Why do Hub writers not appreciate literary critique to improve their craft?

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  1. Misfit Chick profile image76
    Misfit Chickposted 11 years ago

    Why do Hub writers not appreciate literary critique to improve their craft?

    I wrote a suggestion in the forum yesterday about adding the ability to include MINOR feedback to authors while rating articles in the Hub Hopper. I know peeps can get rude with critiques - but I think that can be minimized. This is a place for WRITERS - we could learn AND improve via constructive critiques. Do we not want Hubpages to have QUALITY content - or is it really Okay with everyone that so many Hubs are seriously sad? Honestly, if you're THAT sensitive about YOUR writing - I don't think you're really in the craft. You must be here for other reasons (that may not be working for you).

  2. Georgie Lowery profile image88
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    I've sent Hubbers e-mails when I've seen things that I could help them with and gotten very positive responses. I wouldn't, however, chew up someone's Hub and spit it out unless they've specifically asked me to.

    All creatives are sensitive about our work and very few people in any industry take constructive criticism well. Most of the time, we don't hear "This is what you can do to be better." Instead, we hear "You're doing this wrong." And there's a fine line right down the middle.

  3. StitchTheDamned profile image68
    StitchTheDamnedposted 11 years ago

    I think that would be an excellent idea. I know that I love getting critiques on my work. Everyone can always improve in some way or another. It would be a healpful tool to add this to the hub Hopper. I don't understand why anyone would be against it, but I suppose that most people do not take constructive criticism very well.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "Real" writers must learn to take constructive criticism well or else they'll perish in this field, plain and simple. They need thick skin. The criticism does need to be CONSTRUCTIVE and tactful, however. :-)

  4. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    While I understand the value of critique, unless it is asked for or sought out, I think it should be kept to oneself.  That being said, a "critique forum" or group on HP might be a cool idea for people who wanted to volunteer their hubs for critique.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Love your idea of a "critique forum" or group on HP! I hope HP does that as I see many new writers who could desperately use instruction on some of the basics and may simply not know that their good content is dumbed down by bad grammar and spelling.

  5. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

    A site like this has thousands and thousands of members.  They aren't all here for the same reasons, and they all have different skill levels when it comes to writing.

    Not all writing calls for critique.  For example, when I write an article for someone else I write it the way I think that person wants it.  If they don't like it I'm more than happy to have the feedback with regard to how I can make it more to that person's liking/preference (because, after all, that person is paying for the article).  Under that circumstances I don't even care if the person offering feedback ("critique") is as skilled as I am at writing.  It doesn't matter.  S/he is paying me to write what s/he wants.

    When/if I've ever signed up for a course in anything I've certainly never had a problem with the teacher/instructor critiquing the work.  That's the deal with how it works in a course/classroom setting.  Or, if there's ever a time I start writing the kind of writing for which critique can be helpful I'd sign up somewhere where those doing the critiquing were more experienced/skilled than I (for example, if I wrote fiction I'd probably find a site where people with more experience than I may offer critique).  I'm not interested in the critique of "everybody and his brother" because, for one reason, there is no way a person is going to be able to make everyone and his brother think a particular Hub is perfect.  So, someone (regardless of how well they know their own grammar and/or spelling, and regardless of how well they write) is always going to have an opinion.  So often, the people who most want critique are those who are new and want to improve their own skills.  This is a great community here, and anyone who wants critique on his Hubs can already just ask.

    On this site, I write to a) get away from some of the more "intense" for-hire writing projects and have a chance to do a little experimenting (sometimes even take a few liberties with grammar for effect).  The site belongs to HubPages.  I stay within TOS and aim to offer something decent.  If the HP team doesn't like anything I ever do they can let me know, and I won't do it.  I've been earning by writing online for years now, so it IS working for me.  If I ever write a Hub on which I'd like some feedback opinions (beyond the comment boxes that are already there) I'll ask.

    Personally, I wouldn't presume to offer critique on anyone else's stuff because I'm not a professor, best-selling author, or full-time editor.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've been a full-time writer/editor for 20 years, and I confess I've been known to shoot an occasional email off to someone with a typo or OBVIOUS error in their Hub title... I don't think that's presumptuous for us to do: we all make mistakes.


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