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Sand Fountain, Another Weird Phenomenon

Updated on October 29, 2011

Good morning, everyone. This is the best day, the sun shine brightly. I also felt fresh after taking a bath and I am ready to write special news for you. WOW..WOW..WOW, I thought all you have the same idea after read and watch the video inside this hub. Just to remind us again that I never get bored to write and inform to all of you about weird phenomenon. If you always update my hub, you certainly knew well about “Big Hole in Guatemala, Another Weird Phenomenon”, “Another Big Hole in China (Complete with Sinkhole Theory)”, “Weird Rain Phenomenon in The World”, “Hell Gates in Uzbekistan, Another Phenomenon”, "Update News.Big Hole in Schmalkaden, Germany. Complete With Video”, “Blood falls, Another Weird Natural Phenomenon”. All the hubs told about weird phenomenon. But this time I’ll add once again. That’s make me say "WOW" and I want to say "WOW" again.

By this hub I want to inform about sand fountain. As we know commonly fountain come from the water. You can see the beautiful fountain by reading my hub about “The Most Beautiful Fountain in The World”. But this fountain is really different with other fountain, that’s also made this fountain as the weird phenomenon. I heard that this phenomenon happen in 2008. I don’t know who the first persons who share this news on internet. But at least we knew about another weird phenomenon which happened again in the world. The news about sand fountain quickly spread on the internet and become discussion material around many forums. I know this is old story, but this story also become a hot topic in my country.

Up close and personal with sand fountain

This phenomenon appeared in the Al-Ahsae city, Eastern Saudi Arabia. Weird phenomenon with the height of spurt up to 9 meters. There are many opinions about this phenomenon, many opinion say that this happen because of a gas leak. Then lift up the sand with a powerful spurt, like fountain dance I thought. But this came from the sand. This opinion was taken because the location of this phenomenon near by the oil refinery, as we can see in the video below.

As usual, a phenomenon which appeared in the world caused pros and cons. Many people argue and share their opinion, but it back to us. Let’s see this phenomenon with positive thinking. I put two video below, you can watch and see this correctly. But both videos have the same mission to share this news to the entire the world. The video below said that Armaco geological teams and scientist hurry to deal with this strange phenomenon. But the result is they do not succeed in explaining what happened. And this still become mystery.

The recent news talked about the real thing behind this phenomenon. The explanation for this phenomenon is caused by the explosion of gas pipes in the ground. The pipeline owned by Armaco, Saudi Arabian giant oil company. I also read from one blog, there’s a testimonial from YouTube user with the ID, KSA351 said that this is really caused by the explosion of gas pipe. He said the logical explanation about what happened dealing with this phenomenon.


I just want to inform to you about my biggest interest in weird things, including weird phenomenon. Of course we don’t want such of this thing happen to us. This could be happen anytime and anyplace, like sinkhole, flood, mountain eruption, tsunami, earthquake, tornado, etc

Personally, I don’t know who the right person to reveal this phenomenon. But I do believe that God know this very well. But let’s give chance for the knowledge to reveal this phenomenon.But I want to see this with positive thing, at least we love and care with this earth. I hope you entertained by reading this hub.

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