Millennials & Generation Z

  1. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 4 months ago
    There are millennial & generation z adults in their 20s, even in their early 30s who are overly coddled & dependent at ages when previous generations at the same age were more independent.   There are millennials & generation z adults who find working a 9-5 job too stressful.  There was a study done that the average millennial & generation z adult are not ready for the workplace.   They also seem to lack simple life skills that the average adult in his/her 20s, particularly in his/her early 30s had even 30 years ago.  Are parents raising overly dependent adults?  What went wrong?

    1. TheShadowSpecter profile image74
      TheShadowSpecterposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      What I find so bizarre about people from these two generations is that now and then, you'll stories about how their parents have confronted their supervisors in the workplace to scold them for being unfair.  I mean, shouldn't people communicate with their own supervisors in the workplace to let them know how they feel rather than letting their parents do it on their behalf?  Before I heard about that, I had never heard of anything so outlandish.

    2. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      Maybe Schools went wrong ... I blame it on whatever is happening with computers in the classroom and the Common Core curriculum, which has been in use since 2012. Also, dependance on public schools creates a downward domino effect as we rely on them to teach and engage our children. We rely on the schools rather than ourselves to teach and motivate them to learn life-skills and even take care of themselves. No one teaches girls to cook, sew or mop and dust. No one teaches boys to rake, take out the trash, help with the yard/lawn. No one inspires them to learn about history or write creatively. No one introduces them to fun crafts or hobbies. And who gives them the freedom to just knock around?

      I heard from a young adult male that none of his guy friends can find a girlfriend who knows how to cook. I pondered why. We talked about it. He asked me if my daughter cooks and if so, did I teach her to cook?
      I said, "No. She was always doing things after school or studying for school." She doesn't cook unless she must.

      Outside of school, kids take ballet, water-polo, gymnastics, cheerleading, martial arts and robotics, etc. Many young boys and girls are on soccer and baseball teams, (some, both in one season.) Here at the local swim stadium there are SO many children taking swim classes and swimming on the swim team ... like hundreds! Dance studios for kids of all ages are also very busy. Not to mention, many, many kids stay after school until five or six in after-school programs because both parents MUST work. When everyone in the family finally comes home they all plop down, exhausted, on their couches or beds and plug into their screens.

      Modern Home life is fractured and probably non-existent. Even on the weekends there is upheaval and agitation because that's when soccer or baseball games must be won. Things have just gotten too busy and fast paced for children who have needs that no one even cares about. They need freedom to just do what they love. This may be watching a butterfly, or tending to gold fish. Not running around here and there buying clothes and accessories or the latest sports shoes which they "MUST have!" Home-life used to foster skills and freedom within the boundaries of parental guidelines and observant watchfulness. Parents in the past knew when to step in and when to step out. They also knew not to talk too much or act in an overly familiar manner with their children. 

      Also, there was peace and calm because parents and teachers had reasonable expectations. Today, achieving high marks has become first and foremost because heaven forbid, if your child doesn't get into college or university! For this reason, children are given Ritalin! For this reason, they are forced, rushed and never given a moment of time to just be human, not part of their I pad or I phone, or whatever.


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