On the Education System (Developmental Education)

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  1. Mattrick profile image69
    Mattrickposted 11 years ago

    It occurs to me that, having studied the origins of the School system, as opposed to early education through the Trivium (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric) and Quadrivium (Math, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy), the standards and practices of learning are far off from their more enlightening roots of yesterday; in fact the use of education today is more for breaking the natural humanity in them, forcing them into a box, and selling them off to corporations and further boxes for the rest of their so called "natural life."

    How are we to restore Education, rather than indoctrination to our children; and return our society to a decent state beyond the mind control, beyond the mindless entertainments, beyond the conditioning, beyond the think tanks, and finally beyond our own self doubt? 

    The current writer has authored a number of hubs and articles relating to this subject, but it must be understood that there is no conclusiveness to any idea. None the less if it must be written here and now for you all to read. I shall try to reduce the tenants and principles of Developmental Education for you to read them most easily. May these reductions be more of a refinement through simplicity into sophistication.

    The first tenant of Developmental education is that learning has no beginning or end in the lifespan. Approximately nine months after birth, an infants Education begins. Stimulation, such as a second language, classical music, and geometric patterns, love, and human contact; all of these are essential as the first state of learning.

    Infancy has been shown to be not only the most vital, but also the most receptive stage in the development of a human being; their brain is like a sponge, where information is a stream of content. When it's being determined by a system of education that actually gives a damn the human experience can be changed, altered according to natural principles, and natural harmonies.

    By beginning education and learning at a basic level at infancy, the experience of learning for some may seem natural; and the gradual process of increasing that stimulus throughout the lifetime is the primary focus of developmental education.

    Working with what we know about the brain and the mind through modern psychology, it becomes apparent that the best way to educate a person is by them educating themselves. This cannot come about with a competitive, centralized, corporatized indoctrination center; therefore, school has got to go folks.

    Moving on to the second stage of this developmental learning process, starting at age three to four, which can be called childhood. It is at this stage that the infant is considered a child, and in childhood begins to experience practical-oriented recesses, consisting of things like gardening, music, and art, all of which the child can determine for themselves.

    Breaking up those recesses will be hour long periods of a subject that the students will learn throughout the day, and will be at first tied loosely to a subject, like math, or grammar.  The simplicity of how those subjects are conveyed will determine the receptivity of the young students; but a child psychologist, acting as a catalyst for the teacher to the students, will ensure that the teacher-student communication relationship improves with time.

    Once a generation of students have reached adolescence, they begin learning more directly the subjects of the Trivium and Quadrivium, which are Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, and Math, Geometry, Music, and  Astronomy respectively. The word Trivium is where we get the word trivial from. It was considered in antiquity to be essential to a civic life to be educated under the trivium.

    Classical education, without practical knowledge cannot salvage the overall inadequacies of our current world due to inadequate education. The use of practicums-- recesses with practical purpose-- would increase as children reach the adolescent stage. Recesses that stimulate the mind, impart the finest wisdom of all, that learning is play.

    Recesses at the adolescent level would consist of martial arts, music, astronomy, meditation, culinary art, gardening and farming. As the student passes from one stage to the other, more and more the responsibility is upon the student to learn what he or she desires.

    By the young adult stage (comparable to high school) the student has gone from having teachers, to being serviced by librarians for academic information. Their recesses are about learning architecture, plumbing, how to drive a car, how to be a responsible citizen. The sophistication of education is epitomized by simplicity;  in young adult education, sophistication is epitomized by simplicity, just as it is throughout the system being described to you.

    The last, but not least stage of education is adulthood, and its age ranges from adulthood to death. This stage is the most important of all, because it requires the sustained investment of study for mental clarity. Only in this way can a civilization reach a level of decency in its operation, and reach a harmonious organization to its powers.

    The place of adult learning could be like a grown up version of a mall, where only adult citizens can attend; places to share ideas, find community, and exchange items. Things like isolation tanks, synchronized tai chi, group meditation, etc. would represent an infusion of eastern practices, which have shown to reduce stress and improve vascular health.

    The people must be enlightened. these are a salutation to Unity consciousness: Learning, Peace, Love, Appreciation.

    1. EncephaloiDead profile image54
      EncephaloiDeadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wait just a minute, there. How do children educate themselves? What practical solution do you have to closing schools? Where do kids go to learn and how do they do that, exactly?

      Most children aren't interested in gardening, music and art at that age, how do you propose to get them to determine those things at that age?

      Wait a minute, there, didn't you just say we are to close the schools and students are to learn on their own? From where do these teachers and psychologists come and where are they going to teach the children?

      1. Mattrick profile image69
        Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Dear EcnephaloiDead,
        The answer to your question is simple, the children do not educate themselves, the young adults do. The children are educated by professors and experts in their field: math, grammar, and the basics of the trivium and quadrivium.

        How do you know what most children are like, and how do you know that no child will want to garden. The act of choice is very simple; let the children choose for themselves, after trial and error what they prefer.

        I am saying that we need to do away with school as a paradigm, but I am not saying that we should close the school facilities, that would be retarding to society. Rather, by making the education facilities a part of the community, and the education process the center of our society, we are thus turning the village into a place of learning; and the place of learning into a microcosm of society itself.

        Granted, this is a rather demanding concept, but what is worse, a failing system, or a change in the forms to which we are accustomed?

        The declaration of independence says: "Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light or transient causes. And accordingly, all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

        I believe we have suffered long enough, and that the need to change the forms has reached a melting point.

        1. Silverspeeder profile image60
          Silverspeederposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          This has been tried in the UK, unfortunately it hasn't worked very well, we have long queues of unemployed teenagers with training and qualifications in performing arts, agriculture, music and dressmaking but we are still importing doctors, nurses and engineers.
          Train for the future, your country needs it.

          1. Mattrick profile image69
            Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I am sure that what I am talking about and what you are talking about are two different things altogether. The reason that I say that is because what I am describing is multifaceted; because I am limited to what I can post, the extent of those facets cannot be communicated. I would like to send you both a link to my ideas, here it is: http://www.scribd.com/doc/116031512/Ste … ter-Future

        2. EncephaloiDead profile image54
          EncephaloiDeadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Uh, that's how it works today, children are taught by teachers.

          Uh, just talk to the kids and find out, they could find all kinds of things to do rather than gardening.

          And, if they all prefer to play video games or play with their iPhones, what next?

          Schools ARE facilities, they are not paradigms, whatever that means.

          That's kind of how it already works.

          But, you haven't offered anything new or provided any practical solutions.

          That's nice.

          1. Mattrick profile image69
            Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I'm sorry, we are clearly too far from the same page to have a conversation. I would suggest you read the dictionary as a form of extracurricular homework.

            Love and Appreciation

            1. EncephaloiDead profile image54
              EncephaloiDeadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              So terribly sorry to have inconvenienced you, I understand now after reading your profile, which oddly is written in the third person, why I am not worthy:

              "his writings are for the world of alternative views, and his views themselves are ahead of ther time."

              1. Mattrick profile image69
                Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah, that does sound pretty arrogant. But really what it is telling you is that what I write about is not at all for the general public, because most people are so dubmed down and brain washed by television, that they cant decipher what I am saying.  I have spent more time studying than most people my age probably, but that does not increase my value and lower an others; rather, it means that we are on different wavelengths; we see reality differently. That is what makes life beautiful; variety is the spice of life.

                Love and Appreciation

  2. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 11 years ago

    It would probably be helpful if the current writer would read the TOS and entries in the Learning Center.  Among other things, he will find that self-promotion is frowned on in these forums.

    In other words, don't spam the forums with links to your hubs.

  3. Mattrick profile image69
    Mattrickposted 11 years ago

    Sorry, I figured that, but I honestly don't know what else to do. I could write an entire article on here about education. Perhaps that's what I will do to correct my mistake.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      - too much to read right now, but I plan to.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years ago

    Q. "How are we to restore Education, rather than indoctrination to our children; and return our society to a decent state beyond the mind control, beyond the mindless entertainments, beyond the conditioning, beyond the think tanks, and finally beyond our own self doubt?"
    A. Children have joy of life and this joy of life prompts them to absorb whatever is in their environment…
    including gardening, arithmetic, writing, reading, geometry, art, music… The key is to create an environment which helps them master skills in liberty and in a didactic way involving the senses.
    @ Mattrick:
    If you are ahead of your time, then Dr. Maria Montessori is there with you. You can refer to her books: Secret of Childhood, Absorbent Mind and the Montessori Method.

    1. Mattrick profile image69
      Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've definitely heard of the Montessori method, and I approve. However, that does not mean that their method is perfect, nor does it mean that I intend to say that mine is; all truly good ideas can be amended and improved. I should certainly give those books a gander. Thank you, that was a helpful suggestion.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You need to read what she wrote. She keenly observed children as a scientist. She discovered that children have absorbent minds which function best in liberty. You will enjoy reading what she wrote.

        1. Mattrick profile image69
          Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sure that I will, we agree on that notion very much. IT is common sense really.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            - yes, because children do have minds of their own and they are not to be conditioned as though they were animals, (and even animals have minds of their own…) I agree with you: They do not need "endless entertainments," and should not be indoctrinated by the educational theories invented by ignorant "think tanks…"

      2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
        MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You do realize that parents in most countries have the right to do exactly what you are suggesting... which I believe is a combination of unschooling and apprenticeship... they just choose not to. The problem is parents who don't want to raise their own children, not the educational system.

        1. Mattrick profile image69
          Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          What I am advocating is a reorganization of the structures of society, such that the integration of both sides of your argument can manifest. In other words, what I am advocating is for the education system to be more like the village. It takes a village to raise a child. Also, I like the idea of unschooling and apprenticeship, but I would suggest that unschooling and fellowship is superior. This implies more than one person acting as a mentor, in fact it implies society to be one's mentor.

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
            MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Once again, this is possible now. If the parents choose to make it happen. Society doesn't need restructured. Parents have this power now.

            1. Mattrick profile image69
              Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Maybe you're right. What steps will you take to be the change you want to see?

              1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
                MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I homeschool my kids. I teach specific subjects, but it's largely child-led by their interests. For example,  we have to study science, but my daughter chooses what animal we learn about. If she wants to learn about fireman, I take her to a fire station. (Social studies). When my oldest wanted to study music (a required subject in my curriculum) more indepthly, I let him roadie for a band in exchange for guitar lessons (apprenticeship).

                If a child wants to learn about a specific subject, then you find a person that knows it and let them work under them.

                It's really not all that hard.

                1. Mattrick profile image69
                  Mattrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Right, except that not everyone is you; this will not work for a vast amount of the population due to the already dumbed down conditions. That is why organization can help. The problem is multifaceted, but all it requires is recognizing the innate genius of children, and allowing that to flower naturally. I advocate a system, an organized system, which can HELP, not solely handle, the process of education. Further, parental education centers would vastly improve that process.
                  That being said I can see how that would be hard to imagine, but I'm sure that with enough time and explanation, it can be done.

                  1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
                    MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    It actually happens all the time. I don't mean to be argumentative, but it's already a subculture. It works for all economic classes and all intellect levels. You just have to be willing to take responsibility for your own children rather than expecting society to raise them.


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