How failure can lead to success!
True success is not a sprint.
It's a lifelong marathon and because of all the many different ways in which we interpret success, there is no one formula or short cut in which to achieve it. More often then not we don't think of success as one particular thing or another and view it more as a delicate balance or collaboration of many things. Like finding love, creating wealth, being in good health, gaining confidence, discovering happiness and having a sense of good general well being.
As well as wanting the best of all these things for ourselves we also want them for those we love and care about, which seems to make success all the harder to obtain, this does not mean however that it can not be achieved, it just means that it takes time and hard work to do so.
The real successful people of the world don't just fall upon success, although in some cases a fair amount of luck was involved, for the most part they have worked extremely hard to get where they are. Also success does not come quickly or easily and many a mistake is made before success has come and these people have experienced their fair share of failure, in one form or another too.
Seeing success.
If I were to tell you that you are already hugely successful, you have and know so much already. You live a wonderful life and you must feel very grateful, I wonder if you would you agree with me? Maybe not but in fact even though I don't know you, I can tell you it's true.
Success seems to be so elusive for many of us because rather oddly, we don't seem to know when we already have it. We forget to have a good look at what we already have and concentrate on all the things we do not have. I have been as guilty as the next person of this and yet as soon as I started to appreciate all the great things in my life, I changed my perspective on what success means to me.
I know that you are already successful and when you can start to see this success for yourself will you then be able to draw from it, harness it and actually create further success from it.
Fight the fear.
The feelings created by the fear of failure, is often much worse then the actual experience of failing itself and it's not the fear of failure that scares us the most, it's actually the fear of success. We know that if we fail we will just be back to where we were, before we decided to try something new and failed. We know how to handle that kind of reality, even if it wasn't ideal because it was what we did before, it's safe. Although we may suffer from a bit of a dent in our pride and some disappointment we are generally familiar with failure, we have to a greater or lesser degree, experienced it before and have come out the other side back at square one, no better off, maybe a little out of pocket, but none the less OK.
Success is a different animal entirely, in your mind you have no idea what it would be like to be truly successful and that's a scary concept. Being successful leaves you exposed, open to criticism and completely out of your comfort zone. Maybe there's a part of you that feels that you don't really deserve to be a success and its easier and less of a risk not to try. Think about what might be holding you back, don't fear the thought of success, embrace it and use it to motivate you.
Persistance pays.
If at first you don't succeed try, try to try again. When you were younger you did not know how to talk, do your shoe laces up or read and yet although it was difficult you kept at it. Later on in life you face situations in you're working life, with parenting and relationships, all of which come with there own trials. Again I'm sure there were many that were difficult but you saw them through and succeeded, we are not born with the ability to know everything but we are born with the ability to learn. The rewards of overcoming something that has been a challenge or struggle are great, by reminding yourself of what you want to achieve and you motives for wanting to achieve it, you will get to where you want to be, even if it means you make a few mistakes along the way.
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
Things are often difficult to do before they become easy, as I mentioned before when you were a child you were not born with the immediate ability to walk, talk or be capable of looking after yourself. But given time and hard work, it has become relatively easy, for the most part you don't even have to think about it consciously. However the way you do these things are unique to you and right for you.
Everyone is different and what works for someone else may not necessarily mean it will good for you. One persons view on success may mean lots of money, lots of travelling but no partner or children, whereas someone else may feel success means a good relationship with their partner, happy children and money is irrelevant.
If something doesn't work for you find something that does, giving up on something is not failing if the thing you gave up on was not right for you.
Know what you don't want.
Discovering what you really want by finding out what you don't want.
Chances are you have not had the same job, partner, hairstyle or home since you were say a teenager or young adult. This is because it takes a while to discover who we are and what we really want.
You don't know what food you do or don't like, until you taste them, similarly you don't know what you do or don't like until you experience it. Sometimes you have to try all the ways that don't work before you finally find the one that does.
Everything changes.
The world changes, People change, priorities and ideas change. What might have felt like an impossibility before or was a head of it's time, may well become a success after all. Weather it be a business idea, a band, art, music or an invention chances are what may have gone down like a lead balloon in the past may well bring you success in the future.
Maybe something seems to be falling out of fashion and beginning to look like a failure, when in fact all it may need is a bit of attention, a tweak hear and there, just to keep it with the times.
Change is inevitable and can be very useful, can you use it to your advantage?
Happy Accidents.
Sometimes what is assumed a failure, becomes more of a success then the original idea would have been, if it had not failed.
- Some of the mix of foods you eat, were the result of an accidental ingredient or two being added.
- Many an invention and idea was discovered while looking for or experimenting on, something else entirely.
- Some medication and chemicals were similarly found by mistake, unintentionally becoming more successful then could have been imagined.
- There are also plenty of gadgets and inventions that didn't work for there desired use. Yet have often gone on to have been used for something completely different and to great success.
For all the reasons mentioned, it just goes to show how failure really can and does lead to success!
Has failure ever lead to success for you?
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