A preponderance of archeological evidence unearthed in the early years America was being built has shown that many ancient races and civilizations had colonized and explored both North & South America
Shungite is Mother Natures gift to cleaning not just the environment but the human body & mind as well. This miracle stone neutralizes ELF waves, is an antioxidant and stops free radicals in the body.
Crop Circles are messages from another dimension designed and created to help humanity in their evolution as a sentient species move to the next level of awareness. They represent Full Disclosure.
This article describes the many Sun phenomena being captured by the public world wide and helps to describe what they are seeing. It offers some unique insights into the subject of Nibiru Planet X.
Ileana the Star Traveler experiences in the Secret Space Program and psychic abilities provide the kind of details, information and technological savvy that can be found no where else on the internet.
This article describes how disinformation works and the tactics used to suppress the truth, while exposing the inconsistencies of the Corey Goode saga and the smear campaign's used by his followers.
This article picks up where my previous Sasquatch article left off, with the soul evolution and history of planet Earth describing the third and fourth races of people and their ancient conflicts.
More Secret Space Program Insiders come forward as the Full Disclosure Movement gains momentum and humanity comes closer to becoming a Space Age Society and takes their rightful place in the Universe.
A recent series of dreams revealed to this author the Sasquatch's psychic ability to communicate with humanity by implanting images into our dream state to deliver messages.
The Evolution of the collective soul of Mother Earth as told through the perspective of the Sasquatch People, describing the origins of the Fish, Insect, Lizard and Bird People (Part One).
This article shares the numerous stories of the dozen or so whistleblowers, Super Soldiers and insiders revealing the extant of the Secret Space Program, its mind control techniques and technology.
The role of the Anunnaki in humanities origin story, their own history, the history of our planet and the true nature of Nibiru (Planet X) as told using a variety of sources and documentation.
The downfall of the Kharzarian Mafia, recent world news and a surge in scientific whistle-blowers coming forward has exposed the massive coverup of Nibiru Planet X and the coming Polar Shift.
This article offers a reasonable explanation for how the being known as Lucifer began, what the Giza Pyramid may have been used for and why the battle between Good vs Evil is an illusion of duality!
This article explores the mysteries of this publicly unknown and largely unexplored continent at the Earth's South Pole. The legends, myths and expeditions of the past and why it is in the news today.
This article explores the idea of the Edward Snowden story as being part of larger overall strategy of exposure to censorship through a network of whistleblowers, intent on creating a silent coup.
This article describes the personal interaction with the controversial New Age Messenger of Truth Avalon Sol from a privately funded consultation to research of his available written material.
I'm writing this article Corey Goode And The Cosmic Disclosure Enigma to offer alternative theories to the reasons behind the shows message, the lack of evidence and to ask some simple questions.
I'm writing this article Dead Holistic Doctors Tell No Tales because of the alarming amount of Holistic Healers and Natural Health Care Professionals dying mysterious and unnatural deaths world wide in only the past year. This death rate among the...
The most significant event in human history has been almost completely erased from human and planetary memory. The Electric War 5,509,000 years ago, not only reshaped the Earth but altered human DNA.
A description of how humanity began its evolution on the planet Earth, revealing a Forbidden Story of our past and what events lead to our collective amnesia of this amazing story.
Based on the book Voyagers Vol. II Secrets of Amenti, Forbidden Archeology & the Terra Papers this article describes the origins of Planet Earth, our solar system and the beginning of the Human Saga.
Creating a natural food supply that last's through the winter months, enriching the environment and adding healthy food to my diet, is my motivation for Gardening and is a way of life!
Nikola Tesla was known for inventing many electrical devices that would have revolutionized the world but what many people don't know is that one of these devices eliminated ALL diseases in days.
Nibiru Planet X will be the catalyst for those on this planet not already awake and aware but many know that Full Disclosure has already begun. Learn & recognize the truth by thinking with your heart.
Learn the startling evidence about World Trade Center Building 7, the FIRST EVER Steel Framed Building in the entire history of our planet to collapse due to fire, follow the money TO THE TRUTH!
This article exposes the disinformation of newly published articles, as Fear Porn. A new Planet 9 in our solar system, Extinction Level Events, melting Polar Ice, the Earth's Wobble & Nibiru Planet X.
The difficult facts of addiction and how it makes people feel, is shared by the author, whom is in his 12th year of recovery. Sobriety is just doing the right thing, one day at a time.
Learn what Full Disclosure really means to humanity, how it works and what we can expect. Explore the topics that make this the number social issue for mankind, while learning how you can contribute.
This article addresses the inconsistencies of David Wilcock's testimony on his GaiaTV show Cosmic Disclosure with guest Corey Goode and the confusion it is causing amongst his fans and followers.
Synchronicity is language of the divine & all the proof one needs to recognize the existence that God is the 'designer' of All Creation. Synchronicity provides us with the opportunity to develop faith
Learn the newly revealed history of our planet, unlock the mysterious reasons behind the architects who designed and built the Giza Pyramid and Sphinx and why they both will help humanity Ascend.
This article links the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, with the Cascadia Subduction Zone and a Tsunami Event that could cause widespread destruction, in both America and Russia.
Learn of the vast censorship of information of the Mound Builders, their connection to Hollow Earth and how this ancient race of giants were not only our ancestors but our teachers as well.
Corey Goode and David Wilcock has given humanity the opportunity to recognize our true destiny by introducing us to the Secret Space Program and The Sphere Being Alliance, the next step is ours.
Learn how and why the discovery of Orgone Energy by Wilhelm Reich, a famous psychoanalyst in Europe & student of Sigmund Freud became a Threat To The Men In Power in the 1950s America and the World.
Underground cities of the past show how mankind can endure extreme weather events and cataclysms now and in the future using environmentally friendly and inexpensive building materials and techniques.
Learning to move beyond the fear of being wrong will remove the emotional obstacles inherent in processing new information and developing an open mind to a variety of subjects.
Catastrophobia explores the unprocessed fear of global cataclysms from our ancient past and how this soul killing fear galvanizes a self fulfilling prophecy of an End of Times scenario.
Learn what the common denominator is for Volcanic Activity, Climate Change, the Earth's Rotation and past Polar Shifts. Learn why the censorship of these topics is important.
Speculating on hidden and censored knowledge of our origins the author explores the concept that no secrets exist, just hidden truths and censoring our past prevents us from realizing our future.
Every new electronic device, from smart phones to refrigerators have micro-processors embedded in them that not only listen but transmit and can be remotely controlled through the internet.
Fully Disclosing The Cabals secret technological enslavement of the human race and exposing their crimes against humanity will encourage mankind to create their own Break Away Society and Ascend!
The digital Freedom Fighters known as Anonymous have become a ideological conduit for The Council Of Worlds, leveling the informational playing field between The Cabal and the general public.
Full Disclosure of the Secret Space Program, the existence of Aliens and UFOs is a must for mankind to move the next level of human evolution and usher in the New Golden Age of Man on planet Earth.
This article provides a short history, great recommendation and directions to one of Tennessee's best Seafood restaurants, Uncle Js Seafood and more, located near Fayetteville, TN.
This article reveals natural cancer cures and research and why disinformation and censorship of alternative cancer cures have prevailed in the U. S., making Cancer a multi-billion dollar industry.
The Disinformation Of Biology has served the purpose of preventing humanity from recognizing their true origins and created a paradigm of ignorance. Earth was colonized, we didn't evolve here.
This article explores The Powers That Be campaign of disinformation and deception perpetrated on the public, while revealing how it works, why it is being done and what purpose it serves.
Photographic evidence of a large planetary object, setting on the Northern horizon June 30, 2015 in TN. This planet appeared to be 4 to 5 times the size of our Sun, bright pink with no glare.
This article explores the many misconceptions of astronomy, NASA's role in the deception and the vast amount of disinformation the public is bombarded with, while revealing the Big Lie.
This article explores the numerous ways The Powers That Be have used suppressed and censored archeological discoveries to prevent mankind from learning the truth of our sophisticated ancestors.
A limerick about Nibiru the Destroyer, the cat name Nibiru and that stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
The Military Industrial Complex fearing Electro Magnetic Pulses (EMPs) from Nibiru Planet X moves its command structure back into the Cheyenne Mountain Complex formally occupied by NORAD!
This article links natural geographical events such as Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes to EMPs and other mysterious News stories to the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system, right now.
This article is the second part of a two volume set detailing the Top 10 New Age books for Truth Seekers with brief descriptions of each book and why they made the list.
This article explores the top 10 New Age books that have had the biggest impact on the author and his knowledge base. It gives a brief overview of each book and information contained within.
Tennessee's Duck River, from Normandy Dam to Three Forks Bridge, offers good fishing, beautiful scenery, and swift-flowing water for kayaking.
The solar eclipse is the signal for humanity to embrace their new feminine spirituality which will give rise to the Omega Man and the next level of mankind's evolution into the Golden Age.
Learn about the anomalous features of Iapetus one of Saturn's Moons and decide for yourself if this is a natural part of our solar system of an artificial construction and/or Mother Ship.
The rise of the female Kundalini is the foundation of humanities new paradigm, learn how the author through experience has embraced this concept and how you can as well.
The two fundamental Laws of Nature show their is indeed an Infinite Harmony composed of the Law of Octaves and three waves of creative force. This article supports the concept that God is a Musician.
The Flower Of Life reveals the vast understanding and knowledge our ancient ancestors possessed of sacred geometry, nature, the Universe and our role in it, learn its mysteries, discover the truth.
Learning to think with our hearts allows us to overcome the censorship of knowledge by The Powers That Be and develop faith in power greater than ourselves, known as God.
Debunking the debunkers of the Chemtrail vs Persistent Contrail propaganda theory by showing the facts about geoengineering and bio-terrorism in our skies today and in the past.
A look into the strange events surrounding Montauk Pont, Long Island New York, time travel, Nazi influences, mind control and black magic, while leaving no stone unturned.
A sample of censored stories, misleading information and denial. From 9/11 to Chem-trails the public has been denied information from MainStream Media outlets.
The 'science' of Hollow Earth that explains the many misconceptions, disinformation and censorship of this fascinating subject, complete with videos, links and resource material.
A compilation of facts, figures and data concerning what is known about UFOs and Aliens and the Truth that has been revealed to the public. Information our Governments do not wish the public to know.
Recent geological upheavals and zombie apocalyptic scenarios are creating the fear that a Polar Shift is indeed a real threat to humanities future, learn how both events are connected.
As our solar system enters The Golden Nebula or Photon Belt, it will reboot humanities spirit and consciousness, allowing mankind to create a new paradigm of unconditional love, harmony and peace.
The Annunaki created the current race of mankind to be their slaves and mine their gold to save their planet Nibiru. They taught us civilization but learned to be our gods.
Nibiru Planet X is generally known for causing past Polar Shifts, this author contends that the timing of its arrival in our solar system at this time serves as a spiritual wake up call for humanity.
Nibiru Planet X June, 2014 Update provides clues and articles that relate to a Polar Shift in our near future. This article describes events, data and information relating to our changing planet.
This article describes a dream of a possible future that includes Marshall Law and events leading to a post apocalyptic world that many might consider a nightmare.
Learn how the C.I.A. has earned untold billions in the narcotics trade throughout the World and through the War in Afghanistan, by controlling the Golden Crescent pipeline, a major U.S. heroin source.
Getting on board the smoothie train is a life changing experience in terms of health, saving money, eating right and protecting the environment. Buy a blender and get a smoothie rush, today!
Hard physical evidence exist today showing that Big Foot is really Neanderthal Man misidentified by humans. The US Government has documented proof (FBI) Big Foot is a unidentified hominid species.
Trolls bring a negativity to a website that should not be tolerated but we do because simply ignoring them isn't enough. This article explores why we all suffer when Trolls are allowed to comment.
This article explains the Top Ten reasons Nibiru Planet and the Polar Shift are real, for me. It is a compilation of overwhelming evidence showing that ancient cultures left many warnings signs.
Searching for the truth has been a life long goal, learning that all the answers lie within my heart has created the fear that prevents me from finding it. Learn about The Event that is coming.
Is the perceived Polar Shift from the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system the final spiritual test mankind needs to pass to ascend to the next step and evolve to the 5th dimension?
Is the long rumored secret underground Nazi base in the Antarctica merely part of a New World Order plot to achieve global dominance, after the Pole Shift created by Nibiru Planet X?
Having a Spiritual Awakening can be the key to unlocking the mysteries of our existence and can lead to discovering the truth about humanity and our role in the Universe.
Could the next false flag event in America be on Super Bowl Sunday, only a week away. An anonymous letter to Before Its News indicates that the next false terrorist event will be at the Super Bowl.
The Powers That Be have carefully planned the relocation of the World's citizens (Agenda 21) by creating events and natural disasters to facilitate humanities migration to condensed urban centers.
Learn why Craig Biggio should be enshrined in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. This great player ranks in the top three in 6 of the 9 offensive categories among the 20 Hall of Fame 2B.
Extreme weather such as Polar Vortexes are real but what is the true force behind these events becoming more and more common everyday. Learn the why and how behind these extreme weather events!
Were the Deepwater Horizon and Fukushima 'disasters' related by a global conspiracy to depopulate certain regions of the world and cripple the world's food supply for purposes of control?
Were the legendary Tuatha De Danann of Celtic Mythology from Hollow Earth, where did they come from and where did they go, learn more in this article.
The Hollow Earth concept has remained the most closely guarded secret to the true nature of our existence on planet Earth for thousands of years, read this article to learn WHY?
The truth behind the Jonestown Massacre that the US Fake Stream Media has covered up for over thirty years shows their duplicity has existed for decades.
Having learned to think with my heart it has become easier for me to recognize the symbolism introduced in movies designed to teach us lessons about the true nature of humanity.
An increase in volcanic eruptions world wide show the impact Nibiru Planet X is having on our planet. Extreme weather, rising sea levels and flooding are other indications the Polar Shift is imminent.
Zeta Talk claims to be the source for information on the Polar Shift but this author just doesn't buy all the fear based rhetoric they are spewing like an active volcano.
Agartha is the main continent inside the Earth, where over 120 cities and towns exist and are the original inhabitants of Hollow Earth. Come explore the Land of Love with me in this exciting article.
This article explores the difference between fear based Fake Stream Media reports and learning to trust and think with your heart, once you learn the difference the truth becomes obvious.
New photos by the author showing two suns in the morning sky has motivated this author to get some more photos and update his readers on the topic of Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift.
A very small portion of our population can be considered true psychopath's, so why do so many of them end up as our world leaders? Is power a trigger for psychopathic behavior?
Travel back in time to mankind's beginnings, explore the UFO Phenomenon and discover the little known facts about our Moon and recognize the conspiracy of silence that connects these topics together.
The Elite fear the Polar Shift will awaken mankind to realize the true nature of their origins and existence and enable them to throw off their yoke of spiritual and economic enslavement, learn why!
Are the US Embassy closings truly due to terrorist threats or do US Officials have insider knowledge on pending natural disasters? Learn why the North Pole has moved over 150 miles in recent years!
This article explores the stories in the news that portend to the announcement by the Obama Administration of the coming Polar Shift and the preparations made for it. Are you prepared?
This article hopes to help the reader recognize how the rich elite of this planet hope to profit by keeping the public in the dark about the truth of Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift.
The mainstream media continues to describe geographical events with absurd explanations and theories to deceive the public even when the truth is obvious, learn why and how!
Learn how the media is covering up the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system by discovering what the national media leaves out of their stories on natural disasters.
This article explores how current events, movies and the news shows that Nibiru Planet X is real, if we learn to read between the lies, censorship and disinformation.
Stories in the 'News' often leave out important information as a means of clouding the issue, distorting pertinent data and sensationalizing the event. This is how disinformation works!
A look at how current events and terrorist acts are used to curb our constitutional rights, from new laws on civil liberties to internet censorship.
This article demonstrates how Nibiru Planet X and the Alien Agenda are linked by the common thread of a conspiracy of silence and why the Powers That Be fear Full Disclosure of the truth!
This article explores the Threats from Space that NASA has acknowledged exists and the ongoing Earth Changes and Polar Shift due to Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.
The continued Earth sounds being heard and reported world wide and here in the US is just one more piece of evidence that our planet is experiencing a Pole Shift.
The spiritual journey is finding the courage to seek the answers through our subconscious mind and learning to access the truth through meditation, remote viewing and astral projection.
Learning to decipher the news allows the common man to understand the full implications of our changing planet and recognize the signs of the Polar Shift due to Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.
This article explores the Earth Changes taking place in relation to the ongoing spacial anomalies, increase in comets and meteors and how Alien's maybe altering the outcome.
This article explores why debunkers and paid schills is an exercise in futility and the idea that the truth stands alone and needs no defense.
Learn why the UFO Connection is prevalent to the ongoing Polar Shift and why so many of the rich elite on this planet are now investing millions to leave it!
Related events are being explained using a wide variety of excuses, to deflect the true cause of these natural disasters, Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Polar Shift, learn to read between the lies.
Old and New visual evidence of Nibiru Planet X clearly shows that the public is not being told the truth about this mysterious planet, view them and decide for yourself.
If mankind could view the Polar Shift not as the end of life as we know it but the beginning of a new paradigm, an opportunity, could we not build a brighter future for all mankind?
How the Earth's extreme weather relates to the increased Earth Wobble due to Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift. How sinkholes, gas explosions and landslides are explained by the media.
Cognitive Dissonance is a term social psychologist use to describe the emotional response patients suffer when confronted with information that does not agree with their world view or normal paradigm.
The meteor in Russia is just the beginning of what the planet Earth will experience in the near future as it passes through the debris tail of Nibiru Planet X.
The New Madrid Fault Zone here in the USA is expected to adjust soon, learn what you can do to be prepared when it does. The Polar Shift from the presence of Nibiru Planet X is real, be prepared!
The increase in large earthquakes and what was known about Nibiru Planet X before the coverup began has now allowed the public to make the connection to the increase in natural disasters world wide.
Learn how to start a fire, catch and kill your own food and build a shelter after a cataclysmic event such as a flood or earthquake due to the inevitable Pole Shift.
The author's tips and advice on how to increase readership to Hub articles through the use of back links, good titles and well written articles and how this can be accomplished easily.
Extreme weather and volcanic eruptions are a clear sign that the Earth's is being affected by the presence Nibiru Planet X in our solar system, learn how this is affecting our planet.
This article tries to show how the common man can observe the natural world in order to recognize how the increase in the Earth's Wobble provides evidence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system. It shows how the Oceans, the Moon and the Extreme Weather are all symptoms of the increase in the...
This article explores the recent revelations of an old theme about the existence of wandering planets in our Universe. It examines a new theory about the increase in volcanic activity due to rising ocean levels and climate change and continues to discover evidence of the ongoing Pole Shift due to...
The extreme weather events being recorded world wide is just one more sign of the continuing Polar Shift and presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.
The general public is recognizing that Full Disclosure by our government's is no longer necessary by realizing we are not alone in this Universe and are discovering this evidence on their own. The revelation of Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Polar Shift, UFOs and our changing planet is forcing...
Average ordinary citizens are learning how to recognize signs of Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift and are sharing this information with the public. By recognizing the signs and becoming prepared you can help yourselves and others to survive this global cataclysm.
This article describes how we are imprisoned on our own planet from from within as well as from forces from beyond. It explores why mankind has been quarantined and what we can do to lift the embargo.
Now that the Mayan Calendar end date has passed without incident the public seems to believe that the threat of the Polar Shift is over. As Nibiru Planet X is now leaving our solar system it will continue to affect our planet with more intense tectonic plate movements, the worst is yet to come.
The fifthteenth edition of my weekly Nibiru Planet X series explores sinking coastlines due to mankind's mismanagement and rising seal levels. Although NASA recently tried to debunk Nibiru Planet X they didn't rule out the continuing Polar Shift, just the reason for it.
This fourteenth edition of my ongoing weekly series on the affects Nibiru Planet X is having on our planet hopes to shed some light on the recent uptick in 'natural disasters' in the Pacific Ring of Fire. As the Polar Shift continues how will The Powers That Be continue to cover up its affects on...
Is HAARP being used to cover up signs of the Polar Shift and the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system? Events leading up to, after and during Typhoon Bopha certainly seem to indicate that the truthis not being reported.
The geographical upheavals and tectonic plate movement globally are causing a plethora of natural disasters. However the mainstream media is not adding these together to paint a clear picture of the Polar Shift. This article attempts to bring these events together to show how tectonic plate...
This article is the thirteenth in a series of weekly articles describing the affects Nibiru Planet X has on our climate and geography. The increase in the Earth's Wobble has created rising sea levels couple with severe drought and seismic activity.
The tenth article in a series stretching back to Sept. 9th this one reveals tactics behind the often used Climate Change excuse as a cover up to Polar Shift. It also reveals how amateur astronomers world wide are blowing the lid off the cover up of Nibiru Planet X.
As the Polar Shift continues will the public make the link from the increase in extreme weather, earthquakes and volcanic activity to Nibiru Planet X or continue to buy into the same old tired rhetoric. In the 9th edition to this ongoing series the author shows how our fragile infrastructure will...
Humanity has proven that they are willing to join the Universal Consciousness with or without their world leaders. Opening Pandora's Box by becoming a part of the New Paradigm will move mankind into the next step of the evolutionary cycle. Creating a new way to think of our place in the Universe...
Creating a New Paradigm will require that the human race rides the storm of deception about the ongoing Polar Shift out. We as a race must reorganize the way we 'think' of ourselves and our role not only on this planet but in the Universe. A redistribution of the planets resources and the way in...
As humanity awakens to the reality that something is amiss with the current state of affairs on this planet, it creates a divergent non-catastrophic timeline that may interfere with The Powers That Be plans for the human race. Learn more what those plans maybe as the big picture is revealed in...
Awakens the God inside you by practicing the 4 Universal Laws of attraction, intention, allowance and balance in your everyday life. Create a positive outcome of the global cataclysm by becoming a parent of the new paradigm.
Learn how and why Hurricane Sandy was timed to impede voters while creating a new national hero for the voters to rally around. EnMod weapons are used by many countries for a variety of reasons but this maybe the first time it has been used to win an election.
Climate Change the new catch phrase for the cover-up of Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Polar Shift is beginning to affect the Earth in ways the common man can't help but notice. In the eighth edition of this weekly series the author reveals more of the common signs and how mankind can avoid...
The sixth in a series of articles designed to put all the weekly related Nibiru Planet X sightings and information into one spot for my readers. This article focuses on the disinformation game the media is employing to confuse the public, while highlighting the photo gallery the author is...
Debunking the Nibiru Planet X/Earth collision scenario as explained by Wikipedia and other disinformationist. Revealing what is known and the recent photography on Nibiru Planet X by amateur astronomers world wide.
Volcanic activity is merely another sign of Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Polar Shift. Learn about the various different eruptions and how they occur as the Earth's tectonic plates continue to shift.
As World Leaders cancel travel plans, CEO's of major companies quit their jobs and the elite rich and famous scurry like rats leaving a sinking ship, it leaves the rest of us wondering what is up? Now that Nibiru Planet X is being seen with the naked eye World wide, why have The Powers That Be not...
As the Polar Shift continues due to the presence of Nibiru Planet X some of the warning signs are not just the geographical upheavals and extreme weather but our own World Leaders. Their behavior can alert us to the impending danger, learn to become aware of what they are not saying and how to...
Often learning the true cause to extreme weather events can be like solving a good mystery, as TV News stations often leave out important information on purpose. Find out why there is a media blackout on some extreme weather events.
The continuing series of articles that detail the ongoing geographical as well as the societal changes that are signs of the coming Apocalypse due to Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Polar Shift. This article looks at government unrest and Full Disclosure while showing evidence of amateur...
This article allow an alternative view on what the Polar Shift is really about and how it is the opportunity mankind has been waiting for. Creating a New Paradigm is the personal responsibility of every human on this planet and will allow our species to not only evolve but become one with the...
The third in a series of articles revealing to the world the growing mountain of evidence to the ongoing Polar Shift caused by the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system. Exposing the real reason rivers are running red while our skies seem to be on fire, to new extreme weather phenomenon.
The Leafy Sea Dragon or (Phycodurus eques) is known for its colorful leafy appendages and is a close relative of the Sea Horse. This marine fish lives in the Southern waters of Australia and is protected from it only enemy 'man' by a series of laws designed to protect it from poaching. It is the...
As the mountain of evidence continues to grow this author will continue to bring the presence of Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift to the public's attention. How long will the public wait until they begin to demand answers to the ongoing 'Climate Change' and Polar Shift?
This is the first article in an ongoing series to document some of the unusual events occurring during the ongoing Polar Shift due to Nibiru Planet X, such as extreme weather and geological upheavals.
Their is no longer any doubt that some UFO's are Alien spacecraft, the doubt remains in when they will reveal themselves to the public and make first contact. Over 75% of the World population recognizes their existence why is our government's still in denial. Full Disclosure must happen now, the...
A recent dream helped me to understand how the panic of being unprepared in case of a natural disaster could prevent many from having peace of mind. Learn to be prepared, find safety and what precautions can be taken.
Disinformation on the subject of Nibiru Planet X is rampant on the internet however the truth has been revealed if one knows where to look and learns to trust their heart while using critical thinking. Find the evidence for yourself and prepare yourself so that you can help yourself and you...
Recent ongoing drought in the United States have many economist worried of another food shortage. Monsoon rains are over a foot lower in rainfall than previous years even though they are being blamed for the recent flooding in the Philippines and India. Learn how the drought worldwide is affecting...
Yes, Sea levels are rising as Glacier Ice is melting, this is a fact. No matter what one believes is the cause of this environmental disaster, the question remains how will this effect our everyday living. Rising Sea levels means rising food prices and human displacement.
From censored earthquake information and down-graded richter scales to Greenland's melting ice glacier and NASA's warning of Global Climate Change. These events are beginning to amaze and even frighten some scientist as the global community searches for answers.
A photographic description of the Shiras Moose in Colorado. A brief history and description of the North American Moose species and habitat it lives in. Some interesting facts about the Moose species and where it lives in North America.
This article links the ongoing Global Climate Change to the Polar Shift and Nibiru or Planet X. It ask the reader to begin to look for answers on their own and use critical thinking when determining the cause for these global disasters.
What is Nibiru explores what is known about the planet and how it will directly affect the Earth. When NASA knew of its existence and why they chose to keep it a secret.
The suppression of energy saving technology is nothing new but the sheer volume of energy saving inventions that have been censored from public knowledge is truly staggering. Learn what your government has hidden from you in terms of energy saving inventions and their inventors.
From the recently discovered 'Breach' in the Magnetosphere to World wide 'extreme weather', the disinformation from government sources provides an already suspicious public with answers but are they the correct answers? Learn how the Earth's Magnetic Field works, its properties and source. Has this...
Learn how to become a Crock Pot Gourmet, its fun, its easy and it saves time. Busy people find it difficult to cook healthy meals for themselves when time is limited. Using a Crock Pot save time and money and makes delicious meals that last for days.
How will the continuing Polar Shift directly affect your health. This article reviews five ways in which the continuing Polar Shift could directly affect you personal Health and well being. From water and food shortages to air pollution and disease.
Flood Maps of Natural Disasters shows that the local flooding and extreme weather in the United States is not a local phenomenon and has been happening all over the World. The media indifference cannot stop the average man from visiting Google Earth to confirm this is not a local occurrence.
We have become an endangered species by throwing away our God given gifts, heart and soul and only trusting what we can prove with our logical mind. Learn why the Native American Genocide was a way of eliminating the spiritual practices of a group of humans that lived in harmony with their planet.
This article exposes the Big Lie that NASA has been telling the public for years. It shows how NASA has been searching for and has found Nibiru or Planet X and why they still deny its existence. Recent photographs and information is coming to light despite NASA's silence and disinformation.
This article reveals the Scam that is the Thirty Year War on Drugs, why it was started in the first place and how it was never intended to be won. How the only winner has been Big Business as it has created a market to increase prison populations, those seeking to recover from addiction, while...
Exploring the reasons why SLACKERS are such a necessary ingredient to society. Recognizing how to spot a SLACKER and to appreciate their supreme sacrifice and commitment to the well being of humanity. What it truly means to be a SLACKER and the tools of the trade.
This article clearly shows how a misinformed and deceived public can miss obvious astronomical mistakes when they are not pointed out by the mainstream media or NASA. How the course predictions 2012 Transit of Venus across our Sun were wrong from the angle or trajectory to timing to the position...
The 7 of 10 Scenario as described by the website ZetaTalk shows how the tectonic plates of the planet Earth are being affected by the planet Nibiru or Planet X's gravitational forces. It details the plate shifts leading up to the Polar Shift and how they will affect the planet.
This article shows how the floods worldwide and in Brazil are merely symptoms of the ongoing Polar Shift. As tectonic plates continue to adjust rivers and Ocean levels begin to rise causing flooding.
The ever increasing sightings of the Planet X complex captured in videos and photos are discussed in this article as a suspicious public awakens to the realization that they are being deceived. The recent solar eclipse allowed many amateur astronomers to record some startling photos and videos that...
A look into the form of communication known as Channelling through the book The Only Planet of Choice by Phyllis Schlemmmer and edited by Mary Bennett. The Council of Nine or Nine as they are known in some circles have been telepathically communicating with mankind for Aeons to try to raise the...
This article discusses the role cats have had in the spiritual awakening of the planet and how they have shown humanity how to embrace love and compassion. It raises the question of why cats and humanity really formed a bond and where do we go from here.
The planet Nibiru or Planet X has been causing floods for a millennium, the cradle of civilization was actually just the survivors of the last Great Flood. This article acknowledges the flood stories of myth and legend and shows how these floods shaped our current world geography.
This article takes a look at unexplained geographical events, unusual business ventures and the what the elite is doing to prepare for the ongoing Polar Shift. It also offers a visual look at some of the ongoing geographical events confronting our changing World.
In this article I ask the reader to review the information with an open mind and to imagine scenarios that are not without precedence. The author explores the possibility of energy weapons and holographic planes, hurricanes and missiles.
Contempt prior to investigation is what The Powers That Be are counting on to keep the public from discovering the truth for themselves. This article was written for those on the fence to allow them to become aware of the disinformation, lies and deceit and to beware of those that would further the...
This article explores what is known about the seizure of DisclsoeTV and how it may affect other similar sites. Is this a hoax to drive up membership and create publicity or blatant censorship.
This article explores the Piri Reis Map and lost civilizations. Past Polar Shifts, ice ages and how they came to be. How these ancient people could have possible been aware of these mysteries and how they pertain to modern times.
A look at Todd Helton's numbers compared to recently enshrined Hall of Famer Barry Larkin. What it takes nowadays to get in and why Todd deserves to be ranked amongst the best of all time.
This article explores the concept of Greed and who is responsible for it. Why and how it has been conditioned into our society as a whole and how we can stop it from bringing the World crashing to its knees.
An explanation of how the Earth's Wobble affects us on a daily basis and what role the Moon plays in the big scheme of things. How the censorship of information is used to keep the population in the dark on Earth Changes and what to look for when trying to discover the truth for yourself.
Clearing the air on Nibiru or Planet X and the 2012 Polar Shift. Why the cover up has been so complete and when did it start are all revealed in this easy to read article. The history of the search for Planet X and what happens when astronomers try to reveal the facts to the public.
A somewhat humorous look at why hemp should be legalized as opposed to continuing to support a corrupt system that allows greedy politicians and Billionaires to continue to reap profits on the illegal criminalization of marijuana. This article is a satire on why the cultivation is denied to the...
The amount of sizable earthquakes Worldwide is raising awareness of the ongoing Polar Shift and the presence of Nibiru or Planet X in our solar system. Earthquakes unleash a wide range of destructive force on our environment, cities, coastlines and infrastructure causing many deaths.
The extremely warm weather, coupled with the North Atlantic Oscillation has lead to high temperatures throughout the Midwest and Northern parts of the US. This is another sign of the continuing Pole Shift and Global climate change.
A light hearted satire on alternative food sources, Insects, It's What's For Dinner takes a look at insects as a source of protein. While not completely serious Insects do provide protein when other food supplies run out.
The flooding here in America is just beginning and yet the implications could be devastating. Migration inland will soon begin as large populations are affected. The World outside America has already been dealing with this now it is our turn . . . are YOU ready?
In this article I explore the possibility that humans are creating their own self fulfilling prophecy by praying into existence the ongoing Polar Shift and Nibiru. I ask the reader to entertain some interesting thoughts and draw my own conclusions on the ongoing Polar Shift.