m-detail--tml-image m-image" alt="No matter what the shape or size of a triangle, the sum of the 3 angles is 180 " decoding="async" src="" data-src="" srcset="" itemprop="contentUrl url" loading="lazy" width="1500" height="1884">

              1. Jonathan Wylie profile image85
                Jonathan Wylieposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Yes. That is exactly my point. The alt text description in your example does not visually describe what the image is. It is a caption. Alt text describes what the picture is. The fact that the caption is being labeled as alt text by the CMS is not good practice. They are different things. Writers, in my experience, do not use the caption field for alt text.

                See this link for examples:

                I know I hijacked this thread so I apologize but I truly wish someone would address this at Hubpages.

                1. thespherical profile image78
                  thesphericalposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks you, it's totally understandable why captions and alt text should be different.
                  Internet is full of shallow info. Also looks like big social networking sites have a AI working to add alt text. Like on instagram. A few days back when I accessed instagram from my pc browser.Maybe because of the slow internet or lazy loading.A sentence came up in the placeholder describing what is in the image than came the photo.
                  It was shocking for me how accurate the AI was naming the photos


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