Why do we know so much about the universe but so little about all the oceans and

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  1. josters profile image76
    jostersposted 11 years ago

    Why do we know so much about the universe but so little about all the oceans and whats within them?

    I know that progress is being made there, but it's still a vastly unexplored field.

  2. somethgblue profile image71
    somethgblueposted 11 years ago

    Well, for one 'we' and I'm assuming you mean the public does't know very much about the Universe, because many of the most important discoveries and information has been censored from our education.

    For example a book written in 1995 called The Infinite Harmony by Michael Hayes was actually banned from the United States for many years, although you can buy it now, the average price for a used copy (only one printing) is $200.00. This book describes how the Universe and everything in it, including DNA, is actually related directly to the octave (eight) scales of music.

    Another misconception that the common man has been mislead about for years is that gravity is a force that works both ways, meaning it repels as well as attracts.

    All planets in this Universe are actually hollow as they are created that way from the Nebulae Hypothesis in which planets are actually much like bubbles and life begins on the inside, much like an atom has outer walls with a nucleus in the center, planets have an outer shell (surface crust) with an internal energy source.

    As Above, So Below!

    These are three examples of which I doubt you knew anything about but have been 'known' for hundreds of years, if not thousands of years. This is important because it shows to what great lengths The Powers That Be will go to keep the 'sheeple' wallowing in ignorance.

    Now considered that we cannot even easily get to the bottom of any ocean and you begin to realize how easy it would be for any advanced civilization to simple put a base down there and manipulate or keep an eye on us for their own purposes.

    Our technology, even the secret stuff, does not allow us easy access to the oceans where as building ships that can leave orbit is far easier.

  3. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 11 years ago

    I think it probably has to do with the cost. For whatever reason, governments think it's a better idea to send junk into space instead of handing out grants and other money to explore our own planet. If they'd split the money between exploring space and exploring the oceans, we'd know a lot more about the oceans. But no, they spend it all on space and there's nothing left for exploring any yet unexplored regions on earth. Maybe it's just me, but I think space is a vast empty space with nothing we need. Maybe the oceans hold the cure for diseases and the solutions to our energy problems.

  4. watergeek profile image98
    watergeekposted 11 years ago

    It's a mix between three things, in my observation, bouncing back and forth between them, depending on who you talk to and the needs of the times:

    1 - To find another place to live, in case we screw up this one (via contamination, global warming, overpopulation, or nuclear bombs).
    2 - To find others out there who are like us, our "ancestors" (assuming we came from elsewhere), or to find out who these UFOs are being sent by.
    3 - The realization, once we started, that countries could win wars from space.


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