Treasures lie beneath...
No Greater Father and Maker of us All, our own Lord God..
In His Grace and a forgiving heart...
Welcoming the new day to come...
It's a Beautiful Life
A Gift from the Father
Important issues we must address!
Our sleep has been too long...we must awaken before it's too late!
To be shared by all...
Heroes are among us...
What is the Substance of Religion?
Brothers and sisters together...
Is it too late to make a change?
Our God Given Hearts...
Our Heavenly Father
God's gifts to His own...
Times of our lives...
Poet's corner...
The seeds of all life...
A universal remedy in our ship of life...
To my old friend Willie: my buddy, my pal, my friend..
The Sights we are so blessed to see...
Now is the time of our future lives...
There really is no's for real!
A zoo right beneath our noses...
Answers that we can all count on...
Although these accounts were some notable ones, I have experienced others over the years, that were quite remarkable. I have learned to accept them with a big grain of salt.
Freedom to worship, or not, just as one is so pleased...
His artistry is full of such wonder...
An ever binding creation...
Our hope and faith help us all to succeed...
The Lord is our shepherd and will care for His flock...
A heavenly gift from our Maker...
Greater than all gold are His gifts on this earth.
A poem of hope...
The Earth shall cleanse itself very soon!
True Devotion!
Art displayed before our eyes every day and is free.I dedicate this to Mother's Day, my own wife, and all of our wonderful ladies...
Parentheses can make all the difference.
Can we all learn a lesson?
Going back down South on my mind...
Let's face it, everyone can be as intelligent as a frog...with a little practice...
More goes on in the pond that many may not realize...
I would hope that is said of me..."He was a good and faithful servant for the Lord."
Tweeting is for the birds!
More brilliant than the day before...
Every hand addresses the page, writing fine poetry...
Instilled within our hearts from our births...
A melody that's a gift from God...
The Blues that may be only a local boy can understand...
Ever feel like singing...
Would it not be marvelous...
A harmonious serenade in the night...
Feeling froggie...then jump!
What will be our testament, when we are all gone...
If changes are soon made, then it may be a possibility...
A song lyrics to honor our flag.
One take on the universal life we may have chosen...
Our Father in Heaven has a plan for us each we live our lives, it all unfolds.
Self-defeat, the destruction of all evil...
We all are served by the hand of God...
One hand holds His love, the other, His awesome power...
Deceit, associated with satanic evil, sewn up with threads of lies...
Is it too late for humanity to start all over again?
Freedom's song...
No finer music to be heard...
Music that soothes the soul...
What would you do?
As told of in scriptures, the day of reckoning for all those wrongdoers is now soon to be seen. May God have mercy.
An expression of faith to be shared by all who will read.
The beginning and forever to be...
A shared belief in all's beginnings...
A time for us to show what we are all really made of...
WE each may accept or deny a thing.
God so waits to satisfy our needs and supplies all in this life.
From the present state and backwards, through time...
The fate of Satan and of all his allegiance...
Let our song of freedom ring...
Dedicated to the Summer moon.
May the Lord God bless and keep us all, forevermore.
Don't let Oklahoma put a stormy weather spell on you!
Will we listen?
Words that fall on deaf ears make us sad.
Time for a major change in watching our children...
If we could only relive those good old days...
A short tune about space exploration you might like...
These times in which we live...
We, as a nation, have always been strong in Spirit.
The mistakes the "lucky ones" often make...
Our Life's river there to save us...
This special day will always be remembered, and the reason why we have our independence. The Fourth of July is a remembrance as much a part of Memorial Day, For Veterans and now who serve. For without them all, we would never have independence!
A sad story of a strong people who are so grand, their culture still greatly admired, their pride never relinquished, and determination stronger than ever... The true Native Americans.
In spite of an imperfect world, we know in our hearts that our country is the greatest and has always been from its beginning to the present.
I'm just a frog, but, oh well, I'd like to be a leprechaun.
That of our earthly and Heavenly one...
An evening prayer shared form our hearts...
A mystery inside a conundrum, wrapped up inside an enigma...
The true love of our God we all feel in our hearts.
Write to share for the many...
No handicap too hard to overcome...
In finest memories shared...
Waste me not...
Who knows?
No greater love than a father for his children...
What we leave behind will so define us all!
Beware of the strange lights in the darkness...
We can each make a difference in this world...
Don't let that old swamp cast its spell on you...
Perhaps when we have problems in life, we should think instead of others who are in greater need.
By our faith and hope, we are held in a security throughout our days...
The Psalms are a lesson to live by in all of our days.
He comes...let us worship the Lord.
Forgiveness is rectified by our acts of kindness and true regrets for misdeeds. We are at the mercy of those who were so wronged. We may only hope that they find it in their hearts to forgive us.
Who were the real savages?
Our faiths can see us through...
A well deserved thank you...
Well done...
What really counts...
Must silence rule the day?
We must remember the Scriptures.
Did we really have enemies in our past lives...
Must we follow those old footsteps?
The wonders of flight...
The significance of shadows...
If we were to take lessons from butterflies...
A Tribute to our Mothers
In love there is no mystery, our faiths will see us through...
A lesson taught by T. Roosevelt may well be heeded.
How long must we wait?
Is the reason of love we were given life appreciated? of the greatest questions of all time
As stewards of our children and their futures, we should provide the best we possibly can do.
The greatest gift, of life, itself...
Let us all give thanks to the Father in heaven for his wonderful son, who came to save us from our sins, Lord Jesus.
Our country is a powerful influence on the world and we all should work to preserve the precepts of our Constitution...
When will it be too late to change the way we all live in this world?
Our knowing that the Lord God is watching over us all gives us strength to handle challenges of this life...
We are responsible to provide a good future for our children!
Brilliance of the Father...
We must now pray for our world...
We must change our thinking in planning for a new world...
The swamp just gets in your blood...
There is only one Great Leader and Provider...we all know in our hearts who He is...
It's never too late to start over in our lives...
Have we all reached the point of no return to our demise?
An attempt in praising the Most High, Creator of us all...
Dedicated to a servant of the Lord God...
A most welcomed benevolence from our Maker...
Each of us has the power to attain our finest desires when we reach to the great beyond for our help...
Our companion for all time...
Sometimes a good Blues tune can make you feel better...
Children's futures at stake...
A message sent by our Creator to His Children...
A tale of the Swamp...
Every child of God is given the grandest gift of all...
Poetry can be so much fun...
We see, hear, feel His presence all around us...
Whether extravagant exaggerations or simple statements to convey a meaning...
In our own words and in every language, we try to explain each when and why...
A promise by the Native people about the replenishing of this earth...
A grand display that we are all so gifted to behold...
God bless America's brave, we are all soldiers of the cross...
Dedicated to my grandfather, with love and respect, for a minister of the Gospel for many decades
We honor and do love our Statue of Liberty...
An alphabet of positive steps for Humanity...
True beauty is never skin deep, a great intelligence found, as within, where every heart may sleep...
Music, the universal language...
A human experience...
Perhaps there just might be an answer to a perplexing mystery after all...
A season of White...
As we hope for a better tomorrow and we have the Good Lord's blessings...
It is late and the time is now...
A Happy greeting to all over the World...
We can all learn lessons from the oddest places sometimes...
We all just hope we know how to use it...
Have a merry and wonderful Christmas to all...
Our experiences in life make us stronger...
Just to remember who we are...
A Happy Birthday Message to the Lord...
Met with determination and a strong heart...
Are we to see this happening...
With experience comes wisdom...
A tribute to a beauty in the woods...
Let us all give thanks unto the Lord God for his gifts of such wonder...
A mother's love does mean so much...
If we could only change things for the better...
Winning a game of chess is not the same in a loss of life...
In search of a truest captain...
A special time we all may share...
Communicate only if you punctuate...
The standards of passing marks should be challenged
The vibrancy of all creation to behold...
The bold and beautiful on display by David Rodgers, artist
The soul of Rock and Roll...