Who do you think has the most recognizable voice in the world?

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  1. Jordan Hemmann profile image61
    Jordan Hemmannposted 13 years ago

    Who do you think has the most recognizable voice in the world?

    Politicians, entertainers, historical figures...

  2. Grant's World profile image81
    Grant's Worldposted 13 years ago

    It's between Darth Vader and James Earl Jones.

    Luke I am your father.

    This is CNN.

    You would almost think they are the same person wink

  3. DPJake profile image60
    DPJakeposted 13 years ago

    Don't forget the AOL "You got mail" guy and that lady that lives inside my GPS! smile

  4. ts.erlandsson profile image61
    ts.erlandssonposted 13 years ago

    Louis Armstrong. He is dead, I know, but you allways recognized his voice when he was singing.

  5. Scott_Grigg profile image38
    Scott_Griggposted 13 years ago

    Oh come on, folks.  I agree, James Earl Jones would be in the top, but think Casey Kasem, the guy who did American Top 40 for years and was the voice in many, many cartoons like the voice of Shaggy in Scooby Doo.

  6. ChibiThea profile image59
    ChibiTheaposted 13 years ago

    Greg Ayres. Only the best voice actor to ever walk the earth.

  7. Jordan Hemmann profile image61
    Jordan Hemmannposted 13 years ago

    These are all such great answers. I think my vote would be a tie between James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman.

    Although, everybody knows Don LaFontaine's voice. You're probably thinking "Who?", but he's the guy who narrated almost all movie trailers. ((let it sink in)) Yep, now you know who I'm talking about. ;-)

  8. kimfaner profile image60
    kimfanerposted 13 years ago

    I think it's our own mom's voice. seriously.

  9. F.B. Spannigan profile image59
    F.B. Spanniganposted 13 years ago


  10. iZeko profile image83
    iZekoposted 13 years ago

    Samuel L. Jackson. His voice is so unique and cool!

  11. Silver Poet profile image70
    Silver Poetposted 13 years ago

    James Stewart.  Who can forget his mellow voice or his trademark stuttering?

  12. enick159 profile image63
    enick159posted 13 years ago

    Morgan Freeman all the way!  If he asked you to do something there is no way you could say no.  His voice just commands so much authority and respect.

  13. earnings33 profile image37
    earnings33posted 13 years ago

    only shakira, coz i love shakira. She has an amazing voice, i love her songs.

  14. Judy HBerg profile image77
    Judy HBergposted 13 years ago

    James Earl Jones is the tops followed by Mickey Mouse.

  15. Jan Fowler profile image59
    Jan Fowlerposted 13 years ago

    James Earl Jones is top. Mel Blanc, the original voice of Warner Bros. Looney Toons is my close second.

  16. mark h. profile image58
    mark h.posted 13 years ago

    The guy that says " Let's Get Ready To Rumble "

  17. allbymyself profile image61
    allbymyselfposted 13 years ago

    Joan Rivers.  Now, her face may change but, that voice.....lol

  18. profile image0
    Butterfly101posted 13 years ago

    I think that girl fran dreshure off of the nanny unless she could clear her voice

  19. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    Sean Connery, I love his voice, not least because I love a Scottish accent, but he is also sex on legs smile

  20. Rayalternately profile image61
    Rayalternatelyposted 13 years ago

    statistically, I guess Michael Jackson's got to be in with a shout on a global scale?


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