How do you find what backlinks you have?

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  1. allpurposeguru profile image72
    allpurposeguruposted 14 years ago

    Hi, I just downloaded the free version of SEO SpyGlass and have been looking at my blogs and then my two most-read hubs. Before I reveal the results, I should say that I have put most of my writings (here and elsewhere) on RedGage and Xomba. Some things are on FaceBook and/or LinkedIn. I have a running list both by site and by topic on my home page. That supersedes an older attempt to keep up with "related articles" on each of three blogs. I have made backlinks to at least some of my hubs from writings posted elsewhere, but I haven't kept a record.

    "Classical music: the birth of an idea" has 47 backlinks, apparently all from the now-obsolete "related articles" part of my blog Musicology for Everyone. That would make sense if I had 47 posts on that one, but I have more than 100. The RedGage and Xomba links don't show up at all. I don't have Xomba up to date, but this hub is pretty old.

    "History of the Trombone in Brief," an older hub that has been read more times, has only 3 backlinks! One is from Xomba. I am not responsible for the other two ( and squidoo). It's good to see evidence that someone else is making backlinks to my hub, but where are the ones that should have come from my blog?

    I got SpyGlass yesterday because someone at, I think, a Google help page suggested it was better than Backlink Watch, I tried on the blogs and figured a lot was missing.

    Do any of you try to find backlinks to your hubs? Have you found reliable tools? Or is there some reasonable explanation for what I have reported?

    I kind of owe a public apology to RebeccaE. A while ago I grumbled in comments on two different hubs about not making any money, not recognizing that they were both hers. Well, Rebecca, I'm trying to take part of your advice and so far only getting grumpier!! Blowing a couple of hours to get useless information will do that.

  2. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 14 years ago


    What were you hoping to make money with? I see a lot of religious people complaining they are not making any money writing about irrational beliefs recently.

    Just how do you expect to make money with the things you are writing about?

    1. allpurposeguru profile image72
      allpurposeguruposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the link, Mark.

      The All-Purpose Guru writes about all kinds of things. As for your dig at religious topics, I just checked a bunch of underperforming hubs with an eye toward revising and improving them. Not wanting to waste time on hubs with little  income potential, I checked the hub metrics. Even my religious hubs show $$ or $$$ for income potential.

      A lot of irreligious people write about irrational beliefs, too, BTW. I suppose some hubbers are making good money on hubs one or the other of us would find totally preposterous.

      1. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        OK - Feel free to ignore what I said. What would I know about it?

        I write about irrational beliefs as well - but I am careful to pick titles that religious zealots will spend money on. They are really dumbfounded about the creation vs evolution argument and looking for help on how to combat science. I am sure the same is true of the making verbal attacks on agnostics.

        Oh ye of little faith. wink Remember that "agnostic" is the Greek equivalent of the Latin "ignoramus." It is a totally pseudo-intellectual position that dares to paint religious people as anti-intellectual.

        Gotta be a $$$

    2. Pcunix profile image85
      Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      From other irrational people?

      There seems to be no lack.

  3. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    I would forget the revenue potential metric even exists - I strongly suggest you make NO changes based on those little asterisks

    you can also use google advanced operators to search: … rs-for-seo

    but site explorer is better

  4. Shadesbreath profile image75
    Shadesbreathposted 14 years ago

    I can't figure out what site explorer does. I put one of my hubs in there just to see what came up and all it gives me is three HP links, like RSS to it or something. 

    I hate technology.  I wish people would make stuff simpler.

    1. sunforged profile image77
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      its rational.. it just means the hub url has no external backlinks ..we all have tons of them from within HP

      there is an option "except for this domain" that will weed out the Hp links

      but all of the backlink tools are spotty, best used as a reference.

      1. allpurposeguru profile image72
        allpurposeguruposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        All backlink tools are spotty. Meaning that the results I got for those two hubs are about what I can expect even if they make no sense? Gottcha. I think.

  5. profile image34
    techno-hubposted 14 years ago

    download seo quake or seo moz tool bar for firefox or internet explorer. You see lot of information about every thing..

  6. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 14 years ago

    Will it tell me why men have nipples?

    1. lorlie6 profile image73
      lorlie6posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I always wanted to know that, too! smile

  7. profile image0
    Go Writerposted 14 years ago

    I haven't seen too many Adwords ads on religious topics, and their cost per click is pretty low even thought there is a bit of traffic.

    But I'd feel uncomfortable trying to make money off of a church's advertising.

    1. 49lart profile image65
      49lartposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      There is a site called I have tried it on my website but not on Hubpages yet.

      1. Research Analyst profile image70
        Research Analystposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thanks for the tips 49lart

  8. xboxps3wow profile image40
    xboxps3wowposted 14 years ago

    you can try backlinkwatch for backlinks


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