What was you favorite childhood idol, as in your favorite children's TV show?

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  1. whittwrites profile image81
    whittwritesposted 12 years ago

    What was you favorite childhood idol, as in your favorite children's TV show?


  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    By far Andy Griffith. I still never get tired of watching the old reruns. I love them because they each teach us some kind of moral lesson.

  3. Cristale profile image74
    Cristaleposted 12 years ago

    Lucy Ricardo or Lucille Ball. She made millions of people laugh, and also inspired other women. Her reruns still play today on television and still make others smile or laugh.

  4. Rod Marsden profile image69
    Rod Marsdenposted 12 years ago

    ZORRO! The fox so cunning and free! I loved movies with sword fighting in them and took immediately to Zorro. Guy Williams was Zorro. Disney tried to make a version of Zorro decades later but it was awful. The actor couldn't fence. Guy Williams knew his stuff.

    Many years after starring in Zorro, Guy Williams took his family to Mexico for a holiday. Well, where ever he went there he was mobbed by kids and also adults wanting his autograph and also wanting to see demonstrations of his swordplay. I think that says it all.

    Another show that rocked my world was Shintaro the Samurai. I wasn't the only one. When the actor Osi Koichi came out to Australia for a live action show of the Samurai fighting the dreaded black ninja he was mobbed by Australian kids wanting to get his autograph. Apparently the actor was shocked and delighted that the show had had such an impact in a country so different from Japan. I wish my parents could have afforded at the time to get me tickets to the live action. Japanese sword techniques are different from European but I enjoyed the difference. I took up fencing for a while at college but I am a bit old and slow for it nowadays.

  5. flashmakeit profile image61
    flashmakeitposted 12 years ago

    Mister Rogers was one of my idols and my favorite show was The Beverly Hillbillies.  Mister Rogers was away so gentle and The Beverly Hillbillies kept me entertained because Jethro sitting in school always made me laugh.

  6. duffsmom profile image62
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I had two.  The first was a local show, I think.  Sheriff John, and it was on at noon. He hosted the show and there were cartoons etc.  Then in the evening as my mom was cooking dinner, Engineer Bill was on. He did the red light, green light thing with milk and you were supposed drink along with him.


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