I'd like feedback on my first article, "Dark side of being beautiful"

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  1. Adityaparihar454545 profile image47
    Adityaparihar454545posted 7 weeks ago

    Thanking in advance for sparing your valuable time, I'm new here and I've gone through the guidelines and tried my best to stick to them, Kindly provide your honest opinions on my first article.
    https://discover.hubpages.com/education … tify-women

  2. theraggededge profile image89
    theraggededgeposted 7 weeks ago

    You already had feedback on this when you posted the complete text. As a Western woman, as well as your views being hugely over-generalised, I find it misogynistic, sexist and superficial.

    You are telling women how to think, how to behave, and what attitudes they 'should' have. Also, you are attempting to know our motivations,

    And who are you to judge that after a certain age, a woman's looks start declining? There are many stunning women of all ages. The problem is, that you are only seeing women from your own perspective.

    As another writer already told you, this is predominately an American/European platform so perhaps you need to think about writing for that audience who don't usually accept men's domination over women.

    How about you write a similar article on the Dark Sides of Being a Good-Looking Man, but then I'd guess there are none.

    Other points:

    Who is 'Tracy'?

    What is the 'Illusionist Trailer'? It's blank.

    You need to cite the image sources, making sure that they carry a proper license that permits you to reproduce them. Some of those charts could be copyrighted and thus you expose yourself to the chance of being sued.

    Your subheadings should be in APA format.

    There are grammatical errors throughout. Put your text through Grammarly.

    A 'same-sex' relationship generally means a sexual one, i.e. lesbian, not friendships and ones with relatives.

    Personally, I don't like this, and I if I had happened upon it, I would be clicking the Back button after the first few sentences.

    1. CYong74 profile image97
      CYong74posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

      His juvenile views will not be tolerated in most parts of East and Southeast Asia too.

    2. Adityaparihar454545 profile image47
      Adityaparihar454545posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your feedback ma'am, Our views differ on the matter, I do not see my work promoting misogyny and I am not at all advising anyone to do anything it is just a perspective, 1000 opinions exist on the internet, it is just one of them and you should adhere to the ones that you deem logical.
      The whole premise of the text was to urge women to keep their existence above their looks, is that misogynistic? I am from India and I have over a hundred female peers who've read this article on Medium and they appraised the work.
      Btw thank you for pointing out other technical errors, appreciate that

      1. theraggededge profile image89
        theraggededgeposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

        The whole premise of the text was to urge women to keep their existence above their looks, is that misogynistic?

        Yes, it is. And that isn't an opinion, is it? 'Urging' is the same as advising.

        Women are free (or should be) to decide on their priorities, not given instructions by a man.

        Also, if you have previously published it on Medium, you cannot republish it here. All work on HubPages must be original.

  3. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 7 weeks ago

    Nevertheless, given all the piece's manifest deficiencies, it has been deemed good enough to be placed on Discover. This tells us that QAP no longer exists and HubPages no longer interested in properly crafted articles.

    The strategy appears to be to throw any old crap onto the website and place ads alongside it; haul in as much money as possible before Google catches on and banishes HP forever.

    21st century capitalism writ large. Take the money and run.

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
      PaulGoodman67posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

      Yes, and if you're published at Discover, you've essentially made it nowadays.

      There's no advantage to getting published in the niches when most of the niches are doing worse than Discover and the niches are being moved to Discover.

      So there's no general need for feedback. If your article gets past the software that detects plagiarism, etc., you've made it.

      Of course, people are free to (justifiably) criticize the article for its condescending attitudes toward women. However, that doesn't affect the chances of it being published unless it crosses the line into hate speech, in which case it will, presumably, be taken down.

      We're essentially back to the free-for-all days.


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