Hub scores?

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  1. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    I'm fairly new to HubPages, and I'm trying to figure out how to get my hub scores higher. My first hub did fairly well, along with a couple of my slightly humerous hubs. But my informative ones aren't doing so great. Any suggestions?

  2. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    The first and the most important one - forget about your hubscore. You are smart enough to get to 100 zone pretty soon without any special effort smile

  3. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    Aw, thank you Misha! ^_^

  4. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    I still can't seem to understand why the sillier hubs do better than my serious ones. Is no one interested in real information anymore? o_O Maybe it's because my most serious hub's about dog breeding... lol That could be, I suppose, but it is extremely informative, even though it all came from my head. Perhaps people prefer hubs with more links and references and blahdeblah than stuff I come up with. Anyone else understand that?

  5. VioletSun profile image81
    VioletSunposted 16 years ago

    Kika: I just checked your hubs and wow, you are off to a great start. I like your writing style, the way you format your text, and use of pictures, so of course I became your fan.  smile

    The hubscores are not "grading" your ability to write, its a combination of many things; the traffic to your hub, how many thumbs up you have, your participation in the forums, reading  hubs where you leave comments and so on... maybe you will get more input from the senior hubbers. As Misha says don't worry about the score, just keep writing!

  6. Pretty Butterfly profile image38
    Pretty Butterflyposted 16 years ago

    Hello everyone. I just joined HUB a few days ago. I've posted 4 articles.  What does the number in the lower right hand corner of my picture mean?  Thanks.

    1. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Maddie, who is Hubpage's moderator,  posted this FAQ; the answer on hub scores is in line 14:

      I read your profile, and see you are a New Yorker, I lived there most of my life (I am now in Oregon) and also attended Hunter College in the 70's. smile

    2. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Actually your hubscore will stay low until you stop posting substandard duplicate content smile

  7. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    Don't feel bad, I thought that number was like, some randomly-generated ID thing.

    The number in the lower right corner of your profile picture is your personal score on Hubpages. It's like your rank. The higher the number, the higher your rank. Since you're new, your score's still low. Keep writing hubs and posting on the forum and it will go up.

  8. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    Aw, Misha, that's not a nice thing to say. Did you even look at her hubs? They're short, yeah, but they're interesting. And it's not like none of us have ever had duplications with our hubs; people write about what they like/dislike/know, and a lot of people like/dislike/know stuff other people like/dislike/know too. Take a look at the Requests page and you'll find dozens of hubs for one question, and they'll all basically say the same thing (with a few exceptions).

    I think she's got some real talent, and if she could put more of her know-how into one hub, she'd get better scores.

  9. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Yes, I did take a look at her hubs, and that's why I posted my opinion. smile Nice or not - it's how things are. Her hubscore will not grow anywhere close to yours unless she fixes the length of hubs and duplicate content. I bet yours was at least into 60s after five days. smile

  10. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    lol My hubscore is seriously baffling. Let's not go into that. tongue

    I suppose you're right. It wouldn't hurt for her to write about something other than weight loss, though the one about "good girls" was kind of unique.

    I just found a hub that had a score of 90, but the content was so confuddled I could barely read through it without wanting to yank it off the screen and fix the exuberant amount of English errors it has. How can a hub that is so poorly written get such a high hub score?

    And another thing: it makes me sad that I don't have a lot of comments on my hubs. sad I like feedback! And I like talking to people! It's so not fair. :'(

  11. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Well, here is one of the copies of her "good girls" … id=1341418
    There are at least five more smile

    And your comments will come with your growing fanbase, don't worry smile

  12. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    But... But I like talkiiiiing! D: lol

    Are they all hers? I know some people who post their articles on other websites.

  13. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    That article's hers. It's her name, according to her profile, anyway. Like I said, some people post their articles on other websites, along with Hubpages, in hopes of getting more clicks and readers.

  14. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Well, it's not a question of plagiarism, it's a question of duplicate content. Out of all the pages available on the Internet with the same content search engines pick ONE to display. Hubpages want to be displayed, so they require unique content. It does not matter if content is yours or not - if it is found elsewhere on the Internet, it is duplicate, and it gets penalized.

  15. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    Really? I didn't know that. I thought they targetted plagiarism more than duplication. That's enlightening! big_smile

    Ooh! Hey! Have you read my latest hub <snipped link - please do not post unsolicited links to hubs in the forums>? I have to admit, it's pretty freakin' awesome. Then again, I wrote it... tongue lol I can be so full of myself sometimes, but oh, do I love me. xD

  16. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Now you are walking a thin line. If I was not in such a relaxed mood, I would said you just spammed big_smile

    1. rockinjoe profile image72
      rockinjoeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Relaxed, eh? I bet you checked out my wife's chest again:)

  17. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    lmao! Spam is for those who don't know how to promote correctly. wink


    I don't like to spam, and I try very hard not to spam. But it was for you to view, since I wasn't sure if you'd seen it yet. And you know it was funny and worth reading. ;D lol

    Did I mention I'm full of myself? big_smile

  18. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    *falls over laughing!* That's dirty! xD

  19. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Yep, Joe, I'm checking on it every Saturday, while you are in the pub tongue

    1. rockinjoe profile image72
      rockinjoeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Well, you know she appreciates it Misha. Thank you!

  20. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    xD I'm surrounded by dirty old men! You two are horrible!

  21. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago
  22. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    xD You're horrible.

  23. Maddie Ruud profile image70
    Maddie Ruudposted 16 years ago


    In response to your original question, you can check out darkside's awesome hub on HubScore, in which he gathered together snippets of info from all over the site, including the many times Paul and Jason and I have answered questions about this in the forums.  (This, among other links to answers of questions commonly asked in the forums, is available on the pink sticky thread at the top of this forum.)

    Hope this helps!

  24. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    Thank you Maddie! I saw a thing earlier tonight about how hubscores are generated.  I'm glad someone's not thinking dirty tonight (Misha and Joe! tongue) and is in a helpful mood! Thank you again! ^_^

  25. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Told you you were spamming tongue

  26. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    o_O What does that have to do with anything? You lost me.

  27. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Look at your post with link - Maddie came to work big_smile

  28. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 16 years ago

    Oh! I didn't even notice. Sorry Maddie! yikes I didn't think it'd be spam. lol I should've listened to you when you said it, Misha! My bad. ^_^;


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