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The 12 Best War Movies ever!

Updated on February 18, 2015

The brave that stand the tallest, serve us.

What movies qualified for this list?

First, it had to be a war that took place on planet Earth. I apologize to all of you Sci. Fi. fans out there!

These are the movies told from the characters eyes that are heart wrenching, moving and make you proud to live where you do! If you do not feel that way, then you may not like this list.
As a writer, I am committed to writing about what i see as important and how I see it.

I hope you enjoy this and I hope that all of you remember our Vets today! Semper Fi and let us thank them all for their sacrifices!

Those I hated to leave out!

My honorable mentions are :

The Alamo- Wayne was great as always, and the remake was good too.

Full Metal Jacket- R. Lee Emry's breakout performance as everyone's not so favorite drill sergeant.

The Wind Talkers- This was the story of a master plan to wipe out the Japanese Empire. Native Americans spoke in their language and the Japanese could not translate it. This was a fascinating part of out history!
. He actually served in Viet Nam for 14 months!

The great one!

Here are the best of the battles.

12. The Final Countdown-1980. This creative classic got some lousy reviews, but that means little to me. Kirk Douglass, Martin Sheen and Ron O'Neil (Red Dawn) were great in this one. An aircraft carrier hits a time warp and is sent back to 1941. They arrive just before the Pearl Harbor Attack.

11. The Green Berets- because of the political climate, and the fact that john Wayne supported this effort, the critics never warmed up to this. I loved it.

10. Black Hawk Down- The attacks in Somalia were intense, and so was this movie. the acting was outstanding and the action and suspense was unforgettable!

9. Glory- This is the story of the first black regiment in the Civil War. Morgan and Denzel were not as well known then, but were awesome in this!

8. Hurt Locker- Jeremy Renner's breakout blockbuster, was filled with "edge of your seat" moments. This is a must see!

7.Sargent York- Howard Hawks and Gary Cooper tell the story of a poor hillbilly who became a sharpshooter and America's most decorated hero.

6. Platoon- Willem Dafoe, Keith David, Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger, and many others gave their best performances here in a timeless look at the Viet Nam War.

My fierce five!

And now for the boiling controversy! I am sure that some of you will disagree with my top five, but this is a list based on quality and not popularity. Those are two very different things.

5. Apocalypse Now- Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando embark on this weird, and wild war journey. Was Brando bad in anything?

4. Bridge over River Kwi- William Holden was very good in this but Alec Guinness stole the show and won the Oscar for best supporting actor. Then he stole America's heart in Star Wars!

3. Patton- A great general played by George C. Scott, lead his troops through the Germans like crap through a goose.

2. Braveheart- This was Mel Gibson's best by far! Few historic films are produced and carried out this well. Many British actors gave their best ever performance for this, and that is one of the main reasons that it stands out as one of the best ever.

1. Saving Private Ryan- This starts out with the storming of the beach at Normandy. Then, then plot thickens as the mission changes. The cast was excellent and the story was amazing. I was fortunate to see this on the big screen and was blown away by the acting the writing and the directing. The cast was so diverse that I was surprised at how cohesive this effort was!

When you watch these, please join me in remembering those who have fallen and those who have survived.


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