Can artificial intelligence solve all the problems of mankind?

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  1. workload profile image38
    workloadposted 13 years ago

    Can artificial intelligence solve all the problems of mankind?

  2. floating mind profile image66
    floating mindposted 13 years ago

    No.  Artificial intelligence is about making jobs easier and/or safer for people to do.  I don't think it can solve problems like hunger, health, and the like.  Although it is a tool that could be employed to assist in the resolution of these types of problems.

  3. profile image51
    ohlennyposted 13 years ago

    I don't think either it will solve all our problems, maybe some of them.The rest depends on us.

  4. mesacleanpools profile image60
    mesacleanpoolsposted 13 years ago

    Haven't you seen all of the movies about AI in the last 10 years? I'm pretty sure AI is going to turn bad and end up destroying it's creators!

  5. andrewwilliams63 profile image60
    andrewwilliams63posted 13 years ago

    Unlikely, artificial intelligence machines are programmed by man and therefore are bound to suffer the same flaws...unless they learn to truly think for themselves and if that happens we better watch out, think Terminator!

    1. andrew savage profile image57
      andrew savageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you want to watch Terminator in real life, join the invading forces of a country. Man cannot be a man if he is not conscientious of a subject and in persuit of an objective. Furthermore, man is programmed by man or a higher power.

  6. Shahid Bukhari profile image59
    Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years ago

    In its present State and Form ... Knowledge, of whats beyond the Physical, in a Secularized  approach to Reality ... via Theory and Philosophy, together with wild Speculation ... is essentially the Assumptive, rooted in Reason ... hence, a humans Planted Program ... thus, essentially an Artificially induced Convenience ... you could call Electro-Logical Intelligence ... EI ... not Artificial Intelligence ... AI per se !

    Accordingly, the Half Truths, of Science, based in Reason, and supposedly dealing with Reality, within Theoretical or other Assumptives [about the other Half of "Being"] cannot solve any, of the "Real" Problems, faced by human kind.

    Because, Problems of humankind are Real ... whereas AI, is a gadgetry what electronically Reproduces the Logically Sequenced ... of what has been earlier fed into it  ... Programmed.
    For a "Free Will" cannot be planted in machines ... as a hard or Soft ware ... and supposing it is ... such will continue to remain Bits of Logics ...

  7. Spacekid profile image60
    Spacekidposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure if artficial intelligence can solve everything. For one thing, man created artificial intelligence, meaning that human knowledge, flaw, and purpose is forced into them, unless they were given free will, and if this actually was achieved....if you've played megaman/rockman, you'll see what I mean. Some idiot will try to ruin the economical/technological victory with a virus, or try to destroy something really important. If we're gonna try to solve a few problems, we would have to plan this out really carefully, but we can expect artificial intelligence to be perfect like many people with hope, they're like us, except we'll end up pushing more jobs that involve saving the Earth from some form of inpending doom onto them someday.

  8. andrew savage profile image57
    andrew savageposted 12 years ago

    Mankind, himself, is artificial in the vantage point of the creator of man whether the creator is Prometheus, Lucifer, Jupiter, Saturn or a rock. Will the artificial intelligence known as Man become conscient to his problems and learn to come together to solve such manmade problems? Afterall, the ones who made man gave man free will- for the most part in the beginning (if you are not able to understand this it is because you are not there yet in your programming). Then again, there may have been a time on this world when Man was divided among three very simple classifications Can, Able, and Willing, in such case a possibility is that one of these classifications may have outbred the others through the nonintelligent creative mode of nonselective breeding, also known as nonconscient genetic engineering.

    Furthermore, if Man in his artificial state were to decide upon another Artificial Intelligence that Man manufactored to resolve the problems of Mankind, AI would only do what Man has done in the past or cannot do, such as what Skynet did in a simulation/movie. Inorder to program your child to do what is right or what needs to be done, you need to know it prior to performing such a task. Man must find peace, himself, before he hands the keys to his house over to AI... unless of course AI were to threaten Man. Of which brings up the question, what do you do when AI becomes a threat?

    Would you decide to become conscientious if you discovered you were an artificial being? And do you think that souls are programmable?


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