What makes children from large families(6-more children per household) grow up t

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    What makes children from large families(6-more children per household) grow up to be perfunctory,

    detached, distant, uninvolved, uncaring, & even neglectful parents who believe in leaving children to their own devices while children from small families(1-2 children per household) grow up to be loving, involved, devoted, & warm parents who want the best & aim to do the best for their children?


  2. tamarawilhite profile image84
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    I've seen plenty of neglected lifestyle singletons that a parent had to satisfy that urge before the biological clock ran out. And I've seen well tended children with stay at home mothers raising half a dozen well behaved children. Children in the larger families have to learn social skills early because the parents' sanity demands it.
    The correlation is likely that the parents concerned about the quality of life have one or two children, while those who are less concerned have more children. You don't want to mistake poverty with neglect, though this often happens today. A poor family that is poorer due to a large family can still provide a loving home and close supervision if they have the time and energy to do so. If the parents are working long hours, though, even a one or two child family is at risk of bad life outcomes due to poor supervision and insufficient guidance. That is why a child of a single mother is three times more likely to join a gang, go to jail, become an addict or homeless - half the parental unit, half as much attention and resources to help them stay on the straight path.

  3. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago


    People from large families tend to become less loving, harsh, uninvolved, uncaring,& even neglectful parents because their OWN parents were uninvolved in their lives.Children become how they are raised.Children in large families don't receive adequate parental love & attention.They oftentimes raise themselves & each other.Parents in large families are oftentimes parents in name only, no more no less.  They are perfunctory parents i.e. they perform the duties of parenting w/o being concerned about the emotional, mental, & psychological development of their children.They take care of the children's physical needs, if that. Neglect, especially emotional, mental, & psychological neglect are commonplace in large families.

    Parents from large families seldom teach their children.They expect their children to learn on their own as they did when they are children.  They dismiss the importance of parental involvement in their children's lives.They prefer to leave their children to their own devices.They are of the school that if their children learn fine & if they don't,well too bad.  One can describe parents from large families to be quite hands off, if not lackadaisical or even brutishly uncaring towards their children.They also seldom talk or discuss things w/their children.They feel that teaching & talking to their children are unnecessary, feeling that is what siblings are for.

    Since parents from large families feel that it is unnecessary to teach, talk, &/or discuss things w/their children, if their children make a mistake or otherwise miss the mark, harsh punishments are aptly supplied.It is not uncommon for parents from large families to spank &/or even beat their children because that was how the parents themselves were raised. Even if they have small families themselves, they don't spend time w/their children, teaching & guiding them.They feel that the latter should teach & guide themselves.Yes, parents from large families raise their children in a harsh, if not inhuman fashion. They also don't care about the emotional, intellectual, mental, & psychological welfare of their children. They parent at the most instinctive, primitive level.

    Parents from small families are more loving, giving, caring, & involved because they were raised that way.In small families, there is close relationship between parent & child.Children are given individualized attention & love. Parents teach & discuss things w/ their children in small families.

  4. grand old lady profile image83
    grand old ladyposted 8 years ago

    Everyone in our family of six children are involved and loving parents (except my brother who never married). I think parenthood isn't determined by money but by choice. The infamous Mary Bell murdered her parents and brother, and she was from a small family.  The Columbine killers -- one was an only child and the other had only one sibling. It's hard to measure parenting by number of family members because you have to isolate other factors to get at the main thing. My grandmother had 12 children and was named mother of the year. None of my aunties and uncles were troubled. Two were successful in government, one was a doctor, one a businessman, one an archbishop. So you really can't isolate family size and parenting style unless it's done by a professional survey team.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I've studied family size & there is a correlation between large families & parental neglect.  Parents can't be involved when they have a large # of children.  Children in large families raise themselves &/or each other. THAT IS A FACT of

  5. profile image51
    Beecatcherposted 8 years ago

    Your entire premise is skewed due to numerical differences. There are plenty of small families with "disappointing" children. All the problems you mention. But there is only one, or two per family. Broaden your query , to, perhaps,  "delinquent/pregnant/gangster/druggie" per in-home  parent. I would theorise, the numbers even out quite a lot.

      This question seems to be low birthrate promotion, quite biased.


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