What’s The Difference between Charter Schools and Traditional Public Schools?

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  1. ngureco profile image77
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    What’s The Difference between Charter Schools and Traditional Public Schools?

  2. Drake LaVigne profile image59
    Drake LaVigneposted 15 years ago

    Charter schools are typically public schools founded and created with a specific goal in mind. Some charter schools specialize in one area of study, like music or math, these types of schools are usually called magnet schools. Some charter schools are run as businesses, offering free public education in order to receive public funds which are used as efficiently as possible in order to keep any extra as profit. These schools often run into conflicts with teachers' unions due to the schools' more rigid business model. Charter schools typically have a board of directors, as well as oversight from the local school board.

    A traditional public school is nearly identical to a non profit organization except that its income is from the government instead of its consumers (though technically the parents are paying for the school through tax dollars). It offers general education and is controlled primarily by the school board of the district.

  3. prziloczek profile image60
    prziloczekposted 15 years ago

    In USA in the 1980s, most secondary schools were melded into huge High Schools. Because of the constitution, American State Schools were not allowed to teach religion. In one of the Western States (I forget which) parents asked to be allowed to set up a Christian School under a special Charter, but using the same amount of State money that an ordinary High School would have. The idea then took off (see below).
    In Sweden, in 1992, the State introduced "Knowledge Schools" which were independent of government. They, too took off. Holland followed suit.
    The Conservative party wants (after the election) to bring them into UK under Michael Gove.
    The huge advantage is that, in government run schools, the politicians are out of touch and teachers find that they waste a lot of time filling in forms and attending meetings, which doesn't happen in independent Charter Schools.

  4. Jaynie2000 profile image81
    Jaynie2000posted 14 years ago

    Charter schools are public schools that are not allowed to charge tuition or restrict admission to enrollees based upon socioeconomic or other limitations. Charter schools typically have a niche that they fill in the community that traditional public schools do not offer or do not offer in the same manner. For example, in our school district, we have a charter school that offers dual language immersion education for kids that want to learn core curricula in both English and Spanish. It is open to all kids, provided they enroll in kindergarten or first grade (or have the ability to test in successfully if they enroll in the upper grades - 3-5.

    A charter school must have an authorizer prior to gaining approval for the charter. It is usually proposed to the Board of Education by an individual or grassroots organization with the approval and support of the local school district serving as the authorizer.

    Charter schools have flexibility to offer innovative curricula that may differ in methodology from that which is used in traditional classrooms. They must have ways of measuring and demonstrating their success or risk having their charters revoked.

    In addition, charter schools have access to millions of dollars in federal funding that is not available to traditional schools in an effort to promote  innovation and the ability to reach unique academic goals. Such money comes in the form of grants (i.e. development; implementation and dissemination grants).

    It is incumbent upon each school district and the parent governing groups of each charter school, to help govern and monitor the successes of the schools. This type of oversight helps to assure that charters do not exist merely as a means of circumventing traditional and somewhat restrictive educational methodology. Local agencies such as departments of public instruction and Charter School Associations help provide oversight, especially of those schools that have received any federal funding, to hold them accountable for meeting the high academic standards to which they are bound.

    In addition to academic success, charter schools typically have objectives related to social responsibility goal and  parent governance. The charter schools in our area have kids that volunteer at homeless shelters and soup kitchens and have vitally active parent leadership councils which are involved in such things as curricula development, staff interviews and selection, charter contract negotiations, etc.

    1. Addie Price profile image60
      Addie Priceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent description of a charter school!!

  5. albertcamus27 profile image60
    albertcamus27posted 12 years ago

    The difference? The Death of Public Education:

    http://albertcamus27.hubpages.com/hub/W … -Education

    1. Addie Price profile image60
      Addie Priceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Charter Schools are public schools.


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