10 Quotes Made by children
10 Quotes Made by children
Our children have many great things to tell us, and it all comes straight from their hearts, "unfiltered". I have taken note of the things my children have said over
the years. In this hub I present my 10 favorites. Children ask a great many questions, but they aren’t always easy to answer…...
The quotes in this hub are all made by my children at various ages. I think this is worth sharing because it shows some of how much children reflect on things. It also shows how they come to their own conclusions. Children’s lives are often easy and simple, and their questions can and should give us something to reflect over.
- "If Jesus was born in Christmas and died during Easter, what did he do when it was winter?"
- "Why do that girl show her panties? Can't she afford a skirt?" This was when we saw a band singing on TV where the girl had a very short dress.
- "Mum, why do you have to clean up, it will be all messed up again in an hour." Said by my youngest when she was 6 years old and she did not want me to clean up.
- "If you allow me to go down town with my friends, I promise that I will take my responsibility!" Said by my oldest when at age 10.
- "Working is awesome, you are allowed to paint, to staple and to crawl on the floor." Said my youngest when she was 6 years old after spending a day at my office...
- "Dad always cook food that we don't like, why doesn't he understand that?"
- "Mam can you help me work at my stable when I grow up? I need someone to give lectures to children when they come to ride the horses. I don't know how to do it on my own."
- "When I die, I want to be buried with my cuddly toy."
- "Mum; don't sing in the car when my friends ride with us. It is only when we are alone that I think it sounds funny!"
- "I am going to a fart meeting!"
Give you attention to what your children say
The wonderful things our children say can make a good start for a conversation with him or her. It will give you a unique insight in your children's life and feelings. I recommend you to write down some of the wonderful thoughts they share with you. Else it's easy to forget as time goes by. These small quotes will later be a valuable memory for you and your children,
Do you write down things your children say?
Some more quotes
Do you have some quotes to share?
Maybe you have some wonderful, cute or adorable quotes of your own? Please share them in the comments field. Our children are clever and they speak from the heart. Their thoughts and words don’t pass through the "grown up filter", which is incredibly refreshing. We are able to hear the most fantastic things from our children, so listen to them and enjoy!
Other hubs by Kerlund74 about the life as a parent
- Give your children positive attention -creates good relations
Children do as their parents do, of course. Take a look at yourself and your behavior. Try to give your children attention when they behave good, and also act as a role model in good behavior. - Why do my children always causing trouble when I feel stressed?
Ever heard the quote "children don't do as you say, they do as you do"? So much true in that, read more from my experiences in this matter. Like every great leader, parents are supposed to be a guide! - 10 activities for you and your children on a rainy day
Ever been "stuck" with your children, off from work and school, while the rain didn't stop falling? Bored? Of course there are video games, computers and TV. But what if you should try something else?
© 2014 kerlund74