Problem Viewing Photos in Articles Downloaded From Google Drive

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  1. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 4 months ago

    I have Google Drive setup to automatically upload the design version of articles to Drive, anytime they're saved or edited. I have then downloaded the files and support folders associated with a couple of articles from Drive to check they articles open ok and photos are displayed. However I notice when I open an article's HTML file in a browser and click on "source" under a photo,  it doesn't show details of the web address where it came from or the licence, so it would be a big chore to re-source all this information. So I decided to also backup the published version of articles. Photos on the published version show the source and a link. The saved HTML file of the network site version loads ok, however when I download the version from Drive (and the support folder, and unzipped it), images don't appear in an article. I presume this has something maybe to do with Drive altering folder names, but they look the same.
    Has anyone backed up the network site version of article pages and experienced this problem? I don't print to PDFs as a backup method because of the issue where images are frequently split-up at the end of pages.

  2. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 4 months ago

    I tested downloading the backed-up file and folder for another article and it works fine when unzipped and viewed. So either something went wrong with the upload to Drive or there's a problem with the unzipping, extraction process. I've noticed this before where long file names get truncated, either by Drive during upload or when unzipped, I'm not sure which. It just means a nightmare for backing up, because each article would have to be downloaded, unzipped and viewed.

  3. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 4 months ago

    Found the problem. The title of the article had an apostrophe at the end of a word. The locally saved version and folder (which derive their filenames from the name of an article) preserved the apostrophe, so it's obviously not a reserved symbol for folder/file naming in Windows. However the apostrophe was replaced by an underscore during unzipping, so that led to the article not being able to find the auxiliary folder and images in it.

  4. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 4 months ago

    If you're backing up webpages of articles to the Cloud, view the whole page of an article first by scrolling to the end. Images are lazy loaded as far as I know, so all the content needs to be downloaded from the server first if you want to include the complete set of photos for your articles. If you have viewed them previously and haven't cleared the cache, they will be stored locally if you viewed an article in its entirety.

  5. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 4 months ago

    Another thing I noticed was that two of the pages I saved from Firefox wouldn't load. When I checked the HTML files, they had zero bytes. Saving them again worked. So maybe this has something to do with a webpage being not fully displayed so no data is stored? I'll post a report on the Mozilla support forum.

  6. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 4 months ago

    Thumbnails are an issue too. Only the first image is saved or at least the thumbnails can't be browsed because the code to change the image doesn't work on saved HTML files.


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