can ı use a picture obtained from google image search at my hub?

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  1. ofmelancholy profile image61
    ofmelancholyposted 14 years ago

    Picture covers bon jovi by the way.

  2. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    doesnt matter how you found it

  3. PackSecure profile image60
    PackSecureposted 14 years ago

    When I use a picture from someone else, I ALWAYS make sure to give credit to the source.

  4. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    to be clear - google images itself is just a search engine- that part of your question is irrelevant.

    If you use someone elses work it requires permission and acknowledgement.

    Its a case by case basis, you can make your life easier by using CC or stock imagery. Often neither requires citations (as the owners have either sold the rights to the stock company or additional CC license info was not filled out by the owner)

    Mostly, product images are open, some of us with lots of affiliate connections have a bit more access to these types of images.

    I have no idea what "picture covers bon jovi" means.

    is Bon jovi pictured

    is it a picture of an album cover?

    - not real questions as I imagine deciphering the answer will be equally hard

  5. RedElf profile image88
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    You must acknowledge the source of any image you use. Otherwise, it is considered "use without permission", or potential copyright infringement.

    Check first to see if the image is copyright - usually the web site will tell you that. If it is a copyright image, you cannot use it.

    There are several ways to give credit for images that you find online, but the simplest is to use the caption box.

    If, for example, you used a picture of apples from a website called, you would type in something like:
    Apples - photo from

    If the name of the photographer is given (and it is not a copyright image) then you would type in:
    Apples - photo by Photographer Phil, from

    If you got the image from Wikimedia (usually a safe source for non-copyright images) then you would type in:
    Apples - photo from
    or simply
    Apples -

    Use the phrase "courtesy of" ONLY if you have written permission from the owner to use the photo.

    Look at patty inglish's hubs, and my recent hubs for a couple of different ways to correctly source your photos.

    Hope this helps big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

    1. blue parrot profile image61
      blue parrotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wikimedia Commons is NOT the same as Public Domain.

      Most photos in Wikimedia have long names like "GNU Creative Commons License".

      It is common sense: if I say my photo is by Diliff and Diliff is a famous photographer, you can't yet be sure that I did not steal it. I must say that Diliff published the photo under the GNU Creative Commons license. That is the name of the permission he gave.

      It is a lot of work and more time goes into that than into writing. Most peole think that if you only take a very small copy of the picture you are all right, but this view is based on hearsay, not on law.

    2. MyWebs profile image77
      MyWebsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      RedElf I must disagree with you on many points

      "You must acknowledge the source of any image you use."

      I use Royalty Free Images from which do not require any such acknowledgement, but I do it anyway of my own choice to be nice. Plus by commenting on the images source page there that I used your picture on my hub with a link I get a easy incoming link from there and the owner gets to see how their pic is being used. The copyright owner determines if they wish to require credit be given, a link or any other terms of usage they wish to enforce. They call the shots here.

      "If it is a copyright image, you cannot use it."
      Everything published online is automatically copyrighted. Copyright has nothing to do with how the copyright owner chooses to license out their work. They could use a Creative Commons license or even a Royalty Free license among many, many other choices.

      Pretty much every other comment you make is tainted by your misuse of the word "copyrighted"

      One of my recent hubs that featured 10 YouTube stars I contacted each of these singers and asked for permission to use pictures that they could provide me with. A couple responded back and stipulated which attribution should be given, which I complied with of course. I was happy they let me use their pictures.

      The copyright owner is the owner of a picture, article or any other material they own and as such they get to make up the rules, license, of how they allow others to use their material. They can charge a one time fee or per use fee (like sometimes does), ask for credit in the form of a link or copyright acknowledgement or even nothing at all. Many choose to use commonly used licenses like Creative Commons as they are well understood.

  6. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    RedElf, just a few additional points:

    That's right, you can't use a copyright image - but if the image IS copyright, the website probably WON'T tell you.  All photographs are automatically copyright unless they say otherwise, not the other way around.

    Not quite, because many licences require you to link back to the photographer's site, and the caption can't be made into a hyperlink.  You can put a links capsule under your photo or you can thank the photographer, with a hyperlink, in your text.

    If you scroll down on Wikimedia, you'll find the images are often Creative Commons images from Flickr or elsewhere, and you're therefore obliged to credit the original source, not wikimedia.

  7. Sally's Trove profile image80
    Sally's Troveposted 14 years ago

    ofmelancholy, you ask a good question.  Just because you find images on a Google search does not mean that you can use them in your Hubs (or anywhere else), as Marisa and RedElf have explained.

    So, stepping away a bit from your on HP and everywhere else on the Internet, people borrow or steal images from others without regard to another's copyright.

    Unfortunately, too many Hubbers, even those with longevity and high scores, don't adhere to this copyright law. I think they don't because they don't understand. And that's really sad, because this is supposed to be a writer's site, and writers are supposed to know about copyright law.

  8. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    There seems to be a little bit of confusion here.

    Technically, you cannot use (Non public domain) images without written permission, and simply posting a bit of text giving credit to the original owner will not absolve you of copyright infringement.

    However, lets face it, most images in Google search are not actually by the original owners, and in many situations they are public domain.

    You can run the risk of using whatever you find on Google, since the worst that will normally happen is the original owner will ask you to remove it!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oli, I can't agree with you there.  What you're saying is, other people have already stolen these photographs, so it's OK for me to use them.

      That's like saying, it's OK for me to buy a stereo from this guy, even though I know he stole it from the house across the road.

      Or it's like saying, it's OK for me to throw this litter on the street, because there's already litter on the street.

      Or it's like saying that if someone copied one of your Hubs without crediting you, and someone saw that copy and copied it again, you wouldn't mind.

      Just because other people have no integrity, I don't think that means we should all give up on doing the right thing.

  9. Your Knowledge profile image58
    Your Knowledgeposted 14 years ago

    I think you should ask yourself whether you would mind if someone else copied an image you put in the web without your consent. If not then i think its ok. Personally i wouldnt mind if someone copied an image from me. Its something else if someone copied an article word for word that i put my personal hard work and creativity into.

    1. MyWebs profile image77
      MyWebsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Using someone else's copyrighted image or article without permission is called "Copyright Infringement"! This is illegal and you could pay hefty fines for doing this! Always ask permission first, it is the right thing to do.

      There is no difference under copyright law between articles and pictures. The law applies equally the same.

      1. Your Knowledge profile image58
        Your Knowledgeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Not all countries have the same laws. In Nigeria for instance scams are legal. How exactly are people gonna enforce copyright infringement on the internet anyway? Sometimes you have to be realistic as well. It would be naive and unrealistic to expect that no one is going to copy your image when you put it on the world wide web.

        1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
          Uninvited Writerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          That is why photographers should add watermarks to photos when they post them. A watermark doesn't have to make the photo unviewable. Several photographers on HubPages do this already.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't agree.  I think you have to ask yourself whether you'd mind if someone copied your Hubs.

      The thing is, many of these photographers are seeking to earn income from their images, just as we seek to earn income from our Hubs. Taking one of those photos is different from taking a photo some happy snap someone has posted on their Facebook page.

      1. LarasMama profile image60
        LarasMamaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Ok a few things -
        Where exactly do we give credit if it's a VERY common photo - for instance there's a photo of a baby's foot making a shape in a woman's stomach, it must be on thousands of sites. Or what about one that is a screen print or a picture taken from the Simpsons? Should we contact the company? Credit the site that had the picture? Or what?
        Google adsense says in its terms that you can get in trouble if you don't properly attribute or break copyright. Can you actually get banned for this?
        I've started to try and update my hubs so they're all correct but with some parts it's difficult with the fact that the internet has been around for a couple of decades and some information and graphics have been re-used hundreds and thousands of times.

        1. Your Knowledge profile image58
          Your Knowledgeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I seriously doubt adsense would ban you for this, or else very few people would have adsense accounts left. Its ridiculous to have to get consent for every single picture you use. No one does that.

        2. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Adsense doesn't check up on your photos, so that's not a worry.  For me, it's not about getting caught, it's more about doing what's morally right.

          I'd hate it if someone stole my writing, so how does a professional photographer feel when someone steals his pictures?  They're his bread and butter after all.

          If you can't see a licence, don't use them.  Period. I get all the photos I need from Flickr (do the advanced search and tick Creative Commons), Morguefile (all images are free to use) and Wikimedia (check the conditions on the individual image).

          1. LarasMama profile image60
            LarasMamaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Ok thanks for the tips. I'm trying to do this in my work...
            The way I see it, if I start early doing the right thing, it's easier than getting to 150 hubs and people figuring out that you're ripping other people off to get where you are.


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