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Extreme Weather Reveals Earth Wobble and Mass Awakening!

Updated on May 23, 2015

Snow on the Pyramids

Snow in Northern Africa reveals the increase in the Earth's Wobble in no uncertain terms.
Snow in Northern Africa reveals the increase in the Earth's Wobble in no uncertain terms. | Source

Snow In Thailand

Snow in Thailand is more than just extreme weather but is definitely Climate Change, the question is why?
Snow in Thailand is more than just extreme weather but is definitely Climate Change, the question is why? | Source

15X Brighter than the Moon!

The Comet of the Century turned out to be a dud, has anyone else noticed how NASA keeps getting proved wrong?
The Comet of the Century turned out to be a dud, has anyone else noticed how NASA keeps getting proved wrong? | Source

Pola Vortex

This model of the Polar Vortex shows how the arctic air is displaced, moving West to East.
This model of the Polar Vortex shows how the arctic air is displaced, moving West to East. | Source

Mass Awakening

The extreme weather world wide has accomplished one very important factor for mankind, it has helped propel humanity into a mass conscious awakening of global proportions. Extreme Weather Reveals Earth Wobble and Mass Awakening will show how mankind is beginning to awaken from the mass slumber that has kept them from recognizing the truth for eons.

The extreme weather world wide has provided mankind with the motivation to learn more about their ever changing environment, because of the Mainstream Media, Governmental and Scientific Institutions reluctance to give them satisfactory answers. This has lead the public to finding the answers on their own, the internet allows instant communication, so this is where they have turned.

Because internet searches provide many different view points on the same subject matter, all on one page, they can then get a wide variety of answers and do not have to rely on one source of information. This fact alone is what is leading the public to begin too question the Mainstream Media, not to trust their own Governments and not to seek explanations from scientific sources that are proving to be incorrect over and over again.

A prime example of this is all the hoopla every Mainstream Media outlet from CBS News to NASA proclaimed would be the Comet of the Century, Comet ISON.

"The eagerly anticipated comet could be 15 times brighter than the moon, with a massive tail, making it visible even in broad daylight."

Visible in broad daylight, I didn't even see it once at night let alone during the day. From April to October of 2013 you couldn't go on the internet without seeing some news report about Comet ISON, then it comes and goes and we get nothing, not even an explanation.

This kind of sensationalism is exactly the kind of 'news' that is providing most people with the motivation to find answers for themselves and has lead the public as whole to awaken to the mass deception being perpetrated on them.

So when it snows in Thailand, Vietnam and North Africa all in the same week, people have a tendency to look for answers and begin to question the premise that Industrial Pollution (Global Warming) or Climate Change as it is now called is really behind all this freak weather.

Scientist are claiming that the unnatural cold spell that is sweeping the globe in regions of the world that never see snow and cold is due to a 'Polar Vortex', made famous by the movie The Day After Tomorrow?

However if we turn our attention to parts of the globe that are usually very cold we see a warming trend, this is one of the key elements that clearly shows the Earth's Wobble has increased and been altered by some unseen force. As the rest of the United States braces for a severe cold front Alaska's temperatures are on the rise as is illustrated in the photo below.

Granted a Polar Vortex would explain the recent cold spell adequately, however considering the implications of what is happening world wide is this really the explanation to this global phenomenon? A good example of this that doesn't fit the Polar Vortex theory is that Europe is experiencing early spring like conditions and yet right below their location, North Africa is hit by a massive cold front and snow.

Polar Vortex's have fast westerlies (wind), that push cold air from the West to the East, however it does not affect the North/South air flow, so if North Africa is inundated with cold air and subarctic temperatures so too should Europe, this is not the case.

Let's face it folks, extreme weather events is one thing but snowfall in the deserts of North Africa and the jungles of Vietnam is quite another. What many people are just now recognizing is that all this extreme weather is due to an increase in the wobble of the Earth, which has in turn altered the jet stream.

Of course the next question we have is why has the Earth's Wobble increased?

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything they learned in school."

Albert Einstein

Alaska Temperatures Soar

Notice the warmer trend in Alaska for the last week while the lower 48 states endure a sever cold spell, this can only be the result of an increase in the wobble of the Earth.
Notice the warmer trend in Alaska for the last week while the lower 48 states endure a sever cold spell, this can only be the result of an increase in the wobble of the Earth. | Source

Earth Wobble

This graphic shows how the Earth Wobble is changing from its normal 22ª arc to a more extreme degree.
This graphic shows how the Earth Wobble is changing from its normal 22ª arc to a more extreme degree. | Source

Precession of the Equinoxes

Because I'm not a professional astronomer nor a 'scientist', I just play one on Hub Pages, I have included a definition of the Precession of the Equinoxes directly from Wikipedia. Basically it describes how the Earth Wobble occurs, much like a spinning top, every 26,000 years.

In astronomy, axial precession is a gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body's rotational axis. In particular, it refers to the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth's axis of rotation, which, similar to a wobbling top, traces out a pair of cones joined at their apices in a cycle of approximately 26,000 years [1] (called a Great or Platonic Year in astrology).

Either follow the link provided above for a complete definition or use the above description as guide for how an increase in our Earth's Wobble could affect, among other things our planet's weather and tectonic plates.

Snow on Sand Dunes in Algeria

Snow on the sand dunes in Algeria indicate this is not a 100 Year Event but another example of the increase in the Earth's Wobble.
Snow on the sand dunes in Algeria indicate this is not a 100 Year Event but another example of the increase in the Earth's Wobble. | Source

Earth's Wobble

We must unlearn everything we have been taught in school if we are to determine the truth for ourselves. What must be considered is that many mainstream scientist and astronomers receive their paychecks from government grants and institutions that are part of the global conspiracy to limit what the public understands about the true nature of our planet and the solar system.

What this means is that if the US Government labels a subject matter such as Nibiru Planet X part of the National Security mandate, as they did during the Reagan Administration in 1983, then by law scientist and astronomers are not allowed to discuss the subject with the public. However to protect their reputations and credibility they are allowed to explain away or spread disinformation on this subject to the public but under oath and penalty of law they are unable to tell the public the truth.

However this does not prevent them from lying to the public, using clever concepts and technical jargon, to obfuscate the truth. That being said they have now used the concept of a 'Polar Vortex' to explain away the obvious truth regarding the increase wobble of the Earth.

Because to tell the public the truth, would require them to explain why the Earth's Wobble has increased and this cannot be done without admitting that another unseen planetary body is influencing the Earth's own magnetic force. Because mankind has been conditioned to accept anything the Fake Stream Media and 'scientific institutions' tells them is the truth, they then can create new concepts or use old ones and use disinformation to spread this theory as the gospel truth.

The increase in the Earth's Wobble is the reason behind almost every extreme weather event, rise in large earthquake activity, increase in volcanic activity and other related seismic and tectonic events on the planet. However because Nibiru Planet X can only be seen in the infrared light spectrum or under very specific lighting conditions, it is easy for the scientific community to explain away its influence on this planet with clever disinformation and scientific jargon and innuendo.

What I find amusing is the concept of using the 100 Year Event scenario over and over again to explain how and why these extreme weather events are taking place. How many times do you get to use the 100 Year Event scenario before it no longer becomes a 100 Year Event? So far it has snowed in Northern Africa twice in the last year and yet it is still being labeled a 100 Year Event, how does that work?

4" of Snow in Jerusalem

As you can see from this photo taken in January of 2013, 4" of snow fell in Northern Africa this time last year and yet this is still being labeled a 100 Year Event.
As you can see from this photo taken in January of 2013, 4" of snow fell in Northern Africa this time last year and yet this is still being labeled a 100 Year Event. | Source

Getting Media Coverage vs The Truth

The late Stephen Schneider whom wrote the book The Genesis Strategy in 1976, which basically concludes that Global Cooling poses a threat to humanity and later went on to become a consultant to the IPCC, had this to say about the theory of Climate Change in an article published in Discover.

“On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, on the other hand, we are not just scientists, but human beings as well. And like most people, we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that, we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of the doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”

Well, let's be honest, isn't getting a salary and paying your mortgage, more important than misleading the public? After all, what harm will it do convincing the public that Climate Change is real, if it unites them to back a New World Order agenda?

Climate Change

Is the concept of Climate Change real?

According to many world leaders, as far back as the late 80s and early 90s, it was just a way of uniting the world into accepting a world wide threat based on phony science and media hype.

In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives:

“The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

Regardless of whether the science is real or just a means to an end, the United Nations organized an International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to convene annual meetings designed to address this issue in 1992. At the first ever Earth Climate Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil of the same year Maurice Strong an organizer of the event had this to say:

We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

Was he in fact referring to all the religious prognostications of an 'End of the World' scenario or something far more sinister?

What is interesting to note is that since the 1970s hurricanes have decreased, wildfires have decreased by 15% and droughts have stayed the same. What has increased is the scale of these events, the world is not experiencing an increase in the amount but an increase in the power and size of these events.

What has increased dramatically is seismic events, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, sinkholes, bridge collapses, mud and land slides, natural gas explosions, bird and fish kills (from methane release), and rising sea levels all of which are related to tectonic movement.

What isn't recognized is that the public lumps natural disasters into one category and doesn't make the distinction between disasters caused by tectonic stress from extreme weather. Therefore distinguishing the cause of these events can easily be lumped into one category, as well. This allows the 'spin doctors' to spread disinformation to an ignorant if not indifferent public.

Polar Vortex

The icy flow of air from a Polar Vortex shows that it is covering most of the US but Alaska closer to the arctic is in a warming trend.
The icy flow of air from a Polar Vortex shows that it is covering most of the US but Alaska closer to the arctic is in a warming trend. | Source

The Masquerade of Science

Over and over again I have tried to show that scientists compete for grant money to pay their bills and because of this they will adopt any policy government institutions require of them if it allows them to continue living the life they are accustomed too.

I cannot over emphasize this enough, because as Stephen Schnieder points out above, they are all human with the same needs the rest of us have and if they have to disguise the truth in order to make a buck, they will, period end of story. However for the rest of us it isn't the end of the story and could very well mean the difference in whether the rest of us go on living the lives we are accustomed too.

A case in point is what Peter Moore, cofounder of Greenpeace said in an interview on Fox Business News in 2011:

“We do not have any scientific proof that we are the cause of the global warming that has occurred in the last 200 years…The alarmism is driving us through scare tactics to adopt energy policies that are going to create a huge amount of energy poverty among the poor people.

Of course when asked, who would be behind such obvious attempts at sabotaging the truth, he revealed what I have been saying all along.

“A powerful convergence of interests. Scientists seeking grant money, media seeking headlines, universities seeking huge grants from major institutions, foundations, environmental groups, politicians wanting to make it look like they are saving future generations. And all of these people have converged on this issue.”

The point I'm trying to make is that when it involves money, no one is exempt from having an agenda that may not always be compatible with the truth. One needs only read the book The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future by Senator James Inhofe, R-Okla., if they have any doubts that Climate Change isn't an agenda designed to make money while regulating control of the masses.

My contention is and has always been that not only is Climate Change not responsible for the extreme weather that is being experienced world wide but that it is not even a real threat just a concept created to further an agenda.

I believe the biggest threat facing mankind is the conditioning to accept as the truth of whatever mainstream science and our governments tell us is the truth. However because their explanations for all the extreme weather and natural disasters are falling well short of what the public can accept as reasonable, the public is showing signs of awakening.

What is important to recognize is that the Polar Vortex is real but rarely effects weather outside the Arctic circle, so the most important factor is Why is this happening now?

The increase in the Earth's Wobble is what is allowing all of the extreme weather events to escalate and grow in force and magnitude, that is why this Polar Vortex has expanded its reach to include regions of the Earth closer to the equator.

Climate Change Conspiracy

Conspiracies by definition are designed specifically to prevent the average man from easily recognizing the truth. Because of this it becomes problematic for the public to determine the truth on their own.

One can inherently doubt the veracity of any subject but still remain unconvinced that a conspiracy is taking place because of a lack of evidence to the contrary. This is exactly the reason how most conspiracies remain undetected in the public eye.

Global Conspiracy?

Do you believe that Climate Change is a global conspiracy?

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The Awakening

Because mainstream science and religion has failed to offer mankind any hope for spiritual salvation, many people have only now began to explore other avenues. This began back in the late 60s with the New Age movement into a more spiritual outlook on life but has also had a resurgence in the last decade.

Many authors and scientist are exploring information that shows humanity is far greater than our education system and mainstream science has lead us to believe. Because so many people are beginning to give credence to this new age of spiritualism and belief it is opening up doors to more and more scientific research on the subject.

What this is accomplishing is that now the public is beginning to question contemporary science and moving past using TV as their only source of news. Subjects such as Quantum Mechanics and 'string theory' has contributed greatly to this expanding of our spiritual belief system.

The internet has also expanded our horizons as more and more people are using it for their everyday communication needs. This has afforded many the financial flexibility of being able to research topics that before would require buying and actually reading books on complex ideas and concepts.

Youtube has helped immensely in allowing those in our society that don't enjoy reading the ability to gain knowledge in areas that before they would not have been able or willing to explore.

Incredibly as it may seem I have met and know many reasonably informed members of mainstream society whom have a very conservative religious background that because of the internet are even now questioning their own staunch religious doctrines and reshaping the way in which they believe in God.

All of these factors when added together is allowing humanity as a whole to throw off the yoke of ignorance and question everything they have been taught as true. This awakening is what is allowing so many to begin to question strongly held fundamental scientific and religious beliefs, that for decades they unerringly did not doubt.


My contention is that the affect Nibiru Planet X is having on our planet is not only increasing the Earth's Wobble but is leading to all the tectonic stress developing on the surface of the Earth.

Scientist's and government institutions can continue to explain away these events, using fancy scientific jargon and concepts but the bottom line is that our planet is changing and it is not because of manmade pollution.

The extreme weather and increased tectonic stress is becoming too severe for the public to remain convinced we are the reason our planet is changing so radically. Extreme Weather Reveals Earth Wobble and Mass Awakening was written to show how easy it has become for the Fake Stream Media to trot out old concepts and ideas and reveal them as a new phenomenon to an unaware public looking for answers.

It is our duty to each other to continue to dig deeper into all the stories and 'news' being broadcast daily to keep us asleep and unaware of our changing planet. I ask you to research on your own stories that while on the surface may seem reasonable but leave you with nagging doubts as to their veracity.

Only by awakening to this global deception can we create a new paradigm closer to the heart, in which all information is shared for better of for worse. Thank you for reading and please leave a comment letting me know if these kinds of articles are what you are looking for and want.

© 2014 somethgblue


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