Since when is Ecchi adult content?

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  1. anime_nanet profile image61
    anime_nanetposted 14 years ago

    So, some of my hubs relating to Ecchi were removed by hubpages mods.

    I'll quote Wikipedia on Ecchi:

    "The term ecchi is applied to anime or manga that has vague sexual content (...) making it the manga equivalent of a PG-13 rated movie."

    "The ecchi art style is loosely comparable to pin-up girl artwork"


    Don't mess up Ecchi with Hentai - I could explain you better the difference between Ecchi and Hentai (and I know a lot of people find it useful), but unfortunately my hub explaining the differences was also removed as well.

    Oh, by the way, if you are also targeting the Hentai KeyWord I suggest removing this hub by Cris A as well:

    <snipped link>

    Oh wait, Crias A has a hubscore of 97 on that one and he's a reputed member of the community. I guess Orson Wells was right after all: "some are more equal than others"

    I don't know if you have new moderators or something but some of the criteria you are using to select which hubs to remove are very subjective in nature - but, alas, this is your site and you run it.

    Just wanted to try to figure out your reasoning behind your decisions and at the same time alert other hubbers that read this topic to be on the alert to overzealous mods.

    Over and Out.

    ps. - hubpages mods, if you don't answer this thread is perfectly fine, it's just a little more proof that maybe the game you play isn't as fair anymore and you don't like to wash your dirty laundry in public.

    ps2. - feel free to not only not respond as to target even more of my hubs as you did after I released another protest topic one week ago.

    Losing faith on hubpages by the minute.

    Ricardo Silva

  2. Maddie Ruud profile image70
    Maddie Ruudposted 14 years ago


    We did not target you or anyone else for complaining.  The filter is automated, and has brought a lot of questionable content to our attention.  The hub in question has "List of Hentai" in the title, so you can understand why we assume it links to adult content.

    If you have questions about your hubs, please send us an email.  Posting a thread in the forums is not guaranteed to get our attention.  I feel like a broken record saying this over and over again.

    1. anime_nanet profile image61
      anime_nanetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not talking of removing the ads. Some of my hubs (I'm refering for instance to the difference between Ecchi and Hentai and to the List of Ecchi and Hentai Animes - that just had links that pointed to Wikipedia pages) didn't have ads since the beginning but they we're removed altogether after being 2 years active.

      So either you changed the filter algorithms or you have you mods went on an removal spree.

      I talk about anime. A part of anime is Ecchi and Hentai. Yes, it's controversial subjects, but I never put no naked women cartoons on my hubs or something... Sugestive imaginery I did, that's true, but most of the cases (especially this 2 hubs I mention) it's just covers for some of the shows, that are used as reference.

      Some hubs I don't even contest as I can see your reasoning for removing - i did push over the edge on those ones. But these I strongly disagree!

      1. Maddie Ruud profile image70
        Maddie Ruudposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, misread your first post.  Just edited to correct, see above.

      2. anime_nanet profile image61
        anime_nanetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Oh by the way I used Cris A hub as an example not only for the Hentai Keyword but also for the "sugestive images". I actually think it's a good hub.

        But if we follow the guidelines I think we're followed in my case that hub should be removed right now!

        Do you have two rules for the same instance?

        Because acording to your own terms of use, these hubs are bad:

        Publish Hubs or Hub or Author Content that include any content or links that are pornographic, defamatory, libelous, tortious, vulgar, obscene, invasive of privacy, racially or ethnically objectionable, hateful, promotes or provides instructional information about illegal activities, promotes any act of cruelty to animals, or is otherwise offensive.

        Not one of my hubs are pornographic:

        "Pornography or porn is the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement and erotic satisfaction."

        I pride myself of being original on the hubs I write so I don't think they're vulgar.

        I don't know if you consider the description of what is hentai obscene - I consider it informative.

        As watching Hentai is not illegal - and certainly not Ecchi! - I think it can be considered "promoting or providing instructional information about illegal activities".

        Now Hateful... that is the point. I don't hate no one. But maybe someone hates me and that's why my hubs are going down smile Just kiding (whistles in the air...)

        Or maybe their offensive to someone... maybe a mod. But hey, Darwin was also quite offensive to many religious people when he said we we're born from monkeys....

        Oh well, I suppose I can write all this in a mail and send you guys, but it would be good I think for you to respond publicly sometimes to this kind of issues.

    2. anime_nanet profile image61
      anime_nanetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry but I must quote Hubpages once again:

      If you have questions about the rules, please review the FAQ, ASK FOR CLARIFICATION IN THE FORUM, or contact us before submitting your hub for review.

      I did just that. If you only want us to contact you guys by email, please remove those lines.

  3. anime_nanet profile image61
    anime_nanetposted 14 years ago

    I sent both the hubs I mentioned for a new review.

    The links that are present either redirect to other hubpages or wikipedia pages.

    Please check it.


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