What was your most favorite Cartoon show as a child?

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  1. CloudExplorer profile image75
    CloudExplorerposted 13 years ago

    What was your most favorite Cartoon show as a child?

  2. ChilliWilly profile image61
    ChilliWillyposted 13 years ago

    Mine was Donald Duck and Chip&Dale.. Oh good times smile)

  3. Windclimber profile image70
    Windclimberposted 13 years ago

    The Herculoids were fantastic;
    Space Ghost was cool;
    Chip 'n Dale ("We're Chip 'n Dale . . . I'm Chip . . . no, I'M Chip . . .");
    Road Runner;
    The Space Cadets (Kiddettes?) ("I'll boil them in moon oil . . .")
    oh, oh, oh - UNDERDOG ("Soon I'll have all the world's water . . .")
    and ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE ("Nothing up my sleeve . . . pulls out ROARING LION . . .  Hmm, guess I should get a new sleeve . . .")
    and the other little cartoons on their show like George of the Jungle (watch out for that tree!), Commander McBragg, Aesop's Fables, Mr. Peabody and his Way-Back Machine . . .
    And the Wacky Racers ("We'llll nevvverrrrr maaake ittttt . . .")

    Ya, ya, I know - evidence of a childhood well-spent . . .

  4. manu6076 profile image61
    manu6076posted 13 years ago

    Its Donald duck.
    Enjoyed the time with it..

  5. debbie roberts profile image72
    debbie robertsposted 13 years ago

    I remember that watching Willow The wisp was a family occasion in our house. It was only on for about five minutes at the end of the afternoon childrens telly, me and my sister were both teenagers, Mum and Dad would have just got in from work and the antics of Evil Edna always got us debating on just how evil she really was...Good memories...

  6. pzazz-linda profile image60
    pzazz-lindaposted 13 years ago

    The most entertaining and creative cartoon EVER was "One Froggy Evening." Not a single word is spoken throughout the entire script - using only motion and music, the story is told about a singing, dancing frog who's shy in front of a crowd. One on one, he belts out songs like crazy, but when the owner tries to cash in on a singing frog, the frog is eerily silent.

    This cartoon should be seen by every man, woman, and child to learn to express themselves through silence. It is AWESOME!!! And only about three minutes long! I believe it's a Warner Brothers' cartoon but I'm not sure. Anyway, check it out and pass the word.

    As a writer, I am totally intrigued by this silly yet poignant cartoon, and you will be, too.

    Linda Robertson, Clovis CA

  7. jeyaramd profile image62
    jeyaramdposted 13 years ago

    Smurfs. How can you not like little blue creatures living in a forest. There are so many personalities that you will fall in love with. It was great fun back in the day. Would enjoy watching reruns. Also, another personal favorite is the Flintstones. It was great fun as well.

  8. michabelle profile image60
    michabelleposted 13 years ago

    First: Looneytoons: Sylvester and Tweety.   Secondly, I had a fetish for Fractured Fairy Tales, a cartoon that was featured on the Bullwinkle cartoon show. Fractured Fairy Tales was shocking and hilarious because it distorted the old familiar fairy tale stories and changed the endings.  The mystery of how they'd end a familiar tale kept me tuned in to the next cartoon episode.  For a third choice, Bullwinkle's Dudley Dooright was pretty funny, too.

  9. Godzangel profile image59
    Godzangelposted 13 years ago

    Thundercats, Thundercats, Hoooooo!  That would be Lionel from thundercats!

  10. MartyCT profile image60
    MartyCTposted 13 years ago

    Gummy bears was awesome and biker mice from mars!

  11. ishwaryaa22 profile image79
    ishwaryaa22posted 13 years ago

    Tom and Jerry was my most favourite cartoon as a child- i enjoyed their hilarious cat and mouse chase and their funny adventures.

  12. gabrielthomas72 profile image62
    gabrielthomas72posted 13 years ago

    Too many to mention! Battle Of The Planets, Dungeons and Dragons, all the Looney Tunes.....

    From today's I would have to say that I love Spongebob Squarepants, hillarious!


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