What to write about?

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  1. lucieanne profile image76
    lucieanneposted 14 years ago

    what sort of things do people who make the most money on here write about? If the only way to make big bucks is to promote goods then I'm not gonna get very far, as I dont know much about cameras or toys or which computer is the best one to buy, or yoga, or dancing, or 'how to' anything really. Am I on the wrong site? I love writing on here, but ultimately I want to earn some hard cash.

    1. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You just need to write what you know, find the right keywords and share your article to your target audience.  Content is king, but you need to get your work out there through backlinking as naturally as possible.  You already have a head start... hubpages has most of the tools to help your success.

      Truly, take a look around you... what do you see?  What do you do daily that you take for granted?  What you take for granted is another person's search.

      Are you a mother? A partner? A lover?  What have you found works successfully in your life?  What have you found to be a failure for which you have learned from?

      The world is open... just allow your mind to go... wild!

    2. Maddie Ruud profile image69
      Maddie Ruudposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You definitely do not need to promote anything to make money.  but if you're thinking of doing creative writing, like stories or poems, you probably won't earn much.

      Write about what you know.  You use hundreds of products every day; write reviews of them--favorable or unfavorable.  Write about your mattress, household cleaners, coffee maker, toothpaste, flea medicine for your pet, hair spray, or the last book you read!  I'm also sure there are things you know how to do.  You don't have to over-complicate things.  A lot of what people are searching for is tips for things you might consider easy or simple, and for reviews or info on certain brand-name products.

      Check out the IdeaBank for some inspiration.

  2. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Hey Lucieanne,

    Do you have a particular perspective about social issues?
    Do you have a view about politicians and their actions?
    Do you have kids?(lots to write about in this category)
    Do you have knowledge about schools?
    Do you use products?(write reviews- your experience)
    Do you have pet peeves?(things you don't like in the world)

    You can always find small or large topics within each so as to branch off and create other hubs.

    Hope that was helpful. smile

    1. lucieanne profile image76
      lucieanneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks guys - you're all a real inspiration. One of my flaws is self doubt. I'm not clued up about internet stuff and a lot of what I read on here is about as clear as mud, but... I'm learning. Its a bit daunting when I read some of the accomplished hubbers' stuff though, but I guess I have to learn to walk before I can run.
      Thanks for all your advice, which I shall take on board and apply.

      1. liljen23 profile image72
        liljen23posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Lucieanne, I was clueless to about what to write but I found out that I know only a certain amount of things and the best thing to do is break whatever idea you have into categories. The more you know about a certain topic the more exposure you receive because it is showing how relevant you are on that topic. Write down what you know on a piece of paper and break every last one of your ideas down into great titles to put on Hubpages. Once you have that write at least 500 words and submit it on Hubpages. You can also submit articles on other websites too and link them back to Hubpages.

        I am trying to make hard cash but it is taking so long but like I am going to tell you "don't give up" , make a plan and stick with it. I am trying to take it one step at a time and remain consistent. I wrote down so many goals last night and I want to achieve them. I want to make around $3,000-$4,000 on writing articles but I know it will take a while and I am ready for it.. Good luck to Lucieanne.. Keep Going..

      2. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Learning from other people has its limitations. The topics that appear the most attractive at a glance are oftentimes the most crowded ones, too.

        With the way you have phrased your initial question, I think it unlikely someone who truly has found a valuable niche would hand it to you. Thus, you may have to start doing your own research and do some hard thinking.

        Your so-called "self doubt" I do not take at face value, you have been one of the most visible new hubbers I have ever seen. So once you get your writing skills tuned to the format of this site, I'm sure you'll do very well indeed.

        1. lucieanne profile image76
          lucieanneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for your comment - I really appreciate the time you all take to reply. Can you explain what you mean about tuning my writing skills to the format of the site? I just write the only way I know how, so if I'm doing it wrong I would really appreciate some advice,

          1. profile image0
            Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You can always post links to your hubs and request feedback on the Extreme Hub Makeover forum.

            There is of course no standard formula for this site. Some people write dynamically, others matter-of-factly, yet others have developed their unique style. It all depends upon what you write about and what type of audience you intend to attract. But clearly, some writers make more efficient communicators than do others.

            In general:
            - Keep your writing clear, concise, and crisp;
            - Avoid overly long paragraphs or sentences;
            - Consider "addressing" your readers from time to time (e.g. "As you may have heard..." as opposed to "Many people have been reported to have heard...")
            - Similarly, consider injecting a few rhetorical questions here and there (e.g. "Would you buy a used car from that man? Probably not...");
            - Endeavor to make a clear point, if possible several sub-conclusions leading to an overall conclusion, motivating the reader to read through to the end;
            - Once people have read your hub, they will want to feel that they reaped some specific reward - that, it seems, is a key element in success on HubPages.

  3. travelespresso profile image67
    travelespressoposted 14 years ago

    Hello Lucieanne
    You're receiving some excellent advice here.

    I just had a look at two of your hubs.  My opinion is that they are very well written and you've excellent photographs.

    Two suggestions though
    - you could add more tags to the articles to improve your chances of them being "found" by people searching

    - you could use the information you have in the two destination/historical hubs and write a new one for people traveling to those areas.  The background information is great but how could travelers benefit from it?  Join these new articles to hubtrails and that could help your readership and ultimately earn money.

    If you are interested in using this information to write a travel hub or two check out Ohma's profile to get information on hubtrails + I've written a hubtrail FAQ.

    Hope that helps and I hope you like it here!

  4. CMHypno profile image83
    CMHypnoposted 14 years ago

    Hi Lucieanne, why don't you start making a list of topics that you want to write about.  I have a 'Hub Topics' doc on my laptop and if I read something interesting in the paper or a magazine, or think of something during the day, I just jot it down and then won't forget it. I now have 12 pages of ideas, so am not going to run out of things to write about any time soon!

    Also sign up for Google Analytics, as I also get plenty of ideas from keywords that people have used to get to my hubs.

  5. Alison Graham profile image94
    Alison Grahamposted 14 years ago

    Hi, there is so much great advice here that I am sure you will not be stuck for ideas now.  As to how to make money from your hubs, firstly I would say, the keywords you use.  I would not advise you to look for a high paying keyword and write about that, but if, for example is you already wanted to write a hub about lawn mowers you could go to the google keywords research tool and put in lawn mowers and then display the cpc (cost per click column) and see which keywords have not only the highest cpc but also the highest global search volume.  You could then include these higher paying/high search volume keywords in your hub quite naturally and use them as tags.  Secondly, I would say, promote your own hubs, use the share it button at the bottom of your hub plus promote by creating bookmarks on other sites such as Xomba, She Told Me, Delicious and so on.  Thirdly as many people visit your profile page as well as reading a hub, put links to hubs you want to promote within your profile information.  Good luck with your hubs, they are well written.

  6. lucieanne profile image76
    lucieanneposted 14 years ago

    Thanks again to you all for your help and advice. I'm beginning to get the picture now. I love it on hubpages and am willing to take it all on board in order to learn to write the best I can. I've written the hubs about my hometown to sort of dip my toe in the water, so to speak. I'm having a few ideas for other subjects and your advice is extremely helpful.

  7. sunforged profile image76
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    I have a hub what should I write about? that is as expansive as i can get on the topic.

    Your hometown/local idea is an intelligent decision as you are likely to have little competition (unless you live in a major city)

    In general, just open your eyes and never think a topic is to small

  8. bojanglesk8 profile image60
    bojanglesk8posted 14 years ago

    Write about things that will display good, tempting ads.

  9. Research Analyst profile image68
    Research Analystposted 14 years ago

    You could write about hobbies, like your experience with them, for instance if you like painting, or sewing, you could share tips on how to do something, such as hiking, saving money on groceries or buying designer clothes on clearance. It just takes you time to think of things that you find interesting.

    People like to read about another persons experience with simple things like cleaning a bathroom, hosting a party or decorating a room. All these are valuable to people and it focuses on offering advice as well as providing good content for advertisers.

    Hope this helps.


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