Do you think Big Foot exists?

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  1. scoop profile image83
    scoopposted 11 years ago

    Do you think Big Foot exists?

    If so, then why do you think Big Foot has never been captured?

  2. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 11 years ago

    The Russians were supposed to have captured a female Big Foot and kept in captivity for quite a while. Daniel Boone shot one and was witnessed by many.Thousands of people world wide have seen, interacted and testified to the fact that they have . These creatures are very secretive and have learned over time to be mostly nocturnal. They hide very well and have existed for thousands of years right along side of us ugly humans. Researchers believe that the creatures migrated to North America across the land bridge of the Kamchatka peninsula when it was in solid connection with what is now Russia and Alaska. Over the ages the land bridge was covered by the sea. Many have been seen in Asia and North America, as well as Africa, Many island countries that also have a version of a similar creature, more human like than ape. In North America the creature prefers high mountainous regions, swamps and areas that have less population of human kind. They have become more ranging in recent years due to the increased population and building in once remote areas. This is why more sightings have been made recently. Most people say that if a thing walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it probably is a duck. I am just one of thousands in America that have seen this creature on several occasions.

  3. ThruBlueEyes profile image75
    ThruBlueEyesposted 11 years ago

    There are several episodes of MosterQuest that talk about various places a Bigfoot has supposedly been captured... Russia is the most well known but DNA testing on the female's known offspring (they drew DNA from his skeleton) says that his mitocondrial DNA is 100% human.

    As for why one's never been captured, well there are still a lot of place we haven't explored and if they're suposed to have near human intelligence then I think it only makes sense we'v never found one.  They would likely know about humans and would avoid us when they could.  Maybe they know how to "cover their tracks" so to speak.

    I don't know if Bigfoot is real but for my sons' sakes I hope it is.  They're upset and I'd rather them have the opportunity to

    1. whonunuwho profile image52
      whonunuwhoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      As an outdoorsman, I have been privy to see the creature on at least three occasions and some of my friends have also witnessed the big hairy creature when they too were out fishing and hunting.

  4. Helena Ricketts profile image90
    Helena Rickettsposted 11 years ago

    I think it's definitely a possibility.  We may not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it does exist but then again, we can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it doesn't exist either.

    1. whonunuwho profile image52
      whonunuwhoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Researchers are doing just that, as we speak.There have been millions of accounts of eye witnesses all around the globe in Asia and North America, to attest to the fact that some huge hairy bi-pedal creature other than bears and apes, exist.

  5. Djaak profile image39
    Djaakposted 11 years ago

    I don't think so, it is a myth. There is no proof, just vague photos.


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