What do you think of Angelina Jolie's recent decision to have a double mastectom

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  1. Karen Hellier profile image87
    Karen Hellierposted 11 years ago

    What do you think of Angelina Jolie's recent decision to have a double mastectomy?

    If you are a woman and had the same test results, would you have made the same decision? If you're a man, would you want your wife/significant other to do the same?

  2. hawaiianodysseus profile image68
    hawaiianodysseusposted 11 years ago

    First of all, I just want to express my empathy for Ms. Jolie. It must require an exorbitant amount of courage for her to arrive at the decision she did. I believe that her significant other will be very supportive, speaking volumes about who and what this couple is all about.

    Secondly, I don't have any input of substance regarding her decision except to state that I support any individual's free will and inherent right to govern their lives as they deem best AS LONG AS it doesn't infringe on the free will and rights of others.

    Thirdly, I'm just sad that in my lifetime, I may not see a cure for this dreaded disease.

    Finally, to all the brave women who are gallant survivors--my deepest aloha, respect, and primal cheers go out to each and every one of you!

    Thank you, Karen, for posing this challenging question.


    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you about a cure not being found soon and how depressing that is. It's such a terrible disease.

  3. profile image0
    Lybrahposted 11 years ago

    No way.  She's going to die one day anyway...this procedure won't stop that from happening.

  4. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Yes and yes. Her chances of getting this disease were great. I think her being proactive shows a great amount of courage. I'm sure she saved herself many, many more years to spend with her children and all that love and care for her. May God be with her.

    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think she is a very brave person, and a much better role model to the world once she became a mother.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Karen.

  5. Carola Finch profile image89
    Carola Finchposted 11 years ago

    I am a breast cancer survivor and have had a partial mastectomy.  I admire Angelina for her decision, but totally disagree with it.  I am concerned that if Ange goes through with it, she is sending a wrong message - that breast cancer is too hard to bear and not survivable.  I know from my own experience that this is not true.  Yes, the treatments are horrible to go through and hard on the body and the family, but the pain is temporary.  I had a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer, but with current treatments, have an excellent prognosis.  Have been cancer-free for about a year and a half now.  I don't believe in "preventative" breast surgery. Surgery is risky and recovery is tough - believe me, I know!  There are medications Ange can take to reduce the risk.  Also, there is no guarantee that the cancer will not show up somewhere else, such as the lymph nodes in my case.  I am all for treatment, but only when necessary.

    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations on being a breast cancer survivor. From what I have read, she's already had the surgery. I don't know about her ovaries. Maybe they'll come next? I'm shocked about this and don't have an official opinion but I think she's very brave.

  6. rose-the planner profile image59
    rose-the plannerposted 11 years ago

    Hello Karen.  I think that it took Angelina a great deal of courage to do what she did.  I believe more than anything she did it with her children in mind.  She stated that her children asked her if she would die like her mother did and she said that now she can tell her children that she won't die from breast cancer.  That being said the test she took to determine her chances of developing cancer came back 87% positive for breast cancer and 50% for ovarian cancer.  She did not say anything about having a hysterectomy which is strange because her chances of surviving ovarian cancer is far less than surviving breast cancer if caught in time.  The point I want to make is that when there is a strong history of cancer in the family, it doesn't necessarily mean that the cancer will develop in the same place that your family member had it.  I have personally known members of families that developed cancer in various parts of their bodies (breast, throat and thyroid).  So, although I respect her courage, I don't know if it was the best decision. (I believe Christina Applegate and Sharon Osbourne did the same thing).

    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it would be awful if she went through this, and then developed some other form of cancer. I do think she is very brave though, first to do this and then to go public with it. Of course if she didn't, people would find out anyway.

  7. Willow the Wisp profile image67
    Willow the Wispposted 11 years ago

    I think that it is insane. I'm in half a mind as to whether it even happened. NO WAY would I do that, not in a million years.
    I would and do pay most attention to my diet. Cancer thrives in an acid environment, try and keep the body and diet as alkaline as possible and your one step ahead.

    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I often feel that no matter what we do, cancer strikes most people eventually anyway. It's so sad.

  8. ladydeonne profile image68
    ladydeonneposted 11 years ago

    I have the utmost respect and admiration for Angelina's decision.  I'm certain that she and her spouse really agonized, researched, sought counsel, and prayed over how to handle her medical delimma.  Medical Science has progressed so much that we are now able to do genetic analysis and in turn learn what diseases or medical malfunctions we are likely to be stricken with.  Preventive medicine is much better than trying to affect a cure.  An 87% chance of having breast cancer is very high.  Without her natural breast she has a 100% chance of survival. The same is true of ovarian cancer.  Researchers have spent millions and millions of dollars and expended thousands of hours in trying to find a cure for cancer.  This new technology enables us to know what mutated genes lurk in our bodies so that we can live longer and healthier lives.  Heart disease runs rampart in my maternal family.  If I were to be tested and learned that my chances of heart disease or a heart attack were 87%, I would be willing to have a surgery or other procedure if one becomes available to lessen or totally eliminate the chance of my having a heart attack and dying.  To answer your question, I would have the surgery just as Angelina did.  I am heavily into health and fitness.  I am 5'4",and  weigh 115 lbs.  I walk/jog (8) miles per day.  I swim (3) times per week.  I do aerobic dancing (3) times per week in (2) hour segments. I follow a healthy diet.  I eat beef on the average of (2) times per month. I eat mostly veggies, fruits, nuts, fowl and sea food.  Yet, my cholesterol was 300 before I was prescribed Crestor.  My doctor tells that my problem is genetic and that I will in all probability die of heart disease. So,even though we may do all that we can to prevent cancer or any disease, genetics play a huge role in our destiny.  God bless all of the breast cancer survivors out there, we love and are with you.

    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, you certainly are active and take good care of yourself. I am sad for your prognosis. Thank you for your heartfelt comment.

  9. bydojo profile image52
    bydojoposted 11 years ago

    I had 2 cancer scares in 3 years (we had cancer in our family, I expect to fight it one day) and 2 biopsies. If I knew I had the gene and the 'chance' to get the cancer (especially in her case when her mother died of it), I'd remove everything I can to increase my chances of a longer life.

    She already had kids, she's not 20 anymore, so she can clearly go through life with the new breasts, even if they're not 'natural'. There are many women who augment their breast everyday just to be more 'sexy', she's done the work to remove the 'chance' of getting cancer.

    It's a horribly hard decision to take, but I do understand it and hope she'll have a long fulfilling life. Having a wonderful supportive husband surely makes all the difference.

    1. Karen Hellier profile image87
      Karen Hellierposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with everything you said here!


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