My first Negative Comment

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  1. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    I just got my first-ever negative comment on one of my movie review Hubs. This person left a long rambling message picking apart everything he felt was wrong with my review. In a nutshell, since I didn't shower the movie in question with praise, he decided that I must not be a fan of that particular film genre and therefore I was an idiot who had no right to be reviewing the film in the first place.

    Wow! My first troll! I feel like, all "official" 'n' stuff now. big_smile

    I deleted the comment but now I kinda wish I hadn't. It might have been fun to leave it up there and respond "Thanks for stopping by, Zippy. By the way, bite me."

    How do other folks deal with negative comments like these? I'm just idly curious.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can still bring it back I believe. And I agree that you should do so.

      For movie reviews, I'd encourage the more opinions the better. And if they vary, so much the better.

    2. gabgirl12 profile image61
      gabgirl12posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have had any yet. But it really would depend on the definition of 'negative'. I usually welcome both, but if it is as you 'trollish' in nature, I would have to delete that and report it as being abusive. Negative should also be accompanied by 'constructive criticisim' not attacks on your character. There are rules that should be followed. Hope this helps. smile

    3. Sally's Trove profile image80
      Sally's Troveposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I do when a commenter leaves scathing words, but with maybe a little extra like, "It's always interesting to hear another's view."

    4. profile image0
      somelikeitscottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I ADORE the negative comments people make!!! I guess as a gay Jewish man I should expect the bible thumpers to tell me I'm going to hell and the homophobes to tell me I don't have the right to live. I thrive on all of these comments.

      It takes a certain type of person to type hate into their computer with their semi-anonymous screen names. I call them the "cheetoh's stained finger set" - I can see them in their parent's darkened basement at age 45, with their laptop on a tv snack tray as they type their brand of hate at the world into their computer in between reaching for another cheetoh (and we all know how that orange gunk can get all over so can you imagine their keyboard?)giving them a momentary feeling of power.

      Take heart, a lot of people may read and move on, be thankful for those who leave comments (good or bad) at least you know you "reached" them in some way!

    5. Disturbia profile image59
      Disturbiaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I just ignore them, it's not like anything anyone says here will impact your life after you walk away from your computer.  The world is full of bullies, let them say what they want, but don't let them bring you down.

    6. jfay2011 profile image60
      jfay2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I got a whole batch of negative comments after I wrote a hub where I was venting about a nine year old girl stealing my nailpolish.  I was ticked off at the time about how the parents treated me and vented and published.  I think a lot of the people might have been friends of the family.  I chose not to approve most of the nasty comments, but let one come through to which I defended myself about the comment.  After a little bit I chose to delete those hubs as I was sick of the nasty comments and figured I would benefit more from hubpages if I took them out.  But it has inspired me to write my new novel that I might self publish someday.  Maybe in a few years.  Got to spring for a new computer now and pay off my nasty credit cards first then in a year or two I should be able to swing the basic price for self publishing.

  2. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    Everyone has an opinion and you know what they say about opinions right? lol

  3. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    Haha, ain't that the truth! I knew I was in for it when I got the e-mail from HubPages about the comment, cuz it said "Garbage Review From A Non-Fan, Idiot" (yes, that was the name he used) left a comment on your Hub..." I was like "Oooooh boy, that can't be good." Haha.

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    And an inflammatory movie review opinion can draw other differing inflammatory opinions. The more text and the more traffic, the better. smile

  5. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    Yeah, I thought of that, but if there's a way to restore that comment, I can't seem to figure it out. Oh well. Maybe this guy will start stalking me in all of my other reviews and telling me off in them as well. smile

  6. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    Depends how long ago you killed it. big_smile … ter=Denied

  7. Ardie profile image78
    Ardieposted 12 years ago

    Uh-oh. I remember my first bad comment - it made me so sad!!  Now if I get a negative comment that doesn't offer valid points for disagreement but only tells me how stupid I am I try to get some digs in without being too much of an A-hole.  That way it makes me feel better to give the other person a hard time - but then I don't offend my other readers by coming across as unwilling to accept actual criticism.  THEN I always thank the person for stopping in wink

  8. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    You could add a note that if anyone disagrees with your review that they are free to write their own smile

  9. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    @ paradigmsearch - I've been fooling around with that function for a couple of minutes now... but it's not coming up with anything. I guess too much time has passed and it's gone. Ah well. He used some not-very-family-friendly language in his rant anyway, so it's probably for the best.

    @ Uninvited Writer - not a bad idea, but it would be more satisfying for me to simply say "Bite Me, Zippy." haha.

    @ Ardie - you always "thank the person for stopping in?" That's great. Kill'em with kindness huh? You're obviously much nicer than I am. Haha.

  10. Janet21 profile image78
    Janet21posted 12 years ago

    I would have kept the comment.  I think a comment like that would give your hub some excitment and encourage others to leave comments reviewing the movie, especially if they disagreed with your commentor.  You could get some nice banter going in your comments section, which of course is more text and keywords for your hub.  With movie reviews, that is the nature of the beast.  Some will love the movie, others will despise it.

    Believe it or not, my hub with the most comments is the one where I review my kid's water bottles.  Some of the commentors absolutely hate the water bottle and have no problem speaking their mind.  Others love the water bottle.  I have left every single comment on the hub.  The funny thing is even with the negative comments I still sell quite a few bottles. smile

  11. srossjul profile image60
    srossjulposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I Agree with Janet21.  Take the good with the bad.  It will all make a great mix and you will be the winner!

  12. profile image0
    Tanmoy Acharyaposted 12 years ago

    I have just created a forum suggesting a solution to deal with fakers on hubpages.
    I will earnestly request everyone to make a visit:

    Please share you views if you think the solution will help every hubber.

  13. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 12 years ago

    Well I wouldn't take it too personal.  Trust me, people will always disagree with your opinions on movies whenever you review them; regardless of how much work you put into it.  Hell, I still find myself disagreeing with a lot of film critics from time to time, but I've also agreed with them as well on other movies. 

    Besides, I'd probably just take it as a compliment that your review could inspire that much passion from a fan of the film to begin with.  After all, not a lot of reviewers on here are lucky to get a lot of comments...hell, I'm one of them.  lol  However, I think you'll be fine.  Just don't take it too seriously whenever someone says something negative to you in the comments; unless they threaten you, then you might have something to worry about.  Other than that, I wouldn't worry too much about it.


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