Better luck next time?

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  1. nell79 profile image84
    nell79posted 13 years ago

    I managed to get almost half way there, but that's still a far cry from getting it done. I think I must've been crazy to think I could get it done at this time of year. I'll try it again after the holiday craziness is over.

    Trying not to take it too hard that I failed so miserably!

    1. saleheensblog profile image61
      saleheensblogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      best of luck next time, don't feel bad for this one smile

    2. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Do not feel bad, I am sure there will be other chances in future. You're doing fine.

  2. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Stay off the forums for 30 days the next time, perhaps?

    1. saleheensblog profile image61
      saleheensblogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      definitely. If I was away of forum for more time in my little career i would certainly made 100 hubs by now.

    2. nell79 profile image84
      nell79posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I come to the forums to get ideas on what's working for people, but yes, if I stayed away completely it would be easier. I also tend to look in the forums when I just have a few minutes, rather than a block of time.

      I'm not as fast as some of you, and have to have a good amount of uninterrupted time to write a quality hub (not easy with a family my size).

      Honestly, I have enough content I could've just touched up (or even left as is if I wanted) and thrown on here to go above and beyond the 30 in 30. I chose not to do it that way though, as I decided I wanted to create some new stuff.

  3. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    I failed the first time I tried, but succeeded in the next one I tried.

    1. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I never tried, so haven't had the opportunity to fail.

      1. nell79 profile image84
        nell79posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Failing doesn't feel too good haha. But I'll be sure to get all my ideas written out beforehand and stay away from the forums til I'm done wink

    2. nell79 profile image84
      nell79posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm thinking after Christmas I'll try again. I was responsible for all the Christmas shopping this year, added to my other very long list of duties, so.......yeah...anyway, I don't give up yet lol

    3. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I failed three times and succeeded twice (I was part of Sunforged 60dc and I didnt want to let the team down!  Irony strikes lmfao).  So, dont beat yourself up!

      Good luck next time!

  4. Aficionada profile image76
    Aficionadaposted 13 years ago

    Don't undermine what you actually have done by over-criticizing yourself.  A number of the very best Hubbers here have fallen short in the 30 in 30 challenge numerous times before succeeding.

    And then there are the ones like me who haven't even tried it!  Give yourself a break.  Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the holidays - then try again.

  5. Mark Ewbie profile image61
    Mark Ewbieposted 13 years ago

    Nell, you didn't fail.  FIVE kids - it's a wonder you got one done.

    So credit to you.  30 is an arbitrary target, might help some people get motivated, might put additional pressure on.

    You did great.

  6. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Okay, better luck next time. smile

    Just remember, when you fail to do something, make sure you learned from that failure and what caused it to happen.

    Thus, you'll be less likely to make the same mistakes on your second go at it.

    I've only attempted to do the challenge, via the 60 Day Challenge, which Sunforged does on occasion. I did manager to publish 30 Hubs in 30 days. I was actually done a day earlier.

    Don't best yourself up about what you failed to do. You managed to produce more Hubs in 30 days than many other Hubber ever do in the first place. There are thousands of Hubbers who don't even write one hub a month.

    Just a thought. smile

  7. nell79 profile image84
    nell79posted 13 years ago

    Thanks for the support smile I do tend to be hard on myself. I'm happy with the 14 I've got up so far, so I guess it wasn't a total loss.

    I will plan it out better before attempting again though. Thank you for the tips too!

  8. Randy Godwin profile image58
    Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

    I haven't wanted to do the challenge, but admire you for trying. 

    Do as much as you enjoy.

  9. tlpoague profile image79
    tlpoagueposted 13 years ago

    I was too afraid to do the challenge because I didn't want to post worthless hubs. Now that I have been writing more, I found myself with a notebook of ideas to use for hubs. I am thinking that after the holiday rush I might try it. For now, I have fun doing the unofficial challenges or 30 minute hub challenge. Feel good that you gave it your best shot. I see you achieving you goal!

  10. etna5678 profile image73
    etna5678posted 13 years ago

    wow, all of you seem to be taking the challenge so seriously! Its ok if you can't manage it. Its not like there is a deadline here... You took on something manageable but certainly hard to do, amidst the rest of the stuff one has to accomplish on any given cheer up...and try it again...even if you wrote 10 hubs in 30 days, its a gain!

  11. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    It is like attempting to climb the Mount Everest. Failing to do so is a failure, but there is no stigma attached to that (unless one had proclaimed victory in advance). People celebrate having successfully completed the challenge, then there should also be room to admit failure when the goal cannot be reached. Without the prospect of failure, success would ring hollow.

    1. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      'it is better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all'.... experience is great grounding for future adventures.

  12. nell79 profile image84
    nell79posted 13 years ago

    I don't think I've come out of this too bruised (maybe my ego haha), but I'm being honest in saying I really hated having to admit that I didn't get it done. Still, I got some good (I hope) content out of it, learned from each and every hub, and I've got a good idea on how to be successful the next go-around.

    Thanks for all the support here! If failing in public were always like this, it wouldn't be so bad lol


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