Do you know anything about quantum physics?

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  1. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    Do you know anything about quantum physics?

    You had mentioned something about physics in another persons hub. So I thought you may know something about quantum physics. If you do I'd love to ask you some more probing questions:ie: If we are all sub atomic particles why aren't we floating around like dust particles, why are we form? I saw this movie a few years back and it  was saying that we think of a chair as solid and yet it is just a mass of atoms and particles squished together, so how is it that we don't fall to the floor?because our brains were trained to think it was solid? just curious.

  2. SidKemp profile image74
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I do know a great deal about quantum physics, especially in how it might relate to our daily life and consciousness.

    The world we think we live in operates by Einsteinian relativity. That explains about half of what is going on. It assumes that there is matter and energy in discrete particles moving through time and space with the speed of light as a maximum velocity. In that world, we can explain why the atoms and molecules of a chair hold together, the atoms and molecules of our body hold together, and our body neither falls through, nor gets stuck inside the chair. (That requires classical physics and chemistry.)

    But that is only half the story of how our world works. Even Einstein, who created the theories of relativity, recognized that.

    The other half is the mysterious world of quantum physics, or quantum mechanics.

    The first important thing is that there are physical demonstrations of events that cannot be explained by relativity, classical physics, or anything like it. Working with individual photons, or with subatomic particles close to absolute zero, we see things happen that just cannot happen if time and space are real and if information cannot travel faster than light.

    And every particle of light or energy (every photon) in the universe participates in this non-normal world. And we can't be alive without energy. So, part of who we are is participating in quantum physics each moment.

    In quantum physics, it does not work to describe anything as either only a particle, or only a wave. Light acts like both a particle and a wave. And we can design experiments that make no sense, such as a single photon (quantum/particle) of light appearing to move on two different paths at the same time.

    So far, everything I've said is solid physics.

    Now, for some fun speculation.

    There is growing evidence that the focus of the mind has effects at the quantum level. Perhaps, our shared experience of life is indeed a creation of the beliefs we all hold. We don't fall through, or become one with, the chair we sit on because we all believe we are solid bodies and that chairs are solid.

    More importantly, there is evidence that our beliefs in disease (such as what causes a benign tumor to become malignant cancer, or what causes a tumor to grow at all) are deeply affected, and perhaps guided, by the mind.

    This opens the door to healing miracles  we can open up to and receive in our minds.

    Thanks for asking. I'll write a hub with examples soon.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Sid this is all very facinating to me.  I love the idea of quantum physics and all possibilites and that we only limit things with our minds.  I am working on different personal experiments with the mind and thoughts and beliefs.

    2. SidKemp profile image74
      SidKempposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great, MoneyFairy! If you are interested in doing this through meditation, or in turning personal experiments into scientific ones, email me from my profile.  I have a team working on this. Thanks again for asking the question!


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