Do you think schools do enough for children with ADHD and other learning disabil

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  1. BusyBeaver profile image60
    BusyBeaverposted 12 years ago

    Do you think schools do enough for children with ADHD and other learning disabilities?

  2. Ellana317 profile image70
    Ellana317posted 12 years ago

    Not at all... My son has ADHD and I have been fighting for him to have the same  privileges and rights as all of the other children.  He has been labeled by the teachers and because they have no idea how to handle him it has resulted in several meetings, suspensions, and even the threat of expulsion.  I WISH there were more done for him and other children who have learning disabilities.

    1. BusyBeaver profile image60
      BusyBeaverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My son has been labeled as well and that only frustrates him further. He is picked on every day and the schools answer is it's his fault when the other children hit him.????

    2. Ellana317 profile image70
      Ellana317posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      BusyBeaver~ That truly saddens and concerns me.  You'll have to go to bat for him mommy.  If you don't, who will?

  3. lilalollie profile image77
    lilalollieposted 12 years ago

    Good question,

    Schools try to do something about learning diasbilities, but the problem is that teachers specialized in their subject matter, for example physics or maths don't know much about these disorders. They don't know how to react and how to handle these disabilities. Schools should put more effort in training teachers how to cope with these children or situations in class.

    In summary, schools do have good intentions with these disabilities, but the teachers have to be trained or in some other way educated in how to deal with these students.


    1. BusyBeaver profile image60
      BusyBeaverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree training is the key. But sometimes they just pass them through.  I have been to psychologist they educate me then I have to educate the school and the teachers of different ways to teach him.

  4. junkseller profile image80
    junksellerposted 12 years ago

    I have a friend whose son has Aspergers and she fought for years with the Chicago school system, and it wasn't trying to get them to do anything extra, it was just in trying to get them to do what they are required to do by law. She spent so much effort on it, she became an expert and wrote a short book about it.

    Fed up with Chicago she scoured the country for states and school systems that do a better job. She ended up settling on Washington State and moved 2,000 miles to live there. She is still there and they are better than Chicago was, but it still has been a constant struggle to get him the help he needs.

    I know that is very anecdotal evidence, but my friend is very tenacious, and if the best she could find still isn't very good, that's pretty good evidence, to me, that schools aren't doing enough. I am less involved in it, but I also know a couple other people who seem to have similar difficulties.

  5. Cherrietgee profile image68
    Cherrietgeeposted 12 years ago

    The short answer to your question is that schools (and teachers) do the best we can with the limited resources and training that we receive.

    I have been an educator for the past thirteen years. It's the only career I've known since college. When I was in college (mid to late nineties), there was one course that was geared toward recognizing and assisting special education students. It was very insightful, and I learned a great deal. I have gone to a number of other special education meetings and training. The information has been interesting, but in many ways it hasn't been helpful because the strategies they suggest do not always work with all students.

    In addition to that, when one takes into account No Child Left Behind and other initiatives that virtually say, "If  all of your students - regardless of their learning difficulties - don't perform well on the state test, your school will lose funding", it become increasingly more challenging to meet the needs of every diverse  learner and jump through hoops at the same time.

    Parents are the best people to champion for their children. I think if more parents would partner with their children's school, there would be shift in services rendered to children who need them the most. In my experience, many parents go on the defensive and say things like, "You don't even know my child. You don't understand him/her." When we say, "Please tell us what we need to know." Some say, "I shouldn't have to tell you. You should already know." or "What does it matter? You're not going to do anything anyway."

    If parents and the school could simply get on the same page, work together, and stop blaming one another, maybe things would change.

    1. BusyBeaver profile image60
      BusyBeaverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have personal experience as well. I have my son in programs to help him but for the last 4 years the school doesn't give him what they promised in the contract I sign with them. I go to the meetings and do ask what we as a team or village can do to

  6. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    I think they do too much.  So much time, effort and money is spent on these children that the other children lose out.

  7. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    the schools do plenty, it's the parents that are sadly lacking. too many parents want others to have to deal with their kids behavior and the kid ends up being labeled with ADHD and other mental illnesses. i honestly don't think even 5% of them have anything wrong with them other then parents who don't take proper care of them.

    1. Alison-Jean profile image87
      Alison-Jeanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree-most parents I meet talk about wanting to implement strategies to help their ADHD child but weary of carrying those strategies through. It is satisfying, if you make even the smallest breakthrough. but  exhausting and parenting is full time.

  8. profile image0
    rutheddavidposted 12 years ago

    I would say yes, they are trying the best they could.
    Nevertheless, it could not be denied that children with special needs ought to receive more from home care and not simply from academic institutions. The love and attention that the parents can give would do much to provide good assistance to children with special needs and those who are under special cases like ADHD.

    This is perhaps why some parents do choose to homeschool.

    Regarding this, I would like to share a hub that might shed a little light on the aspects of homeschooling and how it could provide good support to students with special needs:

    For me, Homeschooling is still the Best Choice  found at … est-Choice

  9. fitmom profile image72
    fitmomposted 12 years ago

    I've been a teacher and am also a parent. As a teacher, my classes always had students with disabilities and behavior disorders. I tried my best to help all of my students. Each child has strengths and weaknesses. Even the kids that have an easy time with academics struggle in other areas. I taught the whole child- academic, social, and behavioral aspects were all important.

    In my opinion, we can't stereotype and say that schools are or are not doing enough. The parent is a partner with the school to extend the school day at home and to support their child and the teacher. It is the parent's job to make sure that their child is receiving a good education. A parent can do a lot for their child's education success by extending the school day at home during the summers and other breaks.

    Unfortunately, the standardized testing only measures some of what teachers actually teach. Since there's so much focus on testing, it will become more and more difficult for teachers to teach the whole child. Parents must see themselves as their child's forever teacher and be intentional in walking alongside their child in their academic learning.

    1. BusyBeaver profile image60
      BusyBeaverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think there are different ways to teach children with ADHD to keep them engaged so they can learn. I have read books that give ideas on how to teach them.


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