What is the best way to teach a child the alphabet?

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  1. milleramanda53 profile image78
    milleramanda53posted 11 years ago

    What is the best way to teach a child the alphabet?

  2. Diana Lee profile image78
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    Flash cards with pictures are still a great tool. A for apple, B for ball, etc., etc. and they are not expensive. You can even make your own version of them if you are a little bit crafty.

  3. dghbrh profile image80
    dghbrhposted 11 years ago

    Dear I am not a teacher and for that matter I don like the profession. But being a mother makes you a teacher automatically. I preferred to teach son alphabets by play way in my own way.
    Thanks ....its a nice question.

  4. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    Get the child to sing the alphabet whilst you point out the letters on a chart, Despite what the trendies say, for basics, rote learning wins. Teach the child the code, the names of each letter, and more importantly the sounds of each letter, eg - short 'a', not the long 'A'

  5. Rebecca2904 profile image69
    Rebecca2904posted 11 years ago

    When I was a little girl I had these foam letters that stuck to the side of the bath and my mum would ask me what they were when she was helping me to have a wash. Learning through playing is always the best, as an enthusiastic and willing child is much more likely to absorb information than one who is bored. Another thing that a child I used to look after likes to do is play 'teacher' - she has a little black board and would write things down, asking us if we know what they meant, although it was obvious that we would know and she was the one who was learning.

  6. Annsalo profile image84
    Annsaloposted 11 years ago

    I am working on this now with my 18 month old the same way I did with my older two children. It is a little time consuming but fun. I go around the house and find items that start with each letter of the alphabet. I then line them up across the floor. We sit on the floor and go down the line. I pronounce each item and say for example "A is for Apple" then I pronounce the letter A. I switch out the items every couple of days so that she doesn't only think "A is for Apple". Then I ask her to show me what item matches with the letter I say. It's fun to watch her stare at the items and then run to one and pick it up.

  7. Mlep1989 profile image60
    Mlep1989posted 11 years ago

    I work in a preschool classroom and we do a letter of the week. The children in my classroom are three and they have been doing great with this method. During circle time on monday I will introduce our new letter of the week. I have big foam letters and I will show them the one pertaining to the week. I will say what the letter is  and then have them repeat it. We will then spend a little time on it each day. The second day, we discuss the sound of the letter and words that begin with that letter. The third day we will trace the foam letter with our fingers, I will come up with a simple way for them to remember how to write it. For example; for the letter "A" I had the children say up, down, across. For the letter "B" we said up, around, around. The children will say the words as they are tracing the letter. The fourth day we will write it with a marker/pencil on a big piece of paper. Then on the last day, we review what we had learned. I feel that repetion is a great way to teach something to children and have them remember it. Naturally when teaching a new skill to a child you must look at their age and development level. I hope this answer was useful.

  8. pollobowl profile image70
    pollobowlposted 11 years ago

    My son learned all of his letters on a 13 hour road trip when he was 1 1/2. We bought him one of those children's "laptops" and he nailed it. It was an unintended side effect. I think the key was just repetition and a delivery method that was interesting for him.


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