Can my boyfriend's soon to be ex wife keep the 1 yr old away from him if i am ar

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  1. profile image49
    KryMoore07posted 14 years ago

    Can my boyfriend's soon to be ex wife keep the 1 yr old away from him if i am around?

    she says i am on drugs and am dangerous to the child, but it is exactly the other way around. They are not divorced yet, and no legal seperation, but he left new years day, we started dating at the end of march, it is now mid july.He still pays bills for her and buys the baby everything she needs,since the mother can't afford them due to her addictions.I love the child and she has taken a great liking to me as well. She (the wife) found out we brought her to my niece's 3rd birthday party and threw a fit. Threatens him to not see the child if i am over his house. Can she keep the child from us?

  2. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 14 years ago

    She can not deny HIM access, especially if there is a temporary custody agreement already in place. However, until it goes through court, she is completely within her rights to keep her child away from anyone she feels is dangerous. You have no legal rights in this situation, because you have no legal tie to the child. When it gets to court, though, it could work against her if she can not prove why she has these concerns, and especially so if he can prove her drug use.

  3. profile image49
    KryMoore07posted 14 years ago

    She uses pills and sells drugs. There is definite proof to that. I do not see how she has the right to keep her away from me though....

    Another question. .. are divorce/ parenting classes mandatory in Massachussetts to finalize the divorce?

    thank you for everyone's input

  4. MrsOdie profile image58
    MrsOdieposted 14 years ago

    How long have you been with this man?  Because honey, I mean this with kindness, why not find a man who doesn't have all this DRAMA attached to him?  They're definitely out there.  I have a one year old, and they pretty much like anybody (no offense).  It sounds like this situation is going to bring you nothing but pain.  You can do better.  Find a nice single man with no kids and fall in love.

  5. K9keystrokes profile image82
    K9keystrokesposted 14 years ago

    She has all the rights if she has soul custody. It sounds as if he is paying for the up-keep of the child and thus has the right to see the child as long he continues to go by the rules. If she feels you are not safe for her child to be around you have no rights to challenge her state. Your boyfrind has rights and he needs to DOCUMENT any and all actions that would make him feel like she is not an acceptable gaurdian parent.
    As for you, make sure you know that his heart is with you. This sounds very dramatic and full of angry parents. Not a healthy environment to grow a child in or a new relationship. This kind of emotional situation can foster continued negative interactions for many years to come. She will always be in your life as long as you are with her childs father. Pissed, crazy, intoxicated or otherwise you will be joined at the hip for what could be one crazy ride! Sometimes, you just have to know when to let the bully's on the playground have the court and move on to the monkey bars (or another boyfriend in this case)

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do, because it is all up to you to take care of you.

  6. mattdigiulio profile image76
    mattdigiulioposted 13 years ago

    This sounds like a real situation you have on your hands. If I were in your shoes, I would wait it out, since they are legally still married. There's not much you or he can do until the divorce and terms of visitation are finalized. There's no way of knowing what will happen until then...
    But, if you are a good person and have no addictions or legal troubles yourself you should be fine when that day comes. Otherwise, the mother of the child can only have full custody if your boyfriend the child's father is considered by the court to be unfit. If you are both good people, there's zero chance the child will be kept away from you fully...
    Best, Matt


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