Hi and Happy New Year Everyone
I have made a quality lens on how to become a freelancer and earn money from home and i wanted you all to give me your opinions and constructive criticism, you won't be sorry and i will truly appreciate it.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Earn-Mon … -From-Home
its all in bold and the fifth word is a typo.
.. I would normally hit back.
since you asked for a critique, i did scroll down (not going to read all that bold crap) and it looks like the article is well laid out and has respectable resources.
Work on your first impression.
WoW...and you call that a critique?
You didn't even read the hub, and you ignorantly assumed that it is "Crap" since it is "Bold", and finally you want me to take that as a constructive criticism...?!
Thanks anyway and looking forward people who would actually 'Read the Hub"
Esterleny, what Sunforged meant was that no one will read your hub if you write it in all bold. Use bold sparingly and only to stress some important points.
And Sunforged is probably the best person I know that can give you constructive criticism on the hub you want reviewed as he knows a lot about making money from home and freelancing. May be if you could just change your text from bold to normal, he might read it and offer further critique(But he did say that your hub is well laid out and have respectable sources).
And personally, I would also like if you could change the text from bold to normal, it will be easy on eyes. Other than that I liked it.
Hi englightenedsoul
First let me thank you for taking the time to review the hub, second, i would normally take any advice and criticism on the hub and that's why I'm here in the first place, but i was looking forward a reply or review from someone who have already read the hub, then he may give me whatever criticism he wants.
But describing your hub as a page full of "Crap" without even taking the time to review what is it really about is not my definition of "Constructive Criticism", I'm not sure if it is for any of you.
Thanks again and will change the font along with any other adjustments or suggestions i get from here.
Well, we do hubs here -- not lens. And I totally agree with SunForged. If I were an average reader that came upon your hub and saw all bold type and a typo in your first sentence (in all caps, no less), I would also hit the back button.
I found that your hub overall didn't impart much information, save for the listing of the sites. Of course, that's probably great for AdSense revenue, so who am I to criticize that.
What I did find rather alarming was your total disregard for English grammar and punctuation. It does not look professional at all, despite the fact that the hub is well laid out and broken up. If English isn't your first language, you might want to have someone read it over or run it through a quick grammar checker. Just my two cents...
Hi lrohner
Sorry for that, I'm an active squid at Squidoo.com, so I sometimes get confused, sadly to say, however, it got much better feedback as a lens that it did as a hub as i posted it to my account in both.
Thanks for opinion and i will take your advice into consideration, a well thought of and well expressed criticism can't be argued or refused,as i said before, that's what got me here in the first place, However (again), this was not the case with SunForged.
Regarding your comment on my English language, yes, I'm Egyptian so English is not my mother tongue, i will try to work on it in the future.
One last point, I'm not looking for Adsense revenues, not necessarily everyone posting a hub or an article is.
Your hub has a few issues people have already mentioned, It also breaches hubpages ToS in that:
1. It is a commercial hub which has more than 2 links to the same domain (get a coder)
2. It is a duplicate hub with commercial links ( you have already posted this on squidoo)
"bold crap" not page full of crap - big difference, I, like most readers will not read that which is visually offensive.
An initial glaring capitalized Typo is also rather unappealing, especially in an article that would be claiming some authoritative experience in the field.
But, I apologize for making you feel as if I thought your thoughts were crap .. I wouldnt say that, I would just refrain from saying anything.
Critical reading will go a long way in developing your critical writing skills (if that is actually what you desire)
Hi Sunforged
Thanks for taking the time to clear and sort things out, and sorry if i was a bit harsh in my reply, your advice and criticism were all right, but the way it was expressed made me feel like it was rather a "Flame" than a criticism.
Your apology is accepted, although i guess there is nothing to apologize for after you cleared things out like that, so it's me now who should apologize and hope for his apology to be accepted.
Finally, yes, writing is something i need and should take further time to improve, and i will take every possible advice along the way.
Sunforged said all that bold crap, not that the article was crap, and he also mentioned that he read through the article and commented on what he read it.
Sunforged is 100% right on the bold text, change it all back to it's normal size. Bolding the entire text gives no seo value, and it instantly turns readers off.
I managed to read the text, though any casual visitor would not have (entire Bold text is an instant turn off). My main critique would be to work on the spelling and especially the grammar. Smooth reading is very important if you want people to take what you write seriously. Work on shorter sentences.
You might want to remove some of the affiliate links as well. Your hub is in danger of being flagged as overly promotional. Remember that you can only have a maximum of two links to each external domain.
Everything so far has been constructive criticism, none of it is insulting, it is merely people telling you what you need to improve upon.
Hi thisisoli
Thanks for your time reading the hub, and thanks for the criticism, i appreciate both.
Actually the whole hub is bold, so when someone say's that he didn't read all the bold crap, that means he didn't read anything of it, i don't know what part exactly .
My reason for the text bold was my wrong idea that it would increase visibility and readability, but i have no problem in admitting such mistake and correcting it when i find that it was wrong, however, as i said before, describing it as crap is not my idea of guidance or constructive criticism.
Thanks again and i have already taken the font down and corrected the misunderstood typo, HYIPE is an acronym for High Yield Investment Program Ebook, but apparently HYIP is much popular so i replaced it.
Hi Esterleny,
I agree with all of the above comments about the grammar, spelling, and the bold font.
I commend you for being Egyptian and knowing this much English. I'm American and can't begin to speak or write any other languages. But...if you want to "brand" yourself or promote products to Americans, you need to work on your grammar and spelling - otherwise, it undermines your authority.
Have someone proofread your work and explain your errors to you. This way, you'll learn as you go. Just about all your sentences are run-on sentences and this makes them difficult to read.
Also, watch your formatting. If you'll notice, most content on the web (the content that get's read) is broken up into smaller chunks. This is one area where it's okay to break away from formal grammar. Instead of the "normal" paragraphs we're taught to write in school, break up your paragraphs into chunks of two to three sentences.
It's even okay to break up the sentences just as if you're talking. I hope that makes sense. Check out some of the top Hubbers and top websites on the internet. Notice how they format their writing so that it makes it easier to read.
With few exceptions, people searching on the internet, want info that's easy to understand and quick to read. Breaking up your content helps in this area.
Hope this helps,
Hi Debbie
Thanks for the very friendly and encouraging reply, I truly appreciate it.
I guess it's no longer a matter of choice, English is the most popular language today, among the real world or the online communities, so i guess all of us non-native English speakers should work on our language skills, and don't worry, if you ever visit Egypt, you won't be messing anything if you can't speak Arabic.
I have taken all of your advice into consideration, along with the advice of the many wonderful people who took the time to give me advice and guidance, it has been very useful, not to mention pleasing, to see so many experienced writers trying to help. "Thanks You All"
You asked for a critique. I have worn the hat of editor for a few publishers so I'm wearing that hat now.
Firstly, you need to tighten your writing. Like many other people, when I get bored, I skim. Prolonging the sales message is a bit dated. When writing for the net, you need to condence the information and write top down as in AP style.
The only time that does not apply is when it is a personality piece (as is mine on procrastination), and then that rule doesn't apply.
Next, you didn't proof what you wrote. Well, either that, or your English grammar leaves something to be desired.
On the content, you have supplied nothing new. In fact, like many others, you advocate services that I wouldn't touch with a 14' bargepole with a word processor on the other side. These sites favor the employer and, consequently, as a result of competing with other writers, payment is kept artifically low. I prefer to be paid what my skills are worth.
So, this morning I put an ad on craigslist for work and have already received responses. That way I get to say what my price is and I generally get it.
I did enjoy the layout and the pictures as that kept the tedium of too much print at bay.
Hope that helps.
Hi Sophia,
You are so cute wearing that hat, i think you shouldn't take it off.
Thanks for the detailed criticism, my new hobby now is refreshing this page to see new posts from nice people like yourself criticizing my hub.
I guess your experience with freelancing website wasn't that good, and i know writing projects are really undervalued there, but there always are some rewarding projects from decent employers who won't underestimate you, I'm talking from the shoes of an experienced freelancer, and i had many good jobs from Freelancer and oDesk.
I also have taken all your advice and suggestions into consideration, as i see from the many critiques, i will need to work on my grammar, punctuation and writing style, which leaves me to nothing...just kidding, i know i will need some work on my writing skills, but with the guidance of such wonderful people, i doubt that it would take long
@esterleny. I charge between $35 and $100 per hour. Sites like that don't pay it. So, no, my experience isn't that good.
In addition, many of the people who hire cannot read and write grammatically, so they don't recognize when a writer can't either. That's possibly why you have been hired. However, it's to my disadvantage because they cannot recognize what they're actually paying for.
Please forgive me, but I don't understand how you can be an experienced and highly paid freelancer when by your own admission your English lets you down.
Did you write those articles in your own language or have standards dropped so much that people are willing to accept substandard English?
I just took a look and you are obviously ignoring the advice given to you about your links being overly promotional. You have too many affiliate links on your page.
Before you write another word on Hubpages, I suggest you click the link at the bottom of this page to the "learning center" but first go and either break the links to all but 2 of your affiliate links or remove them all together.
You have the content for sure but the punctuation is bad. I appreciate your first language is not English. Mine is but - when I write in Portuguese (and I do on occasion) I still know where the commas and full stops should be. Punctuation isn't something you can blame on second lanuguages, it's a skill acquired when you learn to write.
What I would expect to see is a spelling mistake here and there, or a wrongly used word - their/there, here/hear - if anything.
Anyway - I did read it through and A) it comes across as a hard sell and B) it's a topic that's unbelievably flooded so it's good you don't particularly want the revenue.
Echo others - too many affiliate links. Two, no more. Bold should be kept to titles/headers. And you mention that you've used it on Squidoo?
If it's the exact same it won't do so good full stop - because it's duplicate. If it's yours that's fine but original will always beat repeated.
There's a lot to be gained from developing your skills and using Hubpages. You've had some great advice already so I hope you take it for what it is - advice. You will be the biggest benefactor.
And sunforged really is the guy to learn from ... even if he seems crabby at times - he's really a very helpful and friendly guy
lol kinda. Not particularly insomnia so much as everyone's sleeping and I get to work
LOL How do you call night people in English? In Russian we call us оwls
... frogpires ... I once started writing a short story about what a vampire really is and what their habits genuinely consist of. One to finish one of these days
Ahhhh lol thing is I'm not. During the day I feel beholden to respond, break-off etc etc. I like utter quiet. Even now I'm writing and my daughter has roused herself as she forgot to say goodnight so she's gone beyond the 'goodnights' and descended into teenage yapping
I will. We were talking earlier in the evening about the fact that she should let me buy her a smaller bed and she said "mum noooooo! When I leave home I'll probably have a single bed so let me enjoy my huge one now" and I replied "don't say that, those are filthy words. Leaving home. I'm not ready!"
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