What is the deal with the HP blog post about optimizing Hubpages and Adsense? The was supposedly written by a Google employee (Tran) for HP writers, but the info that is in it is misleading. Yes, write unique content that is for the reader not the SE.
http://blog.hubpages.com/2011/04/optimi … nd-adsense
Tran talks about using Google Webmaster tools a few times (#4). These are just that - WEBMASTER tools, meaning you have to own the site and verify it to access the great info he says can help optimize content.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to access this info for our hubs? I did actually try to verify it through the Analytics option, but that didn't work, although I'm not sure why. I thought it might because our Analytics should also be included in the code as long as accounts are linked, but it didn't work.
It makes better sense that if Hubpages is going to have someone from Google Adsense give us tips on improving and optimizing content then they should know how HP works. While we own our content, we don't own the site.
No, we can't use Webmaster tools. However we can get keyword lists both from the hubs themselves and from analytics.
I assume the post was just a rewrite. The type of thing the adsense team would "write" for any site that requested some ad copy.
WL- I dont think that is the point
I had nothing else to say on the subject and thought a bump might bring it to the attention of people it would interest. And it worked.
Yeah, ironic that we get a "cut and paste" about how to optimize for Adsense yet that's exactly part of the problem! I figured they just plugged in the word "hub(s)" for website.
On first read, I thought "oh that's cool..." and then I read it again and tried forcing the Webmaster Tools...just in case. HP does show a lot of in-house analytics and I like that, but I don't think it's right for them to post some blatant BS just because 3/4 of the people wont catch it.
It "looks good" to have someone from Adsense Ireland just drop in esp for us content farmers, but doesn't seem that's what it actually was...
Oh well, I don't think that it's the end of revenue share sites although clearly they need to tighten up their rules.
I do think the landscape is changing though. I've been at this for just under 3 years and it's only been over the last year that I really "got it," but 2011 has been rough.
@WryLilt - Thank you I most definitely get into my Analytics data which is why I was really irked that they gave out bad info!
Here's my take on what is being said. And why I think that the days of writing copy and earning a living from it are over in terms of content farms.
Firstly, while there are an infinite variety of topics to write about (as in write about your interests - goat farming in Addis Ababa)< there are a limited number of people who are interested in reading about goat farming in Addis Ababa. Niche topics are just that - niche! They have limited numbers reading them and searching for them. And those niche topics simply have too little traffic to earn a decent living from.
Next, the reason everybody is saying to write about niche topics is because all the main topics are over subscribed with writers. Regardless of whether they are over subscribed by writers, they are still the topics that most people go to read. Those are the
I sort of agree with what you are saying, if HP or similar AdSense sharing sites are your only online source of income then things indeed look bleak. However many content farms and article sites still offer a way to get quality backlinks reasonably easy.
Personally I have never used HP as a means to earn cash from the articles I post, it is purely a source of links to the sites that make money for me.
Also, the article referenced in the OP is inaccurate and should be updated.
Google reckons 25% of the search queries it receives are unique. There are hundreds and thousands of new keyword phrases coalescing every day.
True. But Google does not mean by that statement that 25% of google keywords have staple keywords that every one uses all the time, i.e. evergreen. There are trends when there is news. However keywords that peak for a small period of time are not worth the investment.
The point is HP published an article with a glaring error. End of story.
Lets flag it and hope it gets unpublished.
Sophia, as a talented writer you already have most of the skills to make a worthwhile income online. However, it's unlikely that content farms and AdSense sharing sites hold much promise anymore (you have worked that out for yourself). Perhaps you should think about setting up your own sites, there are some worthwhile affiliates you could look at.
If you are working for pennies an hour, doing more of the same isn’t a viable option.
'Personally I have never used HP as a means to earn cash from the articles I post, it is purely a source of links to the sites that make money for me'
Hubpages is carrying more than its fair share of burdens, I reckon, and one of them is called Peter.
that's a poor assessment, it would be writers like Peter who added content w/o a profit motive that would keep the site well balanced. HP will still earn from his traffic, Peter just doesnt care if he does personally.
Additionally, Peter's SEO series is probably the most thorough on hubs and doesnt include links to any crappy ebooks or shady services.
Your comment says more about you than it does about me. Have you ever considered a name change from Apse to Ass, seems more fitting and descriptive to me, oh, and while you are at it change your first name to Horse's.
I doubt if anything amuses me more on HP than an absolute nobody, or in your case a troll, trying to "have a go" at someone who truly contributes. The fact is, I don’t write here for AdSense clicks but I do get valuable referrals.
That said, do you have a content strategy that works? I seriously doubt it, first you need common sense, an understanding of the world around you and the intelligence to envision a realistic goal. These are commodities you completely lack.
I wish every Horse's Ass well, but in particular you Will. Inadvertently, in the few hours since you posted your comment, you have spurred someone to look at my hubs and become a customer.
Well, I hope that your links here contribute to your business success. And I hope you are duly grateful to the writers who bring in the money that make it all possible.
If you don't want to irritate people don't talk the site down while leeching off its strengths.
I think the hubs I have contributed are worth a link back to my own site. In fact some of my hubs have thousands of backlinks from HP members alone. As for talking the site down, that is just complete garbage. Its people like you and your unsolicited attacks, thread hijacking and being a complete troll that are part of the reason forum activity is dwindling.
Yes, HubPages does contribute to the success of my business, and I guess I am not alone in that. Do you want me to apologise for that? Are you saying that one link from a hub to my business is leaching or breaks any of HPs guidelines?
Not only have I taken the time to thoroughly research my hubs to ensure their accuracy I have also taken the time to backlink them so they rank well. This has resulted in placing many more links to HP than point to me from HP. So where exactly is the leaching you talk of?
I write in a competitive search space and those backlinks are required to achieve rankings that HP cannot achieve without a little help. So I have to drive the traffic to HP in order to get someone to click the link that points to me. The point being, the backlinks I create and those of others who also actively backlink are the reason HP is so powerful. But hey, if you see that as leaching rather than contributing so be it!
The more you post the better you paint yourself as someone who has no idea about promoting your own content. The purpose of me being here is to help promote my business, to do that I have spent many hours writing and researching because I know that before I get the kind of results I am after I have to contribute first.
Anyone earning money on HP is either backlinking themselves or making use of the power that currently resides in the site, although that is somewhat diminished at present. So you see, people like me are the reason that ignorant trolls like you have somewhere to post articles and spout complete crap on the forums.
Check your email Peter :-)
cheers, Eric G.
Wish we had a thumbs up button on the forum. That'd definitely get my vote.
Very well said.
First of all Peter tells everyone that sites like Hubpages are finished and have no future, then he advises people to set up their own websites. He then waits discretely to get a nibble on his line for the SEO services that he offers.
It's pretty unappealing.
Hubpages is a long way from dead and the circling vultures will be disappointed.
No, sites like hubpages are not finished. But hubpages are doing things at present which are harming themselves severely.
Very sensible advice. You need to have as much control over your activities as possible.
Exactly what you are doing when you write about all your consumer product hubs.
Rubbish - About a third of my articles are set to point at my own site, so I understand Peter's angle. That is guest blogging - I get a couple of backlinks and HP gets plenty of professionally written content that encourages long view durations. It is a fair and transparent exchange of services - backlinks and publicity in return for my valuable time.
If you prefer, I would be happy to strip out the backlinks and bill HP for syndication rights to each of the articles - $75 an article would do it.
You are saying that articles that don't directly bring in money are 'leeching' from the site, even when they are high quality and search engine friendly, raising the overall quality of the site. On the other hand, you have been one of the most vocal about getting rid of the 'lower quality' sales hubs, even though many of those bring in money.
Your constant contradictions show that, once again, you have only a tenuous grip on the realities of the online world. Judging by the insipid nature and bland tone of your Hubs, I assume that you are using the word 'writers' in its loosest possible sense.
i had a quick look at Peter's articles and have bookmarked them for when i finish my day job in two weeks- they appear to be well written and an amazing addition to this site- perhaps we have all got a little edgy lately, but maybe its time to read and think and move forward rather than "slagging each other off" (british euphenism here)
Hey jpwriter. Thanks for pointing out the detail with Webmaster tools - we should have conceded in the blog post that only site owners have access to Webmaster Tools, but we do make some of that information available to the community from time to time in the Answers section on HubPages.com. I've now added that concession.
That said, the nice folks at AdSense did put time into this post, which was not cut and pasted together (they shared the Google doc with me as the post was written and edited).
Even though Google Webmaster tools are not so useful for Hubbers only on HubPages, they can indeed be useful for people who just want to be good overall online writers- on every site with which they are involved. Many of the training resources and tips we provide in the blog and in the Learning Center are designed for this purpose, too. We aren't just trying to help people write well on HubPages, we're trying to help people write successfully everywhere online. Just something to consider
I like your explanation, Simone.
But, "Tip: you can see which are the sites that link to your Hubs by using the Google Webmaster Tools." still exists after multiple threads and comments about the issue.
Granted, Its a very small issue with a very easy solution. May I recommend unpublishing until a team member has time to edit it or add the appropriate disclaimer.
Perhaps, "Adsense Team either is not aware of webmaster tool limitations or HP platform - please use analytics instead as it provides a similar service via "referrer stats"
Hubpages should think about SEO as a subject to join Acai Berries and weight loss in the great purge. The only worthwhile place for SEO information is the Google webmasters forum. The industry as whole is just a trap to squeeze money out of the noobs.
Several companies pay me thousands a month to SEO their sites, and they see a return on their investment. So much so that one company even has me on retainer and nearly every company I have worked for has called me back for further work at a later date.
Will that's your opinion. And I'm talking about your slant on what Peter is saying. You don't like him, or his understanding of online marketing.
SEO is, in real terms, online advertising. Just because he has a thorough understanding of his field of expertise is no reason to presume that he is an affront to HP.
What he states is fact. His backlinking, his driving traffic to his pages have helped HP overall. He's an informed man, in an ill-informed environment.
He does not promote nefarious methods, nor does he dispute the fact that you can simply throw content out into the ether and hope it's going to stick.
Have you looked at the webmaster forum? You do know we're talking about the Google one, right? It's a funny little place Will, you should take a peak sometime. Full of creditable individuals (some are Google employees would you believe) that share information about online marketing.
Do you realise all the on-page SEO that HP have utilised? Are they wrong?
Honestly, if you get any greener you're going to start resembling a frog. And you know ... there is only One True Frog.
Are you honestly saying that you are not aware of the huge industry that preys on the newbies by offering worthless SEO advice?
Grizzly Bear has been writing the same stuff for years and years. It can be boiled down to about a page of A4.
Unless you want to get into highly technical blackhat SEO, SEO is a really simple subject. You certainly have no need to pay for it- the only authoritative stuff comes from Google, anyway. The rest is guesswork, anecdotal evidence or plain fabrication.
Some people will never be happy with the route of 'producing quality content' of course. They think that there is always a short cut. They think there is always a guru who will show them how to evade the work involved. They want the article spinners and the automated link builders and all the other blackhat stuff which makes using the web more difficult and less pleasant than it should be.
The fact is, by the time blackhat SEO gets to the general online population it will have been noticed by Google and will harm sites that use it. Link wheels probably made some guy in Lativia a lot of money for a while and a year later lost a lot of foolish webmasters whatever place they had in the SERPS.
Just keep away from the whole circus if you want to make money in the long term.
As for Hubpages SEO, it seems to me they pushed it a bit too hard. The massive number of pages and all those internal links give great juice (this is not rocket science) but they didn't control their content quality well enough to justify their rankings in the SERPS. Not surprisingly, they became a target.
It is also possible one of their SEO engineers had a 'great' idea that Google has found to be a wonderful stick to beat the site with.
Luckily, while someone was having that great idea a lot of writers were busy writing worthwhile content. That is why the site has a future.
Will, the drop is the result of the Panda update - not a change to the site, and let me explain something here.
The Google Algorithm is made up of close to 300 components some of those components are affected by multiple variables.
The worst part is we cannot see this Algorith, or its variables. All we can do is test and optimize to teh results we find.
If you think SEO is a 'simple' game then there you must have barely scraped the surface.
Sorry, Thisisoli. I have finished for the day.
Just ask yourself which is easier, though- understanding the Google algorithm (something you will never see, touch or even have a sniff of)and gaming it or following the simple advice Google offers and focusing on the content?
I make a living online and all I ever do is avoid anything that looks like blackhat SEO, take on board Google's advice to webmasters and focus on content. It really is that simple.
Google has been known to offer advice which is misleading though, an dont forget that inbetween white hat and black hat tehre is gre hat.
For the record you can game the google algorithm as a white hat SEO.
And I think it is important to ppoint out here that analyzing Google does give you a good indication of what works and what doesnt, as opposed to burying your head in the sand.
Just so you know my profession, what people pay me to do, repeatedly, is get websites to the top of Google, I can also mention here that none of them were affected by Panda.
I also work on my own portfolio of sites in my spare time, which are becoming increasingly successful (And also failed to suffer at all from the Panda update).
Where did I say HubPages was finished? What I did say was:
"If HP or similar AdSense sharing sites are your only online source of income then things indeed look bleak. However many content farms and article sites still offer a way to get quality backlinks reasonably easy."
I also said:
"It’s unlikely that content farms and AdSense sharing sites hold much promise anymore"
Now unless you have been living under a rock for the last month or so these facts should be absolutely obvious to you. HubPages may come back to its former glory, and I for one hope it does. But wishful thinking isn’t something I count on. Right now it makes more sense to distribute content further afield rather than have all your eggs in the one basket.
I have asked many questions of you in my previous posts, all have went unanswered. Why is that? Why can’t you stand in your corner and defend your comments rather than changing tact when the going gets tough. I make no excuses that I post here to promote my business, however I am not marketing myself to Hubbers, I am marketing myself to potential customers who are searching on the terms I optimize for. Hubbers have never been my target.
Are you saying there is an ethical difference between writing hubs designed to get AdSense or Amazon clicks and promoting my own pages? If so please explain.
I said in my last post that you were quickly identifying yourself as someone who has no idea how to market your content online, you continue to prove this. I doubt if anyone will give the idea that SEO should become an excluded topic... Will you are completely delusional.
So over to you, let’s see what idiotic direction you head in next.
Where did you say Hubpages was finished?
Quoting from your post:
'... it's unlikely that content farms and AdSense sharing sites hold much promise anymore (you have worked that out for yourself). Perhaps you should think about setting up your own sites, there are some worthwhile affiliates you could look at.
If you are working for pennies an hour, doing more of the same isn’t a viable option.'
Perhaps you don't believe Hubpages is an Adsense sharing site or a content farm?
I'm sure you have some wonderful affiliate sites that you could recommend Peter. Then they would need the link building software to automate the SEO campaign (which you could provide, of course)
Another little fish in the bag.
Just out of interest- if you have such sure fire SEO techniques and great affiliate ideas why are you not rich enough to retire already?
Yes I know that HubPages is a content farm, which is something that seems to be new information to you!
Do all rich people retire? what if I enjoy what I am doing?
I did retire about six years ago after selling a website. Since then I have travelled Europe and the States with both my sons and lived in Spain for about 2 years. The problem is, sitting by the pool all day gets boring after a while. Yes, I am rich enough to realise this but I do not understand what my net worth has to do with anything.
Just hold off on the wreaths for a while, Peter. We are not dead yet.
I will say goodnight and I hope you enjoy frying your little fishes by the pool.
And name one industry that doesn't take advantage of ignorance, do you own a credit card? have you ever seen children's toy commercials? Hell have you even looked at political advertising campaigns?
And you forgot religious advertising er er sorry - proselytising.
Yes, say goodnight Will. It has been a joy, you have brought me new business, a few more followers.
Producing Amazon hubs is not writing Will. That's a typed sales pitch.
Don't confuse publishing 'five best ferret sweaters' with writing something that holds its real value in the content, then blow a trumpet declaring it as such.
I was particularly amused by Wills claim that you could put everything there is to know about SEO on an A4 sheet of paper. Quite an achievement considering the scope of such a document, here is a shortlist of topics that would have to be addressed:
Page speed optimisation (CSS sprites, reducing server connections etc.), Keyword Research, conversion optimisation, link building, competitor analysis, analytics, standards compliance, usability, accessibility, PHP, ASP, HTML, QDF, return on investment, demographics, direct response copywriting...
Of course it is possible; it just depends on the font size you use!
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